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I Feel Like An Attention-Seeker

a goose


So, this probably won't get noticed, and if this were on any other topic I'd follow that up with 'but I don't really care'. Honestly though, I do, and I am deeply ashamed of that.

For whatever reason, I have always wanted people to pay attention to me. And not like your usual acknowledging someone exists kind of attention - I want people to be interested in the things I do, even when the things I do aren't interesting. I've been trying to tone this element of my personality down, but it's still there, just hanging around telling me that I should do stuff to make people notice me. Worse again, since I feel an inclination toward doing weird stuff anyway, I'm never sure even within myself if I'm doing something because I want to do it or because I want attention.

I want other people to pay attention to me. I want other people to like me and to shower me with praise. I have a lot of problems with paranoia as soon as I get this attention, though, and unfortunately they end up being right often enough to make me scared of attention. I don't know why I'm simultaneously scared of attention and really want it. I'm scared of being around people and scared of being alone, as well. I'm not great with the whole consistency gig.


Since being attention-seeking is not a particularly nice trait, I'm always trying to disguise it when it comes up. But I do feel the need to show off. I could easily just write in my own time, show a friend or two, feel a little proud of myself. Instead I write on a website, put banners and links in my signature, post links on my blog, ask all my friends to read it, and I always showcase it as 'look at this cool thing I made' rather than its actual meaning of 'look how cool I am, please pay attention to me'. Even the people who I already know care about me regardless are affected by this. I need to show off, I need to be different. Any time social interactions are going on, I have to be the strangest person in the room, because that's how you get people's attention, the attention that I crave and am terrified of. And, in all honesty, I'm making this blog entry so people will pay attention to it and pay attention to me, and I don't know to what degree that makes me a horrible person. And that last sentence was deliberately structured to get people's pity up so that they would pay attention to me and tell me I'm not an awful human being, and no matter how hard I try to stop I just keep doing the things that I think will make people look at me. I can't give a proper ending to this blog entry, since it's just me ranting about myself. I'm an attention-seeker who is terrified of attention, and overall just pretty great at life.

(as a general rule, though, I do not lie in order to get other people's attention. There are lines)


- Indigo Individual


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Those lines are good lines to have. If you don't lie and you don't do anything unwise or hurtful, and if you enjoy what you do anyway, then it sounds like you're not doing anything wrong. If you feel a need to change your attitudes, then do, and your security will be the better for it. But you sound pretty great to me.

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You're definitely not alone in that regard, trust me. I can relate to this all too well, and I'm pretty confident that a lot of other people can, too. It's not easy trying to deal with something like that when you're aware of what you're doing, and sometimes it's even harder to acknowledge it in the first place. (I know I definitely am not at a level where I can actively aim at fixing my many many problematic characteristics yet) So, really props to you for facing this and working to do something about it--I wish you luck.

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I will try to be witty in this blog post.


Wait what if my lame sense of humor actually makes them hate me and they start up an anti-me club and I actually end up being banned from the internet.


Okay, that's a bit extreme, but I always worry that someday someone will pop up and say "You're doing it wrong" and my pathetic stabs at popularity will be my downfall. But that's crazy. I always pictured my downfall to involve far more giraffes.

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There's nothing wrong with wanting to impress people as long as you can find a way to use that desire to enrich others' lives rather than just for self-satisfaction. In other words, don't just try to have an impact on other people. Try to have a positive impact.


This is an attitude that motivates a lot of my own goals. I want to be a LEGO designer because LEGO has had a profound impact on my life and I want to have just as profound an impact on other people. Some day I want to be able to support a family of my own because I have always gotten so much support from the people around me and want to feel like I'm capable of doing the same. I take great care with my posts online because I want to be thought of not just as a rambling, opinionated person but somebody who is truly insightful, knowledgable, and open-minded.


No idea how you can overcome the issues you're facing, but the best I can suggest is to find a way not just to get attention, but to earn it. Perhaps cultivate some talent that people will respect and acknowledge you for, whether that be acting, art, music, or what-have-you. Maybe that will help? I don't know. I don't have any delusions of being knowledgeable when it comes to social concerns. But hopefully you can come up with some way to ensure that whatever attention you get is attention you can be proud of.

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