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Tekulo vs. His hair...

So, has anyone else ever thought "Hmm... I wonder if could cut my own hair?"   It all started when my bangs began to get really annoying and obscure my vision. Looking in the mirror, I noticed my head was shaped like a bowling ball or a coconut shell. I WOULD NOT STAND FOR THIS MUTANY FROM MY OWN SCALP!   Thus began retaliation. Mission Statement: Trim down to around 1 inch in length. Mission accomplished. Unfortunately, the back of my head was tricky and the battle left my head scarred w

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

The Tower (Ambage Short Story)

The tower was always viewed as the greatest of tests. Many had entered, hoping to return a hero. They never saw the light of day again. Many said that after one reaches the very top, they would be granted a vast amount of treasure. Others claimed there was a beautiful maiden that beasts had imprisoned, jealous of her beauty. None had ever reached the top and lived. That was the story, and this the beginning.   It all seemed so ordinary; that was what threw me off. Regular sized doors, a f

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Just a nerd thingy.

So, I watched a video recently about mlp songs and it pointed out how the instrumentals in "This Day Aria" were really powerful.   I had never listened to the instrumentals alone because I normally don't do that for most songs I listen to. Glad I did for this, though.     Note: my music education ended at highschool after playing the flute, so if you don't think it's anything special that's fine by me. I just found this interesting.   GET OFF MY LAWN!   ~Tekulo <3


That's right; my post count and profile view count are only one number off from each other.   I feel like this is a record. Not only is my post count pathetic, but it's equally as bad as my profile views. That's what I call nine years of consistency. ^^   GET OFF MY LAWN!   ~Tekulo <3

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Arg, this movie. The feels, the music, the plot, the dogs, the Adventure book, the Kevin...   It's so feelsy. Maybe not as feelsy to me as The Fox and the Hound, but still it's a favorite of mine.   GET OFF MY LAWN! ~Tekulo <3

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So I was rewatching an episode of Gravity Falls where Mabel and Dipper switch bodies and Mabel has a sleepover. At one point, Grenda emerges from the closet in their room and says that she had no idea what she was kissing in there, but that she had no regrets.   In an earlier episode, Mabel accused Dipper of enlisting the aid of an invisible wizard which was supposedly located in their closet.   The invisible wizard is real, guys!   "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!"   ~The Duchess Ap

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Quick Entry

So, after a two-day driving journey we have arrived. Akano and KK are coming tomorrow night because they are dorks.   I had scotch and Baileys.   There are gators here in the south.   I am kinda bored right now because we're taking it easy.   About to go shopping for groceries.   I checked BZP today and there were 17 notifications and like three of them were interesting. Seriously, guys?   I have Wifi.   Remember, the universe is a hologram, reality is an illusion, buy gold, bye!   MUA

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Pokerman Grey 3 Friend Code Thinger

(For those of you who just want to scroll down and add me, feel free! I'm just gonna ramble on and on for a bit nonsensically. You have been warned).   So, after seconds and milliseconds of begging, defeat, crying, surrender, and seashell collecting (in that order); I finally managed to convince you kids to keep off my lawn... at a terrible cost...   I'D HAVE TO PLAY THE NEW POCKETMOON GAME!   Ah, Pandermon... That brings me back all the way back to the distant year of 1999. Back then every

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

This is super important.

Lewa is the best toa ever. Your argument is invalid.   If you disagree, we can still be friends, I guess, but this puts a damper on our friendship.   That is all.   ~Junpei

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Adventures in DnD

So, my brother KK and I started playing a game this past Wednesday.   My character is a Rock Gnome (because they seemed like a fun race) Druid. He turned out to be Chaotic Neutral, I'll get to that in a bit. It's been a lot of fun thus far.   Our story begins within a Gnome city. The sector my hut is in is less crowded and has more of a natural environment. I woke up and started doing Druid exercises (whatever those are) when there was a knock on my door.   "GO AWAY! >=/"   "It's the h

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Goblins and Ghosts and some Magical Feasts

Hogwarts. (Ran out of tags).   I was merely continuing off of Sisen's blog title.   But yeah, lately I have watched a Very Potter Senior Year and then I thought "Let's rewatch the trilogy!"   All of my love. I think A Very Potter Sequel is my favorite. And now I am conflicted. I want to finish reading the Harry Potter series, but it has been soooo long that I am tempted to reread the entire series. The main issue there is that I am currently reading a few things and I am not much of a reader

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Bravely Default Theorymajig

So, before I activate the last crystal, I wanted to jot down my thoughts about where this game is heading.   Spoilers for the game be ahead. Ye be warned.     GET OFF MY LAWN!   ~ Tekulo <3  

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Decided + Life Update

Anyway, seeing as I have literally raised every starter in every pokemon game five times over by now (or something like that), I have decided that my starter for Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire shall be a Cleffa of my choosing (trying to Masuda method these things and I'm on my third box. One of them's bound to have good stats) and a lvl 5 Milotic. This shall be done through Pokemon Bank with the hope that I can reuse this method. (I restarted my Pokemon X version and started with a growlith and a

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

This Music Video

Sara Bareilles, you are such a dork, I freaking love you.   Okay, so it's maybe not the most spectacular dancing and yeah, the moves I admit are kinda cheesey, but I kinda love it.   It's kinda refreshing to see music artists that don't cave in to what's popular in society and just do a fun dance to their own music. That's a reason why I really like this artist. She uses her music to have fun and express herself. I can really respect that. Plus her songs are all super catchy, which is why

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

I don't care...

I don't care what you think. I don't care what your opinions of the world are. I don't care that you tell me what I can and can't do. I don't care that you think ill of me. I don't care that you think I think ill of you.   Because you're breathing, You're alive, You're human.   And that's enough reason for me to love the ###### out of you.   NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!   ~Tekulo <3

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Tekulo's thoughts at the store

Le me looking at le Danimals smoothies:   "Whoa, the bottles are so tiny. It's like they make these things for kids! ... Oh my gosh, I sound like an AFOL. OH SNAP CRACKLE AND POP, I AM AN AFOL! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"   Le me looking at le flour tortillas:   "Hey, what's this... Turtle wax? Well I mean, you never know when you're gonna need to wax some turtles when you're making tacos."   Le me in the aisle and I see a toy turtle on a baby's basket:   "Whoa. For like a spl

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

My Trip to Legoland California: The Beginning

So, you know how LEGO normally has those contests where you enter to win a chance to go to Legoland? If not, then check them out. XP   It all started back when I was a wee chibi around the age of, oh, eight or nine. My father had to go on a business trip to Colorado and we decided to turn it into a short family trip (if my memory is serving me correctly. It's been over a decade since this happened, so I may be a little fuzzy on a few details). Now, my brothers and I grew up outside of the c

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


You know, tags are too short for my blog...   Anyway, I HATH SOLVED THE MYSTERY!   Today when I logged on to BZP, I had 49 notifications and was all "... Eh? Confangled futuristic thinger... GET OFF MY LAWN!" so then I tossed my computer out the window. Then, in a wondrous stroke of brilliance I devised a plan: Read the notifications.   BRILLIANT!   So, it turns out I somehow followed the "Rumors Abound" news reply topic unintentionally. Being one of the first to reply there, it's no wonder

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

My Trip to Legoland California: The Continuation

After our visit to the Lego store in Colorado, our family continued our short vacation normally. I remember looking up at the sky. The buildings sent sparks of cold lightning through my body. Normally people think looking up to the stars and thinking of the universe makes them feel insignificant and small. For me, I mostly felt that way whenever I saw a clear blue sky. The buildings in comparison did not help.   The call came when we were heading back to our home. During our road trip, m

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Overall this year sucked. I'm not too optimistic for the new one, honestly.   LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH!   Sincerely yours or whatnot jazz, Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Ever After High

So I was hanging out with a friend yesterday. We went to a Walmart and I got the shiny new Lewa set (the new gear function is kinda weird), and she got a doll from Ever After High, which she collects. Once we arrived at her place, she showed me The Dragon Games which is a part of Ever After High, and then the first episode of the series.   I'm just going to say that Raven is by far the most interesting character. Like, even more interesting than Twilight Sparkle. As for Apple White, she is

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Despair-Inducing Stories...

So, where I've left off with most of the shows and stories I've been keeping up with:   -Micheal Bluth got his heart broken on Arrested Development (big time heartbreak).   -One of the main characters got killed off in Torchwood.   -Two of my favorite characters that I ship in Once Upon a Time got separated from each other just as they confessed (Oh, and one of them is probably dying).   -Pretty much everything is wrong and tragic with the post-trial phase of Super Dangan Ronpa 2.   -The master

Updating my blag

Whew. Updated.   I mean, it's nice enough, right? Links to old blog entries that are noteworthy, random quotes that make me smile, new blog approval stamp... I can dig it.   Anyway, I was looking over the entirety of my blog entries. Some were silly, some were horribly heart-warming in the worst possible way (Want to hit myself with a brick, I can be so stupid), some were bland and tasteless and others made me want to curl up into a dark corner and hide. All and all, that sums up life in ge

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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