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The Questions



  1. What's the best CCBS set?
  2. What's the worst CCBS set?
  3. What G1 set displayed the best use of the old BIONICLE system?
  4. What G1 set displayed the old BIONICLE system at its worst?
  5. Transparent Orange Hau: good or bad?
  6. What enemies do you hope the Toa face in 2016?
  7. You are tasked with destroying the BIONICLE generation 1 universe in order to make way for generation 2. How do you do this?
  8. A volcano on Okoto erupts, covering the half of the island in ash. How does the island change?
  9. Okoto is not alone: it has a neighbouring landmass of unknown size. What populates this landmass and how hostile is it?
  10. Pit mutagen randomly leaks all over Okoto somehow. What changes
  11. Where did the Toa come from before crash-landing on Okoto from... somewhere?

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1. I want to say Toxic Reapa...so I will. Toxic Reapa.

2. Oh, that's tough. Not really sure. Fire Lord? I think Fire Lord may be it. Maybe.

3. Uhhhh. Hard to say. Like, out of all the sets? I think the 2008 Takanuva was pretty great and used all of its parts effectively. For what that is worth.

4. Anything with a backwards Piraka torso, really.


6. Someone got the idea of clouns into my mind so hey whatever.

7. Nothing. With the joints they were using, the universe was going to crumble by itself in no time.

8. Well, it's. It's half covered in ash, dude.

9. image.php?u=1003836&dateline=1293894535

10. All the jungle villagers suddenly mutate into air villagers. They all commit sudoku in shame.

11. Summer camp.

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1) No opinion

2) No opinion

3) Nocturn

4) No idea

5) Good--I'd say very good except I don't have one.

6) Shapeshifters

7) Get a bunch of Alternate MU robots together in one place then watch the fireworks (and lasers)

8) All the survivors huddle together in one giant city, which is under constant assault by the charred reanimated remains of their unfortunate friends.

9) Shapeshifters and they're very, very hostile.  

10) Everything and everyone forcing the Toa and Protectors to come to grips with their new hideous appearances and learn that it's what's that counts...while their not busy battling the new giant, angry, Skull Spiders.  

11) The home of the Great Beings, who observe the universe and send their legions of Toa wherever they're needed.  Plot twist, the masters were originally bound for another planet.

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1. I can't say much for the new bonkles since I don't have them all yet, but Dragon Bolt is probably the best one released so far.

2. I'm not a fan of Witch Doctor (unpopular opinion) but really any of the 2.0/3.0 heroes were boring.

3. I still really love the titan Toa Mata Nui set. Also Mazeka, because TURRET.

4. Oof... I feel like the Avtoran sort of went in the wrong direction, despite having some interesting parts. A bit unfair since they're impulse sets, but compared the the 2007 Matoran, well. Also Kazi.

5. Goooooood.

6. I wouldn't mind seeing some recycled concepts like Barraki. I'm a sucker for underwater themes.

7. I post on every single forum that anybody who liked the previous story is a terrible person.

8. It doesn't, Ekimu just makes a Mask of Barney and the island is cleaned up in no time.

9. It contains the original Islander population, and they're very hostile which is why Okoto's people moved away from there in the first place.

10. Nothing because G1 stuff has no effect on G2 stuff.

11. Space, duh. Did you even watch the episodes?

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Tony Tiger confirmed Master of (Trans-)Orange Cereal.


6. Someone got the idea of clouns into my mind so hey whatever.

Definitely wasn't me.



Do what?


10. Nothing because G1 stuff has no effect on G2 stuff.

but I saw a vahi in the animations that totally means g1 + g2 are connected and will result in g3

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The first four questions I'm not even going to APPROACH. In either case that's a lot of sets to choose from, and ones that I usually judge by an assortment of different standards depending on size, function, etc.


5. Good, of course.


6. Oh gosh, who knows? Evil elemental spirits (like the ones in the concept art for the BIONICLE PC game) could be cool. Or maybe pirates from beyond Okoto who are also seeking the legendary masks.


7. In the event of a global cataclysm that cannot be averted, the inhabitants of Spherus Magna  to the abandoned Matoran Universe and a brave hero destroys the Kanohi Vahi to rewrite reality and give the people of their universe a second chance. The newly-written reality is the G2 universe, which has some similarities


8. The inhabitants evacuate underground (wow, my stories involve a lot of evacuation). But they find that the native creatures of Okoto's underworld are less-than-friendly...

9. Okoto's neighboring landmass is populated by mechanical, half-beast creatures. They mean no harm to Okoto but do not take kindly to visitors. The people of Okoto have legends about them, who they regard as spirits.


10. It results in the inhabitants of Okoto having their elements tainted with secondary elements (so, say, Tahu might become a Toa of Fire and Earth). This mutation causes Okoto's landscape to become twisted and chaotic, as each region's elements leak into the adjacent regions. The Toa have to seek the legendary Mask of Order to set things right.


11. The Toa came from great elemental cities in the stars.

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6. Oh gosh, who knows? Evil elemental spirits (like the ones in the concept art for the BIONICLE PC game) could be cool. Or maybe pirates from beyond Okoto who are also seeking the legendary masks.


I would be so cool with pirate bonkles


that sounds amazing

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6. Oh gosh, who knows? Evil elemental spirits (like the ones in the concept art for the BIONICLE PC game) could be cool. Or maybe pirates from beyond Okoto who are also seeking the legendary masks.


I would be so cool with pirate bonkles


that sounds amazing


Part of me almost thinks the Piraka were supposed to be pirate-themed, even though that's not the angle the story and marketing went with.


Think about it:


The setting is a deadly tropical island with rumors of a buried treasure. The island's name is Voya Nui, with the connotation of "voyage" emphasizing its remoteness.


A group of gainfully employed bounty hunters desert their loyalties and set off in search of this treasure for personal profit.


Their team name shares first four letters with "Pirate". Note how all subsequent series had relatively obvious derivation for their series names (Igniters, Barracuda, Marine, Phantom, Mist, Gladiator).


The new villains' faces are characterized by angry scowls and molded beards/stubble. They carry the most gun-like weapons the theme had seen up to that point.


They are characterized as ruthless, backstabbing, and self-interested (this flies in the face of the "street gang" characterization employed in the marketing, since loyalty is a value street gangs tend tend to hold dear.


If this was the case, it was definitely not the most obvious villainous theme (and was undercut by the marketing). A new series of pirate-like villains could make that theme a lot more obvious in both the sets and story. But it still seems plausible that this might have been the original intent.

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