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Words we often so desperately want to say, but leave unspoken, for one reason or another, for fears rational and irrational, whether it makes sense or not. 

Entries in this blog

hero factry

we are the fans of hero factory (we cooled things down inside the assembly tower)   we are here(oes)   we are waiting for a child;s toy to return   BING BACK HERON FACTOR   what happened to next and stinger   bonkles, more like BOO-NKLES   tahu will never stand up to furno the fire hero guy with his increble person and iterations   and the new BCBS (bonkle creature building system) sucks i want my stiff limb hero 1.0s back   lord of sucky spiders holds no candles to von nebula and rotary (well d



The complaints about 2015

I've seen a few complaints about how 2015 'isn't BIONICLE', and I just have to wonder...   Who are you to say what is and isn't BIONICLE? If you came in at 2006 - and never experienced 2001-2003 or 2004-2005 - and they happened later on instead - would you say they're 'not BIONICLE' because they have a different feel to them? BIONICLE in 2001 was very different to BIONICLE in 2010. If you took out Tahu, Mata Nui, and Makuta, three names prominent since 2001 out of 2010, would you even be able to



A question/thought

Am I the only one that thinks people are really exaggerating how easily 2015 masks fall of the new head? Seriously, they don't fall off that easily.



Two questions

I'm curious to see what people think: Is it better to stick with a core group of characters (HF) for the entire duration of a theme, or is it better to constantly introduce new characters almost constantly (G1 BIONICLE)? What do you hope G2 BIONICLE does in terms of characters?




THERE ARE ONLY 24 HOURS LEFT TO SIGN UP FOR NINJAGO MAFIA: FEUDAL KINGDOMS.   LAST CHANCES TO SIGN UP. WE DEMAND THAT YOU DO SIGN UP. SEABORGIUM WILL ACCOMMODATE SEVEN MORE PEOPLE IF NEED BE. TELL YOUR FRIENDS. GET THEM TO JOIN. Remember to dispose of them if they refuse and find more agreeable people.   We're not against using bloodshed, you know? By joining, you help delay that bloodshed. We're very nice people when we're not forced to carry out the will of an element on the periodic table. Th




There are already people asking for BIONICLE 2015 sales figures, saying that it's apparently not selling well.   It's not even the end of the first month of 2015, people. Calm down.



So, what if...

What if we swapped the elemental prefixes at the beginning of each Toa's name around?   ORIGINAL NAMES   TAHU KOPAKA GALI POHATU ONUA KOPAKA   Swapping them around, we end up with:   ONUHU POPAKA LEHATU TAWA KOLI GAA




I opened up LDD and proceeded to build this thing I consider a feline. (It lacks a tail but let's go with that it's like Manx cats and just has a really short one.)   Let's say that Stone Villagers tame them sometimes.



2015 speculation

Random speculation that means nothing: All the golden masks are alive. (They're also really condescending.) Skull Spiders take over the minds of the beings they... attach to the faces of. Skull Spiders with tails (the ones with Pohatu/Protector of Stone) are capable of injecting an extremely dangerous venom. All Skull Spiders are immune to extreme temperatures. If a Skull Spider has taken over someone long enough, then their mind ceases to exist and the body becomes an extension of the spide




If Pohatu 2015 edition was really grumbly and angry all the time, then I guess you could say that Pohatu po-hates-u!



BIONICLE 2015 thoughts

Masks are way smaller than I was expecting. Also, what do skull spiders do? Other than make SPIDER NOISES. Tahu has a nice board and according to the packaging his name is Taxy in another language. Pohatu has a nice mask. Reminiscent of both 2001 and 2008 versions. Can not wait to see if this gear piece attachment can be used in other ways, is it compatible with other torsos? So... Who's your fave 2015 Toa?




I now own Tahu, Pohatu, and the Protectors of Stone and Jungle.   Or perhaps I could call them Twohu/2hu and Pohatwo/Poha2?   No, wait. THOSE ARE TERRIBLE NICKNAMES.




I have decided that the promo comics on the new boxes needed a little editing.   I am now going to hide.



2001/2015: A question (Or two.)

If 2015 and 2001 were swapped around in terms of story but not sets, would the people that hate 2015 still hate it?   Just an honest question.   ...and for long-time fans of BIONICLE, from 2001 or so, how similar does 2015 BIONICLE feel to 2001-2003 BIONICLE so far?   Third and final question: where do you want G2 to go from where it currently is? I am going to guess that many people do not want it moving in the same direction G1 did in its later years.




BIONICLE's now available here in the UK! yay BIOLONICALS   Ordered Tahu and Pohatu. Inane thought: Pohatu rearranged is Potahu. This obviously means Pohatu is Tahu.   THOUGHTS BASED ON LOOKING AT IMAGES FOR FIVE SECONDS:   PROTECTOR OF FIRE: Fiery here would be good if it were not for the fact that his limbs, shoulders, and choice of weapons look really stupid.   PROTECTOR OF STONE: Stoney has a really nice spear-gun thing which begs the question: why does it have a gun on it? Nice asymmetry too




BZPower has a TVTropes page.   I'm not kidding, I am really surprised we're apparently notable enough to have one.




The more I look at the protectors of [ELEMENT], the more I like them.   They just look so good for their size. The Protectors of Jungle and Stone especially.



It's That Day People Celebrate

A Merry Happy Joyous Jovial Jolly Cheerful Favourable Pleasing Holiday Occasion to you all, regardless of who, what, where, or when you are.   More specifically, merry christmas since that's what the today is for most people.   ...Well, you know, there's only one week left in the year! 2015. Well. Uh. 2015. It's going to be 2015. 2015! Not sure how I feel about that. 2015 has BIONONICELS and stuff. Not sure what else, it hasn't happened yet. Anyone here been to 2015?



Even More Questions

I have no idea which colour looks better Maybe this will do? A little more orange... no, too orange and too common. Perhaps something more like this? Too easy to mistake for brown. Alternatively, there's this... I think this is too yellow. Yellow isn't exactly a pleasant colour. Yeah, so how about thIIISS NO. TOO EYE-SEARING. Maybe this instead, if it weren't so bright? If it were a bit darker... No, wait. This is where we started. I guess that was pointless. And that's why I use whatever this c



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