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Garreg Mach

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Brief messages from the world of Atama

Entries in this blog

Breaking Windows and Other News

So I broke a window two nights ago, but nothing really happened except that we now have a window with some holes and a lot of cracks. It was actually an accident and I didn't get in trouble, so hurrah! Something actually went right for me in real life!   Because to be quite honest, 2013 sucks.   2012 was probably the greatest year of my life so far (which isn't saying much because I only remember like ten years or something if that), and it's not just that 2013 can't really measure up, but I du




I had to battle the third boss in Bravely Default with three out of the four party members poisoned for the entire battle (Ringabel was the exception; one of his abilities allows me to remove any status effects on him). I was also stupidly low on health potions, and I couldn't use healing magic because it wasn't helping enough (and I needed the magic to deal big damage to the boss anyways).   That was more than a little nerve-wracking. That said, I still beat him with all four characters alive o



Bravely Default + Bravely Second

I am looking for three members who are fans of the first game / looking forward to the second game to participate in a name change in the next few months.



Bravely Default

Is there anyone else playing this/looking forward to playing it   I just need to wait 7 more days and then I'll have the time I jeed to play it



Bravely Default

It cannot come soon enough I am sorry Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing but you will have to wait because I am needing this game first.    



Boxart of the Day #2

The second box art to be given the honor on this blog is none other than Red vs. Blue: The Recollection Boxset, which gives us a nice feel of tone, action and several characters without feeling cluttered. Click the thumbnail to see more.     As a side note, I was actually going to put Far Cry 3 up here, but I'm not entirely certain that the box art for that is appropriate for BZPower.



Boxart of the Day #1

Been feeling like starting some silly daily blog thing for awhile now, and figured I might as well shove video games and movies in too. That said, the very first box art of the day is...     Mario Party 9. Although a little over saturated, I really enjoy the Super Mario Galaxy style glow everything has, and I also appreciate how many characters they stuffed into it while keeping the box action packed but not cluttered. Good on you, Nintendo. Now give us a boxart this good for the next Smash Br




“I was not expecting for you to actually show up,” Xaeraz said casually, glancing over to the hulking form of the Makuta that had entered the room, the door hissing shut and vanishing out of view as it blended with the wall. “I thought you would remain in hiding... or that perhaps you were already long gone.”   He held an arm in his lap, and blood dripped from the detached limb if he jostled it enough. The limb had a dual purpose; the first was to help him, and the second was to cover up the spe



Blog Theme

Due to the fact that I am no longer a highly respected frog who sets everything imaginable on fire, I was wondering if you all had any ideas for a new blog theme.   'course, I could actually make it into socks too.




I now have it for a year.   So, TvT fans, read this for news and stuff, that way I can keep the topic less cluttered.   ~Agent i~



Black Mesa

Downloading it now. I've never played the original Half-Life, so hopefully this'll be worth it. I hear you only need a Source Engine game to run it?   Or am I gonna be "forced" to go buy Half-Life 2?



Bionifight was on a Podcast, life complete

Not really, but you know, I'll plug the BZPRPG Podcast here for it anyway! =D   The bit regarding Bionifight Infinite is from about 29:20-34:11... and yes, it is pronounced "bi-ah-nee-fight".     You can click the banner below to see the gameplay topic for Bionifight Infinite; I urge you to join! You can... basically do almost anything you want, really.     Until next time, everyone.   (Also read my amiibo epic and rip it apart please)



Bionifight Ultimate: Power Ups

An entirely brand new addition to the series, to help offset the removal of the Round Modifiers and the slimming of character powers are Power Ups. Here are a few just for show;   Health Kit – This power up gives the user 5 health points; useful if you’re in a bit of a snag.   Fire Bomb – This power up gives the user a chance to deal 3 points of damage to a single opponent instantly.   Rhotuka Spinner – This power up allows the user to mutate an opponent for five of the oppponent’s posts into a



Bionifight Ultimate: Game Types

Here to introduce the new "Game Types" to you all, which combine the game types and round modifiers of old, are a couple familiars and one based on another extremely popular BZPower game series!   Free For All – Exactly what it sounds like; this game type pits every player in an enormous fight to the death with no official alliances. The player with the most health remaining at the end of the round wins; in the case of a tie, the number of players KO’d will determine the victor.   Team Battle –



Bionifight Ultimate: FAN CREATED CONTENT

Yes, you read that correctly – fan created content. This series is all about you folks, the players; and what better way to continue that trend (along with expanding and perfecting it) than to introduce this? I had it in a very vague form during Bionifight 4, where I took suggestions for new modifiers, game types, and battle arenas. However, it was rare and never on a larger scale. I’m hoping we can change that.   This is my challenge to you – organise yourselves. Do you have some ideas you’d li



Bionifight Ultimate: Drift Force - All Players

All Players *Round 11 was a draw 1. Ehks (Rounds 1-3, 10-12) 2. Luroka (Rounds 1-13) 3. Voxumo (Rounds 1-9, 13) - 2 Victories [Round 6] (Scythe of Destiny) [Team Round 8] 4. fishers64 (Rounds 1-3, 10-13) - 2 Victories [Team Round 2] [Team Round 11; MVP] (Alpha Sapphire) 5. Blade (Rounds 1-13) - 3 Victories [Team Round 2] [Round 4] (Master Core) [Team Round 5] 6. Dapper (Rounds 1-3) 7. Shadow Blaze (Rounds 1-9) - 1 Victory [Team Round 2] 8. Chro (Rounds 1-13) - 3 Victories [Team Round 5; MVP] (Go



Bionifight Ultimate: Arenas!

1 - Ko-Wahi – A region of snow, where the icy surfaces make maintaining balance difficult and the area is so cold that attacks do half as much damage as usual and each player loses 1 health with each new day. 2 - Coliseum – The default arena with no major modifiers, aside from the floor that can change heights from normal to high and back down even lower.   3 - Archives – A collection of underground caverns and tunnels filled with roaming beasts and enemies, where attacks that are too powerful c



Bionifight Infinite 2

would you play it   vote yes in the comments   ten votes and i'll consider it   update: i've considered it, and will begin working on it. still no promises but we'll see what i can do



Bionifight 5 Release Info

Mark your BZPower community calendar, as September 17th, 2012 is now marked down there as the release date of Bionifight 5. B)   -ibrow



Bionifight 5 Promo

Click the picture to see the big version. Check my gallery to see the banner you can use.



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