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A question/thought



Am I the only one that thinks people are really exaggerating how easily 2015 masks fall of the new head? Seriously, they don't fall off that easily.


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I haven't had any issues. All 5 of the new masks I have connect solidly.


But there could be some QC issues. Lego is usually known for not having those, but things happen.

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I mean... they get knocked off. They're supposed to. But just standing around and average posing/play is not going to dislodge it.
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Exactly, unless you're being really rough with the sets I can't quite see how they'd get knocked off as easily as people claim.

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The way I see it is thus:


Mata's heads didn't move, thus nobody had reason to mess with the head.


Okota heads do move, and thus it seems to come off more easily because we do have reasons to mess with the head.


Ergo, it seems to come off easier, even though it doesn't really. Doesn't help that eyestalks were the normal way to move the head until this point. At least, they were for me. =P

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Yeah, I haven't had any problem with them. Actually, I may have a bit too much fun popping them off. It's a neat function. I like it.


But I mean. It's honestly not difficult at all to not rip them off if you're trying to move the head. Thumb on the front of the mask, two fingers on the back of the head (not the eyestalk)  and....that's it. It's simple, and they're just...masks.


I only have like 4 different masks though, maybe some of the others are looser...?

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They're not particularly loose, but I've had arms/shoulder armor hit them (gear functions, hmm?), and accidentally tripped the mechanism a couple times when posing the head. 


It might be easy to pose the head in a way that it's easy for the arms/shoulder armor to knock it off, but that's set design, not the mask connection. 

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Er... when building Gali I had no idea it was supposed to be like that, so I thought they were sorta loose - but considering the purpose of the mechanism they're actually fairly well-connected IMO?

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