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I just bloody voted

Okay not exactly right now (see my twitter feed for when) but yeah I voted. Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan were my selections. So yeah I voted for R&R, yet we're still in the dark as to who will lead.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I hate this

When you computer stops downloading a program because there is "another installation in progress" yet doesn't tell you what said installation is. Drives me to near insanity.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Hate That

The color that indicates a member is a POBZPC better known as orange or copper/bronze orange. I mean I don't really like orange plus it looks like copper some times. Now I don't know what color I'd want to change it to admittedly but I'm thinking a type of blue, purple, yellow, or something that isn't orange. Maybe turquoise, indigo, lavender, or even a shade of azure. Any thoughts?   In other news should I hold a contest to see who can find the noobiest quote on the LMBs?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I got something new

It's none other than a brand spanking new HP Pavilion dv7 laptop. Now my own computer so yeah no I need to install mircosoft and all that other stuff. First downloads: Blender, Firefox, Celestia, Adobe flash, and now Mircosoft office. Let's see what this badboy can do.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I got a problem

And that problem is overthinking things. Overthinking little things that you really shouldn't overthink. I need help y'all.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Find Mnog And I Really Hate Ga-Koro

Okay today I was board so I decided to look for the old MNOG and play it (didn't expect to find anything). Low and behold I find the game and I can play it! So I'm on the island and looking around then I discover Macku (or Maku), she asks me to help and I do. I (invisibly) ride the boat to Ga-koro and run into an obstacle, the rock gate. That weight thing got on my nerves not to mention it almost reset the game. Well I reset the game and try again (after I see Tahu's face turn which the first ti

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Feel Odd

In the midst of all the staff name changes, I've come to notice something. Just about everyone who has changed their name has some added irony to it because they are their fear or joke about it. Then there's my name, Nyctophobia (the fear of darkness), what makes mine different you ask? For starters I wish I picked Atychiphobia the fear of failure (of course I'd be swarming with "you failed x" comments XP) and I actually may have a mild case of my phobia. Seriously I get really paranoid at night

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I entered S&T#7

Hunter's Folly   Starring Gorast! Also note the last part was rushed so I expect a lot of criticism at that part in particular. Enjoy and review it.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I don't get this

This concern over whether the fan base is happy/positive or not. I never understood this. Maybe I'm just not deeply involved fandoms but I don't see why I should care. Why does it really matter if a fan base is happy or not?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Don't Get Shipping

Shipping, the thing that some people take way too seriously. I don't know why they take it so serious but at times looks silly. From what I read Avatar had it badly, shipping wars and one ship becomes canon that's when it gets ugly. Harry Potter also had it bad, I believe the Hermonie/Harry are still clinging to hope. Don't get me started on Draco/Hermonie. I'm writing this because shippers will hate a character for destroying their "one true pairing" I was shocked when I read that. I find amazi

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I discovered Red Letter Media

I cannot recommend Mr. Plinkett's Star Wars reviews enough go watch them. They're funny and good and just go watch them.   Also apparently became obsessed with STLAKER Call of Pripyat for some reason, maybe it's because it's the closest I'll get to Dark Souls.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Am Offended By This!

I am offended by this! Well I decided to go back to the Lego message boards and check out their bring back bionicle petition. It looks like it had success and then I read this:  [insert random bouts of rage in French] I can't speak French (wish I did) but how dare he use the French revolution like that. For one thing the French revolution was not pretty, put France in a state of turmoil for a while and resulted in the execution of King Louis XVI (that probably won't be good for the Lego CEO). Be

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Hunger Games Oh Hunger Games

Okay so in light of the movie The Hunger Games has gain some hype. However there was some hype backlash, strange thing I remember the series was praised. If that didn't make any sense here's the question what makes the Hunger Games good and/or bad? If you what pm me because your reasons will take up too much space that's fine. Personally I didn't read the books but I found the movie gripping and entertaining but it wasn't the next Harry Potter or The Avengers (Captain America is best Avenger) wh

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

How many know this?

Since the stafff have fallen to the effects of crazystuffinium, I've established the BZP Cheka to counter this problem. However a problem has come up how many of you know who Mr. Dzerzhinsky is or what he did? Tell what makes me so special in history that has made me famous. Now I must coordinate my field operatives removing crazystuffinium is hard work.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

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