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Fun Fact Of The Day!

DID YOU KNOW...........   That if you mix eggnog with pink Smarties and stir them together for five minutes, periodically adding cinnamon, you will grow long fluffy purple ears when you drink it?   HINT: Try adding gun powder for some extra zazz.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


I started writing camp today, which is more fun than you'd think... It's actually really fun. We have classes in Short Stories, Plays, Feature Articles, Speech Writing (which rocks!), and Poetry (which rocks!). In poetry, we listened to a CD about two guys at a bus stop who start talking about weird words, keep saying them, then hind of create a song out of them. Then I (yes, I) got to direct the "class" in a little "song" made out of 11 weird words we came up with, andI composed it on the sp

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Einmal nach atime, gab es einen Jungen. Er kletterte einen Berg. Er wurde bald angegriffen und wurde weg vom mountain.   The Ende.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


I really am almost dead right now. I worked for HOURS on AC 12, because It has about 30 panels. That's right, 30 PANELS.   Vote for me now. Because...... I...... rock.........   *Falls asleep*

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Hi. :)

I'm happy, I'm happy....   You didn't hear that. Well, I started the second week of writing camp today. It was fun.... I made a poem out of this blog.   Well... So.... I saw Prarie Home companion. Some really good bad jokes, but I couldn't tell them on BZPower...   Lady K's gonna be gone til I'm like at swim camp. Oh, BTW. N&K will be shut down next week.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Well, 4 days of school already. I'm taking Algebra 2 this year, but it actually isn't started out as bad as I thought it would. If only it would stay that way..... My teachers aare all cool. Our Language Arts Teacher is pretty much committed to mocking us at least once this year, but other than that, it's all cool.   For language arts homework this weekend, be had to read a story callled "Young Goodman Brown", a middle-english story in which a Christian man, Young Goodman Brown is brought

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


I am telepathically communicating with my keyboard. I am actually in Wisconson.   P.S. My mom is forcing me to work the kitchen for my sister's birthday party.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

A Poem By Me Yay.

THE TELEVISION REMOTE   Once upon a time, I met a remote. He tried to turn me on. And oh my gosh, he did.   THE BABY REMOTE   AND, I think we'll stop right there.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Once upon a time, there was a boy, who's hopes and dreams were set on becoming a member of Psycho Dogs and Carbonated Beverages. His hopes and dreams were shattered, though, when, well, he didn't become one.   The end.   Well, I suppose it's okay. I can still post comics and stuff... and that's al that matters.   And Ray made it, which is good. Cause he's cool.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

The End Has Come...

Quite literally. The last installment of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events has now been released to the general public. So I will now review it--   Without even reading it first!   ANG NID'S REVIEW OF THE END   It's a very unhappy book, for starters. The three Baudelaire orphans are faced with countless troubles, and the author keeps begging you to put the book down, and run away. But of course, you don't listen. However, in the end, the children most likely get rid of Coun

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Meet Ur Duum!1!1!


Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

I'm Back. . ... ..........!

....................................................................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   So I'm back. I had Thanksgiving Dinner at my grandfather's retirement home, which was OH SO wonderful, as it was served all on a single plate, no seconds, and with plenty of collard greens. (eww...)   I kept talking about them, but my mom made me stop because she said it sounded like I was saying "colored" and our waitress was African American... long story.     So any

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


So guess what guys- I had band solo and ensemble festival today! Yayzles! Well, I did well. (Before you read this, 1=awesome, 4=crudish crud.)   During the whole day, I did a solo, a duet, a quartet, and a percussion ensemble. On my solo, I sucked. I played it okay, but then the judge told me to play it again, and by then I'd lost my lip. Ouch. I got a 3. Then, I had to sub for my friend (who was sick) in his trombone quartet, except I of course played the baritone, since I didn't bring

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Fun Fact

Did you know that the star of the movie barnyard is a bull with an udder? Just thought I'd let you know.....   And now for something completely different.   I like Cocoa Puffs.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Well Sporky beat me. But Exo didn't. And who cares about Martin, he deserved his own separate category, it was so good. XD   Anyway, since my earlier entry was so lame, I have.... A NEW POWER QUIZ!   1. What is my real name?   2. What is Exo's real name?   3. Why did Michael Jackson have to go wacko?

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

The Tale Of The 3 Little Sharks

Once, three twin sharks were born together. Unfortunately, unlike most stories of this type, the context was not so great. You see, sharks are born knowing how to hunt, and their first instinct is to hunt their own kind. Soon, The one little shark was brotherless.   P.S. Ha ha. fooled you. They would have to be triplets.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

The Scripps National Spelling Bee

Anyone watch it? My friend from school was in it. John Tamplin, from Meyzeek Middle in Kentucky. It was fun watching it. I bet none of YOU have friends in the National Spelling Bee!   To Toa of Books and Looks: I'm probably taller. I'm 5 foot 11 and a half inches.   To Lady Kopaka: My freckles on my face may be covered by zits. But I bet I have more on my arms!   And if the first pic wasn't enough:  

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


So I have to apply for early review admission for high school by Wednesday. That's right, applying for high school. My school district is awesome that way. I'm trying to get into a really hard program, so wish me luck!

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

What... Oh.

I saw that content block I made, and t first I thought I really had all those guys viewing my page. XD Silly me....   Okay. What to talk about....... I got a 2,000,000 score on Metroid Prime pinball, vaery proud of that....   Final Fantasy III doesn't come out til November? What a rip-off! At least I can get the onyx DS lite, whcih I've been waiting for.....   And other stuff.....   I ate a bowl of..... OMG!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!11! Did I lIKe..... FoRgEt tO eAt BreAkFAst tHIs mOrNINg

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Graphing Calculator

Look what I made on my graphing calculator!     And look what else..... PLAID!     So, fitting in with the theme....   I'm gonna be a nerd for Halloween! Shouldn't be too hard, since I already am one...

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Help, Please.

I seem to have misplaced my purse. Could you help me? I'm very anxious about finding it, if you know what I mean.   ACCCKK! Is that some sick-minded Moderator editing my post?   XD

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

A Poem About Nuts

Once upon a time, A squirrel bit a nut. It was big and juicy, Just like a...... nut.   The squirrel sat and chewed it, He chewed and chewed and chewed. He chewed his way right threw it, And spat it out, how rude.   "That's not nice" said the Recycling God. "That's called littering. You see, when you litter, You're being annoying."   "Do you think I care?" replied the Squirrel "Rules are stupid!" Then the Nature God incinerated the Squirrel, Just a puddle of fluid.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Bye, going to 4-H camp.   I'm SOOOOO cereal.   Spitty and Exo both sue me.....  

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

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