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Entries in this blog

I remember when

You know that notification thing in the top right corner, I remember that no matter what I could always count on something being updated. Seeing that red number always brought some sort joy knowing that I can now see new posts. However, since my three week exile (which I discovered had 113 updates) I've hardly had any updates. I used to be able to go anywhere and return to see 8-14 updates or so and now I'm lucky to get 1. I miss that little red number, now that it's gone BZP seems like a lonely

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I got something new

It's none other than a brand spanking new HP Pavilion dv7 laptop. Now my own computer so yeah no I need to install mircosoft and all that other stuff. First downloads: Blender, Firefox, Celestia, Adobe flash, and now Mircosoft office. Let's see what this badboy can do.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Dear Organization XII members

Congratulations your organization as a whole has made me completely confused as to who's who. The trouble first began when I mistook Squish E. Frog for Dorek and believed he joined me and my fellow bronies only to come to the reality it was Squish E. (I still approve of his About me section) to add insult to injury I later discovered Dorek doesn't have an About me section. More trouble when Grimore asked me about Spec Ops the line (he thought it was bland FPS and I replied it is anything but a b

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Some epic... thing

Seeing as I recently finished Spec Ops (I'm probably going to be constantly mentioning the game) I was inspired to write something similar to it in a sense. What I want to write is a critique or deconstruction of the Order of Mata Nui's ability to not worry about someone judging them for their actions. I also want to make similar to the CIA in that they do things that they think are good but in the end cause more harm. I want to deconstruct their whole "for the good of Mata Nui" attitude, one pr

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

A new theme

My blog is now a Spec Ops: The Line themed blog. Spec Ops The Line is one reason why videogames are an art form. It takes a critical look at games like Modern Warfare and makes you question every action you do in the game. You play as Captain Walker (voiced by Nolan North what hasn't voiced in) a Delta Force member along with Lt. Adams and Sgt. Lugo who search the ruins of Dubai to Joesph Konrad and survivors. They start as the standard shooter arch types but over time they develope into more an

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Halo Reach is addictive

So I got Halo Reach and I have a hard time stopping to play Spec Ops: The Line. Maybe it's because I like how I made Noble Six (I love Female Noble Six's voice). I want to buy Minecraft for my brother and play Spec Ops but my addiction to Halo Reach prevents me from doing either.   Play time: three to five hours maybe XB.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

200 posts!

So I've reached 200 posts at last. Here's what happened:   1. I reached 200 posts YAY! !!!! !!!   2. Removed. Please do not link to sites with forums.-Nukaya   3. That's just sad man.     The correct number two. 2. Wait a minute

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

A Few Changes

Well aside form the blog name, I've also changed my avatar to Princess Celestia! Why well I promised Sumiki I'd change my name with her as my witness so now she is my witness. I don't what else I'll change blog wise, but there could be some changes. Also never write in white text when in editing mode.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Justin Bieber Pulled Over For Speeding In L.a.

I kid you not. What is this I don't even Aww look at that, he's already joining the ranks of other stars who've gotten arrested. Second if you don't want the paparazzi to chase maybe you should not drive something that isn't so conspicuous, lucky for him the paparazzi are also getting charged with hounding the guy (they deserve it). Third Don't start flaming over Bieber please let's keep this civil and only discuss the fact he got arrested. Some of you will shout HOORAY!!! Others will read with

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Do I Have Anything To Say Here?

So recently it seems I've been hit with writer's block, specifically I can't think of a blog entry I'd want to post. I mean, I wanted to post an entry about some of the things I learned about Arabic but got sidetracked with confirming what I had found. I also wanted post an entry about how the acronym thing now has dots under any word with acronyms has foiled my plan of using the acronym to plant subliminal messages and rule the world. However I just decided the time to complain about that is go

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Who's Awesome?

Sumiki is! Yes I have changed my name for him (don't worry Xaeraz Eye Beam Lasers will be next, this I swear!). I wanted to change it for his birthday but why wait, which reminds me I'm making him a birthday topic. So yeah I'll miss Scanty Demon (I will return to being Scanty Demon eventually). Now I told him "with Celestia as my witness" I'll change my name, so I wanted to have a Celestia av but I remembered I wanted an av with Sumiki's head/mask photoshopped onto the head of superman flying. W

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Blender In A Nutshell

So. Much. Stuff. To. Learn. CURSE YOU PIXAR AND DREAMWORKS!! You make it look so easy! Now if you excuse me I have to figure out blender and and find pictures of ponies to post on my blog.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Time Is Ticking For My Writing Contest/challenge!

Attention due to my insecurity the time limit has been altered see below for more details.   So there you are watching your favorite television show, the hero is about to strike a fatal blow to evil (yet slightly sympathetic) dark wizard. The good wizard readies his wand and......everyone starts dancing? WHAT!!!!! Well maybe they'll what that's it? What the CEE JUST HAPPENED? Ladies and gentlemen the Gainax ending an ending purposely made to make little to no sense (some endings you have to thin

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Hunger Games Oh Hunger Games

Okay so in light of the movie The Hunger Games has gain some hype. However there was some hype backlash, strange thing I remember the series was praised. If that didn't make any sense here's the question what makes the Hunger Games good and/or bad? If you what pm me because your reasons will take up too much space that's fine. Personally I didn't read the books but I found the movie gripping and entertaining but it wasn't the next Harry Potter or The Avengers (Captain America is best Avenger) wh

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

This Maybe Shouldn't Get To Me

In the popular game topic called "Describe the avatar of the person above" I've noticed a trend where people simply do: A le-Matoran. I really don't like it when people do that, I mean maybe I'm just used to people having a jokey response or maybe I'm way to sensitive but I don't think you should just post a generic response in the topic. What sounds better this: "A freak" (seriously someone actually described my avatar with those words and only those words) or this: "Sure that girl looks nice,

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Wait Where'd That Entry Go?

I've come across this a few times, so I comment on a blog entry all fine and dandy. The next day the entry is gone without a trace like that episode of the Twilight Zone where those astronauts came back to earth and one by one they disappeared vanishing from existence (poor astronauts). So this kinda catches me off guard a lot and makes me very confused. Am I alone in that regard?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Max Payne 3

Oh Max Payne 3, I remember when everyone said you'd suck. Now you've finally come out and now everyone says your great and live up to the original. Also I want to buy you   In other news I hope Tufi updates her blog (show up on BZP), I loved her "My Bionicle Romance" entry

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

The "what The Karz Did I Just Read" Entry List

Welcome writers and germs to Scanty's first writing challenge. As you can tell I might have little to no clue as to what I'm doing so just bear with me here. The contest/challenge starts Tuesday May 22nd (today) and ends July 18th at 11:59:59 pm. This is the entry list, please follow the example:   Please note: if I do not put your story on the list even though you have clearly commented here let me know and I'll fix it. If for some reason I can't be reached your comment (as long as it followed

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

My Name Change

My chance to change my name is overdue, however lucky for me I have my next name picked out Eye Beam Lasers. Unfortunately the combination of me getting attached to my current name, dotcom changing his name to Scanty arch nemesis Panty Anarchy (we really need to have some sort battle or something), and my promise to Sumiki to change my name to Sumiki is awesome for his birthday have caused a delay. One thing I could is "Eye Beam Lasers (Scanty Demon)" though that might be over the character limi

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

We're Back Without The Blogs Button

So BZP is back and looking new except for one thing, where is the "blogs" button? Did they forget to add it or was removed? All I want to know is why is there no "Blogs" button anymore.   Might as well enjoy BZP is back so let's do that. YAY! BZP is back! YAY!

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Oh Why!

Oh why did I think clicking the "Mark all as read" button would be a good idea? Why?!   Also only recently noticed I had a mask of light two year spinny. Other than that......oh god why is there a non spinny copper mask next to my proto bar?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Not This Again

From the other Bionicle wiki talking about the pony........fad.   Right because we total don't have genuine interest and just want have avatars of ponies and signatures of ponies because we can. Oh don't forget bronies are just people who post pictures of ponies everywhere and not fans. This is why I prefer BS01.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Ello Chaps

Good day govenar, it has come to my attention that a few people seem to think I'm English because of me accent. That's hogwash, I mean really I don't see any reason for them to think me an Englishman. Sure I may sound like an englishman but that doesn't mean I'm from Britain. Really I wish I knew how they got that bloody idea in their heads. That ludicrous thought bugs me from the time I wake and sport a pair of trousers to night when I enter me flat. I'm still trying to figure out, maybe one of

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

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