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Dungeons and Dragons

So, a couple of old friends of mine are in town this weekend. I've known one since my earlier school days and the other is his girlfriend (and they are adorable <3). Anyway, all day today, he, his dad, his girlfriend and his dad's old friends played D&D. I had to work, but I joined in this afternoon once my shift ended.   The recap I got went something like this: All characters started in a forest, and after searching around, they found only one single town in the entire area with a

You either love it or you don't

You know that thing that you really get into that you're really excited about?   Well there are people out there that don't like it.   It could be because they hate everything popular, or maybe it's just not their thing or who knows.   And most of them probably don't really care and don't waste their energy fighting over trivialities. You know, the ones that are mature.   Well, some of those guys are rude and essentially give off a vibe that says "that is terrible, why do you even like that? Y

If ever there ever a Wiz that was

Because of the wonderfu-oh. Out of tags.   Saw a stage production of Wizard of Oz with the folks last night. Then, because every other place was closed at eleven at night, we dined at Pizza Hut. The Riesling was an excellent pairing with pepperoni. (Tekulo is lying. That is a horrible pairing)   The play was good. The actors had talent, the stage props were well done and they used an outtake from the movie, a number called Jitterbug which was pretty fantastic.   As I get older, though, I

Once Upon a Time

Tonight's season finale was wonderful   Everything I wanted it to be and more. Despite the show's over-use of fantastical and overly intricate plotlines, it still finds a way to be heartwarming.   Also I totally ship Emma and Hook. I have for a while, and Aaaaaa so happy. ;u;   Regina really really needs a happy ending, oh my gosh... (though she kinda had this one coming)   #stillnotoverGraham   GET OFF MY LAWN!   ~ Tekulo <3

Just a nerd thingy.

So, I watched a video recently about mlp songs and it pointed out how the instrumentals in "This Day Aria" were really powerful.   I had never listened to the instrumentals alone because I normally don't do that for most songs I listen to. Glad I did for this, though.     Note: my music education ended at highschool after playing the flute, so if you don't think it's anything special that's fine by me. I just found this interesting.   GET OFF MY LAWN!   ~Tekulo <3

Some thoughts about having long hair

So I am currently growing my hair out. Right now my bangs reach to my mouth. My last haircut was a buzz sometime last year.   I have dreams where I cut it off so it stays out of my face. MygoshdoesitlovegettinginmyfaceImeansrsly.   It's also one of those things where people take notice once it's around three inches long. Unfortunately for me, I happen to be a guy. Apparently growing out your hair past three inches is a breach of unspoken law unless you're super attractive and you can pull


COFFEE   EGGS   BACON!   Whoops, looks like I accidentally made breakfast all over whatever that blog entry was supposed to be.   (Almost all of my blog is unimportant stuff. I am a boring person. =P. Homestar's still funny, though.)   GET OFF MY LAWN! ~Tekulo <3

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

This is totally how it goes

Whenever I talk with my brother Akano, I always feel like it goes something like this...   https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=K5AtHF_v4hY   I give you one guess to match the pony with the BZPer. It is not that hard.   GET OFF MY LAWN! ~Tekuko <3

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


First off, thanks for all of those nice comments on my last entry. ^^ They were really sweet.   AND NOW TO STOP WITH EMOTIONALLY DRAINING BLOG ENTRIES AND BACK TO SUPER IMPORTANT IRREVERENCE AND TOMFOOLERY!   Anyway, I finally watched the bonus content for Frozen today (after I rewatched the movie. Still fabulous by the way. I hope the creators keep doing movies because I thoroughly enjoyed their works thus far). I am soooo glad they didn't make Elsa the villain. Every other rendition of T

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Just a bit of backstory on who I am before I change

So I don`t really define myself with technicalities, or at least I try not to. I also try and grant the same perspective to other people because that`s just how my mind has always worked.   There is a member in my family that has different needs than most people. I never really realized it until that family member met briefly with a childhood friend of mine. I had always just thought of that person as another member of the family. "Yes, that person acts differently, but Mom acts differentl

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Fighting Anyone Who Says Otherwise

Pfffft, I don't care, you can disagree with me as much as you like, and you can like whatever you want. =P   Heck, the fact that we can be so different is just one of the things that makes us so great to begin with. ^^   (I keep seeing this phrase being said on here, and I just thought it would be nice if someone actually said this. So... yeah I guess that's all I wanted to say)   Well, I suppose there is one thing I will fight you over...   GET OFF MY LAWN! ~Tekulo <3

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Goblins and Ghosts and some Magical Feasts

Hogwarts. (Ran out of tags).   I was merely continuing off of Sisen's blog title.   But yeah, lately I have watched a Very Potter Senior Year and then I thought "Let's rewatch the trilogy!"   All of my love. I think A Very Potter Sequel is my favorite. And now I am conflicted. I want to finish reading the Harry Potter series, but it has been soooo long that I am tempted to reread the entire series. The main issue there is that I am currently reading a few things and I am not much of a reader

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Rapunzel's Creativity Tower Revamp in Progress

So I got Rapunzel's Creativity Tower in the mail earlier this month (like a week ago), and I finally got around to stop playing with Flynn and Rapunzel long enough to build it. However, Lego's design kinda sucked, so I wanted to make my own version to be closer to the movie set.   Front   Side   Bed   Spiral Staircase with cat looming in background   So that is what I have done so far. I am glad I had so many spare pink pieces from my trips to the lego store pick a brick. They really came in

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So, tonight I am going to babysit for a family friend. Also I will probably be spending some of my days off work helping my folks with some stuff, so I will have less free time than before. On top of that things are actually picking up at work now. ADULTHOOD! 8D   Then again, I'm probably less busy than uni students.   In other recent events I spent some time last night to read over some of my older blog entries. I entertain myself sometimes. =P (Don`t bother looking for yourself, though

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So, I was reading blog titles earlier today. Not entries, just the titles.   You guys are all so silly. =P   GET OFF MY LAWN!   ~Tekulo <3

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Okay, BZP

It is April Fools and the site name is not BZKejigger, BionIcle Zoidberg Power, Chima Power, HipsterTohu, or Billy Lawn Power...   What gives? I am disappoint.   Edit: GET OFF MY LAWN!   ~ Tekulo <3

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Power Rangers

So I was at a family friend`s house today. Normally when I go I spend my time entertaining their youngest family member who is still a wee lad. Before bed tonight, he was allowed to watch one episode of Power Rangers and I watched it with him.   Oh. My. Gosh.   So, in a nutshell, there were these humans wo became super warriors as Power Rangers who became ultimate warriors as Super Samurai Mode Power Rangers who utilized two massive robots which proceeded to merge together into the mega ult

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Bravely Default Theorymajig

So, before I activate the last crystal, I wanted to jot down my thoughts about where this game is heading.   Spoilers for the game be ahead. Ye be warned.     GET OFF MY LAWN!   ~ Tekulo <3  

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Bravely Default Chapter Three

Not quite finished with this one yet, but I am happy with this chapter. It's a breath of fresh air after the silliness of two. A Civil War, Tiz's emotional state, Anges' priorities, Edea's sense of justice compared to her former Master's.... this is getting pretty intense. Poor Ringus has nothing going for him in this chapter, though. Seriously, bro, be interesting. You're an amnesiac and Tiz is being more interesting than you are. That is the sad.   This chapter is a pretty great way to

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

I am disappointed in all of you

Five blogs in a row titled "Ray" and not a single Ghost Busters reference.   C'mon, guys, this is basic stuff here.   What did you do, Ray?!   WHAT DID YOU DO, BILLY?!?!   GET OFF MY LAWN!   ~ Tekulo <3

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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