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I Lied

This could probably represent me, too.   - Vorex

a goose

a goose

I Know Who You Are

I bet you thought voting for the Kirse, Fatal Error and Aloft was really funny. Well, guess what? It was. But it doesn't take away from the fact that your vote did absolutely nothing. And you actually voted for those three because you knew that. AND YOU FIND ALL OF THIS ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. I'm watching you...   - Vorex

a goose

a goose

I Know How Sherlock Did It

Okay, I watched the Sherlock finale a day late. Shoot me. I only just saw the end, but I know how he did it. I'll put it in spoiler tags:     Feel free to comment on my genius. I didn't look this up, I'm only finished watching it.   - PtVM

a goose

a goose

I Just Remembered Something.

I was looking over the Kopaka Nuva Phantoka review to figure out what white pieces I had for an MOC I'm working on (more on that later), and I remembered something. There was a line that said:   Now, this reminded me of something that happened quite a while ago; I don't suppose you remember the strange plastic that was used for Tahu Stars' Hau? Well, I left it under a lamp... And the rest is pretty much obvious. What did it do but go off and melt. There's a sad memory.

a goose

a goose

I Have A Lot To Say...

Well, first, I went to the zoo today. Expect photos at some point.   Second, I had an argument with my (idiotic) friend the other day. He was CONVINCED that Rainbow Dash was the best pony. Not so, said I, 'tis Derpy. The argument went on for AGES, and neither of us has emerged victorious as of yet.   The caption contest was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, but it should be back this week.   My new epic, Dark Mirror: Part I has begun.   I am bored.   - Paradoxophobia   Oh yeah, and it's

a goose

a goose

I Hate You (But Not Really)

You actually had me going there when you said you hadn't actually joined. Almost. And I knew you were lying when you said you hadn't played Pac-Man. Also, I don't care if it's a ghost, I will continue to call it a Pac-Man.   - Vorex   PS: This may make very little sense to anyone other than Stormy, but you should be able to get the gist of it. XP

a goose

a goose

I Guess I've Done Okay In School...

I've gotten most of my results. They aren't my best, but I suppose they're okay:   French: 91% English: 86% Special Music: 85% History: 85% Technology: 84% Science: 83% Geography: 82%   - Vorex

a goose

a goose

I Feel Like An Attention-Seeker

So, this probably won't get noticed, and if this were on any other topic I'd follow that up with 'but I don't really care'. Honestly though, I do, and I am deeply ashamed of that. For whatever reason, I have always wanted people to pay attention to me. And not like your usual acknowledging someone exists kind of attention - I want people to be interested in the things I do, even when the things I do aren't interesting. I've been trying to tone this element of my personality down, but it's still

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a goose

I Don't Even

I find myself feeling inferior because I just found someone more obsessed with one of my obsessions than me. What is the world coming to.   - Vorex

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a goose

I Broke BZP

So I tried to make a post that was over 5,600 words long, and this happened:     Take note, guys: BZP does not like long posts.   - Vorex

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a goose

I am the Walrus

I also have one of the least useful talents, ever. If I like a girl, she will turn out to have a boyfriend. Without a doubt. True story.   - Austin Powers

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a goose

I Am In A Bad Mood

This is an FYI. I am running on an unusually short fuse today, due to real-life events which have seriously irritated me. Although I wrote out a draft documenting the events, I had to use the '' emote so many times that it didn't seem worth bothering. Some of you (the staff of Kirse) will be able to bear witness to my current state. So, for the time being, do your very best not to annoy me and at the very least try to be understanding, or just say nothing. (So, Guurahk, today would NOT BE A GOOD

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a goose

I Am Dave Preview: Voice

Y'know how nice I am?   I made a preview of the voices for I am Dave. I've uploaded it to Vimeo, now I just have to wait until I can embed it. (Be warned: It doesn't have very good animation. Remember, it's the voices I'm giving y'all a preview of)   Next blog post will have it embedded. I know, I'm a great person. *Tomato hits face* Oi! Watch it, you! :angry:   - Paradoxophobia

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a goose

Hey, Pokémon Players

hey anyone want a shiny Throh   because i have one but don't know how much i want it and was wondering if other peeps were interested   - Indigo Individual

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a goose

Gtg, But Not Quite Yet...

I'm heading to Donegal next week. It'll be from next Thursday to the monday after that. Don't expect me to be posting.   - Vorex

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a goose

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