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Oh Harry Potter Fandom

Looking around the web (and procrastinating on the LMBs that may be a while or I might make it a contest) I've noticed the Harry Potter fandom has a very vocal minority of crazed shipping fan girls. Now I'm not saying a fandom with girls is a bad thing (it is a very good thing) but when the vocal part is a bunch OTP obsessed fan girls then it is a problem. Seriously the rage, shipping wars, and little fandom controversies then that it gets so frustrating to see these kinds things. Not every girl

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Samurai Champloo Anyone?

Okay ever since I started watching Cowboy Bebop I decided to look into some more. Low and behold I find about the guy who made it. I eventaully found he did another (if historically inaccurate) series called Samurai Champloo, my question is has anyone seen it? Can anybody tell me more about I already know the basics about anymore I need to know?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


Okay the title is a bit misleading but I still got over a hundred comments on my humble blog. The BZPer who gave me 100 comments was Chols with this comment: Chols, Feb 19 2012 07:07 PM That and I finally got a blog entry to have more than 10 comments. Thank you all who have commented on my blog and brought it from 1 comment to 111* comments.   *= More people will comment eventually so this number will change.   Also I'm doing this because I missed my 100th post special.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

What The Lego Message Boards Need.

BZP style moderation. Seriously half of the topics on the boards would not last a day on BZP ("if you met a makuta", "story contest 2"(that is not an actual contest), et cetera). Admittedly LMBs are aimed at a younger audience, perhaps younger than BZP's, so that could explain some of the comments. Plus with BZP style moderation, the LMBs would be way more tolerable.   In other news I'm considering doing a "Top Ten list of greatest quotes from the LMBs" and maybe having a Trixie and Twilight tra

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

What Attracts People To Comment On Blogs?

A lot of first time blog creators have asked themselves this. Why won't people comment on their blogs? This question I'm asking you, what do you think makes people come to a blog and think Hey I gonna comment on this?   And no comments on my new blog theme thing?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

New Blog Theme

After days and hours of deliberation, decided to rename my blog in honor of "Cowboy Bebop at his computer" since I think I can say I'm a fan of Cowboy bebop. Admittedly not much has changed really, except I got rid of the Trixie pictures and added a error 401 block. Now I must wait for a blog approval.   If anyone asks, yes I know the protagonist is not named cowboy bebop but named Spike. Do he and MLPFiM spike have anything in common?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Am Offended By This!

I am offended by this! Well I decided to go back to the Lego message boards and check out their bring back bionicle petition. It looks like it had success and then I read this:  [insert random bouts of rage in French] I can't speak French (wish I did) but how dare he use the French revolution like that. For one thing the French revolution was not pretty, put France in a state of turmoil for a while and resulted in the execution of King Louis XVI (that probably won't be good for the Lego CEO). Be

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Important News Flash!

The capital of Missouri is Kansas City!   I also found out that members get shipped in the blogs. I have a bad feeling that if I get shipped it will be with someone I'd hate. In the mean just ship me with someone who has a Twilight avatar or something like. Do I even have a ship?   Also I found it funny that BZP came up in the wet mane search results, those pictures bring some horrible memories.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Don't Get Shipping

Shipping, the thing that some people take way too seriously. I don't know why they take it so serious but at times looks silly. From what I read Avatar had it badly, shipping wars and one ship becomes canon that's when it gets ugly. Harry Potter also had it bad, I believe the Hermonie/Harry are still clinging to hope. Don't get me started on Draco/Hermonie. I'm writing this because shippers will hate a character for destroying their "one true pairing" I was shocked when I read that. I find amazi

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Who You Really Need To Fear.

There has been a lot of talk about around BZP about how the staff are evil but they are really our last line of defense against Premier Outstanding BZP citizens. POBZPCs trick news into thinking they are staff and convince the newbs into believing anything. From there they use their brainwashed newbs into forming an army and use to take over BZP and turn it into....... a Muppets forum.   Why are POBZPs bad? Well we report offenses on the forum, report news stories, donate money, and help the new

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Re: Discussion The Future Of Bzpower

Well what started out as a topic for discussing the future of BZP, is now the topic where people are defending the staff from untrue accusations. Personally BZP is going to be here for a while how long I don't know. That's all I have to say it's a shame the topic isn't as active as it used to be but hey it's still active.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Yu Gi Oh The Abridged Series

Well I just started watching it and I must say it's hilarious. It pretty nailed the reasons why I dislike animes based on card games and stuff like that. I like Tristen because he is really funny and has Barney as a voice. Yami is a good character too mainly because he's an only sane man. Now if I was as a funny as them. In the mean time I'll be using the Pony generator to have rule 63 fun, my OC 63d is done who's next?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Really Got To Update This More

Well, title pretty much says it all. So I saw Waffles little contest thingy don't if I'll be entering it. Anyway as everyone has already pointed out it's Feburary. Here the temperature won't go over the 50s and 60s. Which means its the month of my least favorite holiday: Valentime's Day. I really never got into it after 7th grade, because I don't plan on dating til college. That I never got a Valentime's day card after High school. For today seeing as every male in charge of that big pony blog b

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Love The Lego Message Boards

Today I read a blog entry about the LMBs by Allegretto and in the comments I found someone posted a comment that had a quote from the boards. It was something like "May Space Bionicles live forever in our hearts" (if anyone knows the quote tell me), after that I decided to go there and look for something like that. After I got over the nostalgia rush I checked their Bionicle forum (specifically a petition to bring back Bionicle). That's where I found this gem of a quote: Naturally I posted it on

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Mystery Science Theater 3000

Does anyone on BZP watch it, I seriously love that show. I haven't watched it in a while but it was funny. For those who don't know, MST3K follows the adventes of Joel Robinson (played by the creator Joel Hodgson) and his robot friends Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot as they are forced to watch bad movies on their bone shaped spaceship The Satillete of Love. The evil Dr. Forrester and his assisstant TV Frank (who had a nasty habit of dying) watch the gang in hopes of breaking them. Joel eventually s

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

A New Rpg

Well just saw the new and improved Pony RPG posted in the COT RPG request topic. Hopefully it will be approved and I will RPG for the first time. Although I wondering if I can still join Techna (Legolover-361 told me it would be best if I joined at least two weeks in) those midterms kept me though. Suffice to say I hope I join in this pony RPG, how many others will join is anyone's guess.   In other news I was playing Batman Arkham City and this weird (or stupid) idea popped into my head. An Ar

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Helping A Staff Member.

That's right folks if you feel the staff are anything like what Gata described send him an anonymous email.   Brought to you by the Discussion: The Future of BZPower topic posted by Gata.[/TV announcer]

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Mare Do Well: Ponyville Asylum

I gotta say after playing Batman Arkham City, Mare do Well starting to grow on me. Sadly I haven't found a Batman AC MLPFiM crossover. Regardless Mare do well is awesome even if the episode divided fans. Although I am currently fighting my self over whether to change my avatar. (So many cool potential avatars, but in the end I can only choose one). This picture pretty much sums my fight pretty well. But I think I found a picture that might work with a little bit of editing of course.     Note:

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

War Horse

I must say War Horse was of the most depressing movies I've ever seen. I don't want to spoil the movie, but a lot of main characters died and these characters weren't like redshirt army soldiers. Oh no you connected to them in their moments of screen time. I'm not War Horse was a bad movie far from it. The redeeming moment of the movie was the end I almost started crying (which a movie hasn't made me do since Toy Story 3). It did have its funny moments one scene involves two soldiers (one Englis

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Pick a troll any troll

If I were to write a homestuck fanfiction where all the trolls ended up on different planets, who be the best troll to land in Texas for comedy?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

A New Year And Rpg Problems

Well I'm a bit late but either way Happy New year everyone. 2012 is the last year we'll have dates like 12/12/12 or 11/11/11. 2012 is here and the world hasn't ended yet.   I also saw the RPG winners and well I can't decide which to choose. Dreamland and Techna seem cool, I might have to read Epoch of Despair a little more before I consider joining. Any suggestions? Please should I join an RPG it will be my first.   One last note changed my avatar, it's still Trixie but a different one.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Avatar Woes

Well the holiday season is almost over and I have a tiny problem. Should I go back to my old Trixie avatar or a new avatar? I like Trixie (but Twilight is still better regardless) however the dragons from Skyrim look awesome. So now I'm at an impass Trixie or Skyrim Dragons so hard to choose.   Also just yesterday renewed my premier status. I love my blog too much to lose it now.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

What Has 2011 Given Bzp And/or The Bionicle Community?

Seeing as my last blog entry failed to get any comments, I'm going to try again to get comments. My question to you is pretty much the title. What has happened in 2011 that has impacted BZP and/or the Bionicle community?   My response would be we got the Orde controversy, an increase in pony activity, the second dataclysm, and Greg not appearing on BZP. What are your responses?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Minecraft Hates Me And Other Thoughts

First shameless advertising is shameless written by Jowm Scars of War is a good read if a bit long.   Anyway back to our feature presentation, so yes Minecraft sorta hates me. Why, well it all began when my brother downloaded player commands. We eventually discovered this command: //sphere (material) (diameter)* The result is a sphere thing made of anything.   So one day I thought "why not do a TNT sphere?" and my brother agreed. So I typed in: //sphere TNT 10 Yeah not a good idea. It took me

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Taming A, Oh Forget It.

So I was walking one day and I came across a Creeper. It looked lost (okay it had the same expression) it looked lost so I decided to help it. Unfortunatly I sorta forgot that Creepers like to blow up on people and let's just say I learned a valuable lesson. Don't talk to strangers.   To sum it up: Lost Creeper+Me wanting to help=KABOOM!!!   I lost a tooth, broke my arm and leg, have a ringing in one of my ears, and I became a cyclops.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

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