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Words we often so desperately want to say, but leave unspoken, for one reason or another, for fears rational and irrational, whether it makes sense or not. 

Entries in this blog


I feel like time has been moving way too fast this year. It felt like only a month ago that it started.   Also, I have no idea what I'm meant to be doing in life. Trying to get a driving license, but that's not going to well as it keeps getting delayed for one reason or another. Also, afraid of the future. Don't like time moving this fast. Want more time, basically. Need to think. Afraid for future of politics of own country. Sort-of-interest in a few other languages but no motivation to attempt



The Legend of the BIONICLE

Gathered friends, listen again to the tale of the BIONICLE, no matter how bored you are, it's the only tale I know.   In the time before time, and also in the time during time, and the time after time, but mostly the time before time for some reason, we're not sure how that works... the Great Spirit was built by the Great Beings, carrying we, the ones called the Matoran, inside his body. We were separate and without purpose, so we invented the three virtues and pretended the Great Spirit illum



Generation 2: Umarak, Onua, Lewa, Terak and Uxar

Got some sets, time for my thoughts.   Umarak: Umarak is tall. Probably the tallest BIONICLE set since Toa Mata Nui. Probably. I'm not actually sure. But he's definitely the tallest in a long while. Bow connects a little weirdly on the right hand, though. Makes it a bit awkward to pose. Also, the trap halves on his shoulders get in the way of 'UNITE' mode with other creatures. (The instructions are calling it 'UNITE' mode, so that's what I'm calling it. Which is disappointing. But then again, Um




There was an eclipse today.   It was very eclipse-like.



Toa Stone

Game idea for G&T, which needs something fresh. Very basic right now, came up with it in sleep. Sort of inspired by Mafia and Technic Coliseum, but not really like them - not round-based, probably real-time instead.   No idea on the amount of players yet, but it's got a few designated things, split into three rounds:   Round One: Survival: One player is Makuta. Their goal is to kill all the Matoran. Another player is a Toa. Their goal is to protect the Matoran. Everyone else is Matoran.




Why is it such a terrible crime, to exaggerate, that some people want to think there's a connection between G1 and G2?   If they do, let them. It doesn't affect your own thoughts about G2. You can disagree on things, and frankly it's rather silly of people to try and stamp out all who dare to want to think that G1 and G2 are connected in some way.   "Because LEGO said so"?   I didn't know LEGO had a monopoly on creativity or controlled what people wanted to think.   There will always be peopl



February Thoughts

The Hordika Neck is definitely the most useful thing to come out of 2005.   I should get that transparent orange Mask of Fire. There's no other way to get it that I know of. With a bonus skull spider and poster too!   Lord of Skull Spiders could be improved so easily if you simply moved the Glatorian necks in the place of the technic beams and then attached the normal CCBS legs to it, placing the original IFB-claw leg-ends on the end of those legs. Not sure about this, but LOSS' function would



Some Stupid Speculation

Here is some absolutely stupid speculation about this year's first wave of sets.   First off, let's start with the Melum speculation. Melum's name is Melum. This is similar to 'Malum', which I think means bad in latin? Additionally, Melum shares the letters 'M', 'E', and 'U' with Metus, a character from 2009. Metus was a traitor. As as result of the above, we can guess that Melum is a bad guy and a traitor, thus explaining why Melum has no trap like the other creatures. Melum is a traitor!



the lore of snart farfle

Snart Farfle is a singular entity. Snart Farfle is also a species Snart Farfle is the last of its species Snart Farfle can become your friend Snart Farfle will become your friend by infiltrating your friend's house and posing as their parents - both of them, at the same time. You will meet up with your friend and they will slowly morph into Snart Farfle Snart Farfle is now your 'friend' Snart Farfle is capable of supersonic speeds Snart Farfle is, contrary to popular belief and a



This Annoys Me So Much

When people use the word "it's" when the word "its" should be there. And vice versa.   "Its" and "It's" are both words, believe it or not.   Example for "It's":   It is alive = It's Alive   It is alive =/= Its Alive   Example for "Its":   The keyboard had a target.   Its target moved. =/= It's target moved. (which would be 'It is target moved', which makes no sense)   "It's chair is comfortable" is incorrect. The correct form would be "Its chair is comfortable."   I hope people understand what



Unorthodox G1-G2 connection hypothesis

Mata Nui (island) was on a planet with very few other islands, and was meant as camouflage.   Okoto was also on a planet with very few other islands.                   Mata Nui (giant robot) crushed Okoto when he crashed into Aqua Magna. Mata Nui (island) took on traits of Okoto in an attempt to blend in.



G&T Contest #2

Ghidora would appreciate it if three more people signed up to END so that it can begin, considering the closing date of the contest.   Pahrak would also appreciate if three more people signed up to the The Great Career Fair.   Three more people - that's it, they just need three more people and their games can get going.



Skull Bonkles Adrenaline Modes and a G1 Image

As we have come to the conclusion that the Skulls do not in fact have adrenaline modes, I'll make some up myself:   Skull Warrior's adrenaline mode is riding its bow like a surfboard   Skull Slicer's adrenaline mode is putting a 6-stud length axle between its arms to allow it to soar majestically like a Potoo to enable it to chase after Lewa   Skull Scorpio turns its stinger into two separate wings, becoming a Skull Hornet instead of a scorpion and thus terrifying us all   Skull Basher remains t



External Links

Click proceed. Nothing happens. Cancel.   Click external link again. Click proceed. Actually works this time for some reason.



Yay again for a week or so? Also forgetfulness and other things.

You know, if it weren't for my BZP name being attached to these entries, I would not have guessed this is my blog. That's right, I forgot stuff about my own temporary blog.   I hardly remember having this up last year, probably due to it also being around the time I had exams so I was probably less focused on remembering this. But now I'm on a long break. Anyway, since last year I've finished secondary school so that's good.



Nuva Masks

Given that I was complaining to someone about how far too many of the later masks in G1 were overspecialised and thus completely useless in most situations (compare that with the original 12 masks), this will probably come off as hypocritical, but as long as people continue to beat the very dead horse that is G1, I might as well propose what the Nuva editions of some of the masks without Nuva forms are. This is in addition to what they do already.   Huna: Conceals user's shadow as well. Rau: All




If my name looks like it's no longer 'You Have 24 Hours', that's because it is no longer 'You Have 24 Hours'. Instead, you now have a heart that is pulsating.   If my name looks stupid, then I apologise on my behalf.




I hate and love sleeping.   Lately, it seems I never sleep when I want to and always sleep when I don't want to.   I hate it when sleeping is unreliable.




Cardiff is closer to me than London is.   I only learnt this recently.



CCBS Pieces and Colours

What's your favourite CCBS 'torso' shell? (2.0, Breakout, Brain Attack, Hulk et cetera) What's your favourite CCBS shell attachment? (Ordeal of Fire Fire piece, round + square breakout attachment pieces, bonkle piston piece et cetera) What;s your favourite CCBS head? (2.0, Brain Attack, Bonkle) What's your favourite CCBS weapon? What's your favourite CCBS miscellaneous piece? (technic beam with ball joint, friction extender, et cetera pieces like that don't fit anywhere else) What rec




Do you ever look in a mirror and go 'Wow, I have a face!'



"Toa Team": The Toa Code

So, one might wonder what prevents players from doing bad stuff in a game concept like 'Toa Team'.   Well, look no further, for there is the Toa Code. Let us not be clear: these are not solid rules. There is no external punishment for breaking them. Internally, though? Well, breaking the Toa Code isn't looked upon kindly...   The Toa Code is a series of principles that every Toa is expected to follow, to secure the trust of Matoran and other well-meaning individuals. This code has been develope




Ever since I acquired Lord of Skull Spiders, my position on functions has been reversing.   I think they're great and would like to see a wider variety of them. This has also made me realise I've probably been a bit harsh on Skull Scorpio, although we'll have to wait and see how well its function works and how many parts it has. Skull Scorpio has got to be one of the most unique sets at its price point in quite a while, IMO. Although I'd agree about the legs, we'll have to wait and see the price



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