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Words we often so desperately want to say, but leave unspoken, for one reason or another, for fears rational and irrational, whether it makes sense or not. 

Entries in this blog


I can't wait for G3, which has been confirmed to be launching next year, in 2028!   Interestingly, there are these six heroes called 'Toa', controlling the elements of: Fire, Air, Jungle, Stone, Ice, and Lightning. Seems that Ice and Water have been combined, as have Stone and Earth. Seems to be the first incarnation of BIONICLE without Makuta, though it would also seem that the Bohrok are the first year bad guys this time around. Or at least, things that look and are functionally very similar



Nuva Masks

Given that I was complaining to someone about how far too many of the later masks in G1 were overspecialised and thus completely useless in most situations (compare that with the original 12 masks), this will probably come off as hypocritical, but as long as people continue to beat the very dead horse that is G1, I might as well propose what the Nuva editions of some of the masks without Nuva forms are. This is in addition to what they do already.   Huna: Conceals user's shadow as well. Rau: All



The Upcoming Day

For the day upon which we act like fools, I propose that we turn the site into a Feudal Empire. I hereby swear fealty to the King of Gamesia & Triviæ, and request vassalisation.




What if telephones could talk to us?   Not through other people's messages, but of their own volition? What if they could plot to make you miss important calls and prevent you from being able to make calls? What if they could play some sort of noise that slowly killed you? What if they could manipulate humans into doing their evil work? What if they could pretend to be other people by splicing together previous calls to create a new, dubious call? What if telephones revolted against humans?   Wh




I wish we could type things in different fonts in search engines. Sometimes I search things and I'm surprised they actually exist. Sometimes I search things and I'm disappointed they don't exist. Sometimes I search things and I end up with completely irrelevant results.   And for some reason, over the past few days, my mind has been wanting me to say 'Telephone' as if it were the pinnacle of all humour. What's so humorous about the word telephone, mind? I'd like to know why I giggle at the word




There was an eclipse today.   It was very eclipse-like.




Why is it such a terrible crime, to exaggerate, that some people want to think there's a connection between G1 and G2?   If they do, let them. It doesn't affect your own thoughts about G2. You can disagree on things, and frankly it's rather silly of people to try and stamp out all who dare to want to think that G1 and G2 are connected in some way.   "Because LEGO said so"?   I didn't know LEGO had a monopoly on creativity or controlled what people wanted to think.   There will always be peopl



BIONICLE Mafia: You Have 24 Hours Blogpost

A post for the YH24H mafia idea, fleshing it out a bit. --- First Revision First off, the game may or may not end up as XXIV. Some may contest that, but I will make a bid for XXIV.   THE GIMMICKTWIST:   The game is over the span of one fictional day, split up into four parts, taking a maximum of NINE rounds. Each of these parts has two rounds, to represent the Morning, the Afternoon, the Evening, and the Night. In addition, the main method of killing is by poison. This means that those targeted



Small Thing

Every time I go to the BZP front page, it says:   Welcome, You Have 24 Hours. You have 0 new messages.   If it wasn't my name, I'd assume BZP was threatening me.   ---   Anyway, I now have the urge to host a boinilces mafia game subtitled "You Have 24 Hours." Like 'BIONICLE MAFIA: You Have 24 Hours', in which you have 24 hours to perform 'night' and 'day' actions taking a maximum of nine rounds, one extra if nobody has won by round eight and then split into four quarters with two round



You Have 24 Hours

Look at the time.   24 hours is up, and a new set of 24 hours begins. A Matoran wanders in, asks a few questions, and then...   You Have 24 Hours.   Don't tell me you don't what the time limit's for - remember when I said 'no exceptions'? I didn't actually mean it. There's always an exception. If someone says no exceptions, you can practically guarantee there's a exception somewhere. Maybe the right circumstances will bring it forward into the light, or perhaps it's hidden away behind a loophole



The Changes Of Names, Part Three: The Part Where People Vote

!!   There were so many good names I can't simply pick one alone. Therefore, it is time to vote. I've made them all commit a crime, and now it's up to you to decide which one gets the punishment of being my name.   A 12 Oz. Bottle Pocket Knife Nail Trimmers Firework Life Size Bill Murray wufwufwufWOOF LEGO General Discussion Games and Trivia In line with your recent interest in clowns Crazy Clown College do i even I'm an Ostrich Zoosmell Pooplord ryuryurtyurtuyrtyurturtruy HORG yes: i had anothe



The Changes of Names Of Name Changes

When I said I already had a name in mind in the preceding entry, I lied. Absolutely terrible, I know.   You now have about 24 hours to suggest a name. Also no guarantee that I'll use it, but I can still take inspiration from it. It shall last for 45 days,   Go wild. It doesn't even have to be a name. If I felt like it, I might even use a name like 'Forums Blogs Gallery Quizzes Raffles Members Calendar Store Tracker Referrals', or 'View New Content', or 'Publish Immediately (Change)', or even



The Changes of Names

In a few days I can change my BZP name.   Suggest me names, please. Maybe 'I LOVE PUNS' or 'Pulse' or 'Pulsating Pulse' or 'Pulsating Cheddar' or 'CHEDDAR FOR FISTS' or 'NAME SUGGESTED BY BZPOWER' THIS IS TOO COMMON, TOO OVERDONE. Besides... I already have a name in mind for once. While we're on names, here's a confession: I don't hate puns.   You know what, comment and I'll give you name based on what first comes into my head after reading your comment. Because nobody said I can't suggest name




What's this about it being the third day of the fourteenth month...? Did eleven months pass in one night? Ignoring wherever those two extra months came from, regardless. Are they leap months?   Are we allowed to add days to the calendar ourselves now, extending the year for everybody? Can we retroactively do that? But if we insert two extra months into 2014, it'll be January today, but January 2015 already happened as did February 2015...   Whatever, merry happy joyous wondrous Ipe day.



The Clown Rap

I once wrote a Clown rap in an attempt to make a rap worse than the Piraka rap.   it was about twice as nonsensical and much worse. I asked Portal.gif, and I recall he said I succeeded in making a pretty bad rap. At the time we had realised just how little sense the Piraka rap's lyrics made, and me, having recently talked about clowns, was spurred into making a clown rap to mock the Piraka rap which kind of failed as it was much worse.   If only I had save it to a file.   If only I could recreat



Okoto thoughts

I'd like to think that some HF sets are among the wildlife of Okoto.   Thornraxx is a species of giant wasp inhabiting the jungle region. The stinger's red for a reason. It kills protectors. It is named so as it eats Thornax, which grow in the Stone and Jungle regions of Okoto.   Pyroxes (Pyroxi? Pyrox? Pyroxodes?) are a type of bovine animal that make their home in the Fire region. They are farmed for their Pyrox eggs and their Pyrox milk by the Fire region villagers. The bulls of the species a



Small Question

Does this text appear to be orange or red? I asked someone elsewhere and they said 'red'... except I kind of perceive this colour as orange? Just asking because I'm confused now.



A Few Years Ago

Remember when, a few years ago, that people were trying to get kinetics to become an element?   This was around the same time PSIONICS became an element. Psionics was made an element, but Kinetics was rejected, under the basis that a 5-year old child would not know what kinetics is, I believe? Despite the fact that a child would likely not know what the word 'Psionics' meant either. Honestly, why use a fancy name if your target audience doesn't know what the fancy name means? It was a silly elem



The Questions

What's the best CCBS set? What's the worst CCBS set? What G1 set displayed the best use of the old BIONICLE system? What G1 set displayed the old BIONICLE system at its worst? Transparent Orange Hau: good or bad? What enemies do you hope the Toa face in 2016? You are tasked with destroying the BIONICLE generation 1 universe in order to make way for generation 2. How do you do this? A volcano on Okoto erupts, covering the half of the island in ash. How does the island change? Ok



The Undead Bonkles

If they continue the undead enemy theme, we might end up with GHOST BONKLES.   You know what that means: Glow-in-the-dark CCBS shells.



The Summer Story

The defeated LoSS splats on the pavement of the Ancient City like a bug, disturbing one particular dead thing. Which conveniently happens to be SKULL GRINDER, THE GRINDER OF MASKS AND FLASKS.   The Toa, all six of them, enter the Ancient City, in search of Ekimu's lifeless body. They heard it has treasure and want it for themselves because Ekimu's worth a lot. However, Skull Grinder's arm bursts through the ground behind them, surprising the six Toa. Then Skull Grinder jumps out evilly, making




Is Takanuva white and gold or If you had to drop one Toa from the current six Toa we have, who would it be? If you had to add ONE and ONLY ONE Toa to G2 from G1, who would it be? If you had to remove an element, which would it be? If you had to add one element that isn't already in G2, which would it be? If you went to sleep and had an island paradise sprout up over your face, how would you react? If you were in charge of Generation 3, what would you do with it? If your mask was ali



What if...

What if the Earth just randomly and suddenly decided the best course of action was to explode without warning?



The Seventh Piraka

Back in 2006 when I was ten years old, it wasn't that long ago I had finally got to see Mask of Light. Which is the first bonkle film, about the search for the seventh Toa, Takanuva, Toa of Light and later Shadow but then just Light again. How the Avohkii transformed Takua into Takanuva stuck with me. So when 2006 rolled around and the Mask of Life was a thing the Piraka were searching for, as were the Toa Inika, I did the thing that seemed logical at the time: I thought that one of the Voya Nui



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