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"green" Funerals

You know what I'm talking about. Biodegradable coffins, no formaldehyde stuff, more ecological burial, etc, general environmental welfare stuff. So if people are gonna go with coffins that break down shortly, and without any sort of thing to slow down decomposition, this means their bodies will decay, rot, and become one with the Earth much faster. So has anybody thought about the potential for abusing this? I mean, you could somebody who has it in their will that they want a green funeral in a




The dysfunctional relatives have left. One of my cousins proved he had not changed from the grubby eat beast he was in the intervening span of four months since we had last seen him, and their beagle is a very...... "innovative" gift giver. I went to the Pats/Dolphins game the other day with my dad, one of the three logical relatives who were here (my uncle), and his son, the aforementioned troublemaker. It was fun watching the Dolphins get canned with the tuna, but the cousin is a braggart, bul



Merry Jingly

I wish you a Merry Quit-fighting-over-the-holidays-mas and I hope you don't have any dysfunctional relatives over at your house already filled with dysfunctional family for what is of course a very A Team dysfuntional Christmas.




...I may be gloomydoomdoom sometimes, but I only disparage life's value because what there is to value about life is in short supply. Therefore, if one is not around for long, they do not have enough time to experience those things which are truly valuable about life but sadly in short supply. Or, if they are ignorant, they will not learn why these experiences must be appreciated.   That's kind of one reason I don't like emo people, they go on and on whining about life being worthless and what



Shakespear/tunney In Six Rounds

Went to see it yesterday on a field trip. It was very good, the actor portraying Gene Tunney was great, and it was really of a deep, ponderous quality. Based off of an actual series of lectures Tunney gave at Yale on Shakespeare. I was the only student who appreciated the play, I think. That's just horrible, because the actor was engaging, intelligent, and I felt like I completely understood the points made. It was just the actor addressing the fictional college audience, but it included some bo




You know how when a character is killed off or a big event happens, there's some sort of outrage in the fanbase? Fans riot and yell and make idiotic petitions, and bicker, and complain about how much the show sucks now, and all that jazz. And you know how some creators/writers/whoever cave in to demand and resurrect the character/strike the event from the official continuity? And then there's low sales or viewership? And then there are fans who are angry that the character was brought back/the e




I went and saw this with my dad on Saturday. I recommend that you see it, too. The CGI was FANTASTIC, and I could only tell the actors had been CGI'd in the beginning. Heck, even Grendel looked natural. The acting, of course, helped. The actors were convincing, realistic, and good performers (though the CGI probably helped brush it up). After the start, you kind of sink into the atmosphere the film sets up, and you can't turn your gaze away from the screen. It's engaging, highly. The plot was no



Daww Nuts

Did you ever, after such a long period of time spent worrying and being indecisive, go forward with trying something new, and start trying to get used to it, and start making friends, and find your footing?     And then, did you feel like you'd found such a wonderful new thing, that it was so incredible, so fun, so engrossing, that you loved it with all your heart?     And did you want to be doing this forever, and to be a part of it, no matter what, because it was so fantastic and you had met



My Weekend In Indy

(Reposted from a several-day-old PM)     I went to my dad's place in Cambridge Friday night, and it was GREAT! We had a fun time there, and then Saturday morning, we flew out to Detroit, where we met up with my dad's friend and his son, for a connecting flight to Indianapolis, and we checked in at the hotel (Which was HUGE), and then we wandered around having a great time! Man... It felt like we spent three days instead of just half of Saturday in Indianapolis. I loved it... It made me feel goo



I Am Sad.

My aunt and uncle who live out in Dayton, Ohio, had an eighteen year old cat named Maggie. She died yesterday. I am very sad. She was a very good kitty. I'mma go cry now.




Twice, I have tried writing an entry on Marvel's new Captain America, and the [insert incredibly offensive, vulgar, and disgusting word of choice here] power went out, both times. I am not amused by the antics of my local power company, nor by that of the weather or any other chance forces that may be guilty. I mean, I'm especially angry, because Mozilla Firefox has a 'Restore Session' thing for power outages and the like. But apparently while data in other entry fields will be saved, the info i



Gee, How Should I Put This?

I have something to relegate along the lead-poisoned veins of the interweb.   Right when I was leaving school, literally, right as I was stepping out the door to where everybody waits for the buses, I saw a seventh grader I know, looking upset, with his hands over his throat, and a special ed teacher holding his backpack, standing there. I would never have known what was going on, had not the Social Studies teacher I had in seventh grade been right ahead of me, and the teachers conversed, and r



Makuta-related Question

Now that there are numerous other Makuta (and not just in speculation based on BoM info) that we know of, a dilemma faces us over the original Makuta. I've seen him referred to as 'The Makuta of Metru Nui', and this raised the question... What do we call the original Makuta now? Metrukuta? Matakuta? Makutanui? Makutui? Makutru? Makutata? Fish and a large serving of mousse? Trout Flint via Wall Street Oxymorons? Makumetrumatanuita? Shizzly home dawg? Medium-rare Communism, with a side of crispy B



Disenfranchisement Theory

GregF just posted on 2009 in his blog, and it put my mind into overdrive. It gave me a prediction on what will happen concerning fan reactions in 2009: Following a heavily flunctuating acceptance level from angry fans, 2008 will sharply divide the fans... There will be a sharp spike upward in the number of topics debating whether or not Bionicle now sucks. This will be reflected in topics going on about how 2004/5/6/whichever year occurring after 2003 that the member is biased in favor of manage



Just Renewed...

...My premier membership. I did it ahead of time, as to avoid... *GASP* non-premiership. My dad got me a lifetime membership. AWESOME.



Crazy Dream About Msi

I overslept Friday morning... Not enough to come anywhere close to missing the bus, but I woke up at 5:53 AM, instead of my preferred time of 5:00 AM, coz I just let myself lie in bed to get used to being awake for a few minutes before going downstairs, and then I fell back to sleep... So it caused me to have this AWESOME dream where my dad was driving me somewhere (it was some part of Boston I'd never seen, this place is a recurring location in my dreams from time to time) and everything seemed



Long Awaited Comic

There was no point in beating around the bush, because I'm kind of in a motivational slump. I don't feel like doing more comics for a while, but I wanted to post the last unpublished comic I'd produced. I think you understand what I'm hinting at in this one...




--"Double Dare", by Bauhaus.   Dang, is that band cool. I got two of their CDs off of Amazon, they just arrived today. Plus, I got a Sisters of Mercy CD. Bauhaus makes me feel all nostalgic... Heh... I guess I must have heard a lot of Bauhaus on the radio as a kid...



Privy To Much Knowledges

It's true. I happen to be well aware of numerous factoids that most people here are not, however, most of those people aren't the intelligent sophisticates (albeit some with grammar issues) who read my blog. I know something you don't know, I know something you don't know! Heheh. The Google machine may churn out festering lies and evil, but it is very useful.   In other news, it appears that sk8boarder_to_da_max (sorry if I got your name wrong) has given me a seal of approval thingy. I shall ha




What do you call somebody who's neither right wing or left wing, and tries to understand opposing views?   Clipped wing.



Cthulhu And The Movies

No, this is not about everybody's favorite down-on-his-luck sociopath Cthulhu the Rage Cannon, but on an issue I have with Hollywood. For, you see, numerous movies have been titled "Cthulhu", which would lead one to believe that the movie featured Cthulhu prominently, or was an adaptation of the H.P. Lovecraft tale from which the deity originates, "The Call of Cthulhu". But, NO. IT'S ALMOST ALWAYS A HORRIFICALLY DISFIGURED VERSION OF 'A Shadow Over Innsmouth', ANOTHER LOVECRAFT STORY. Worse yet,



Media Sleep Deprivation Indoctrination

Using continually repeated statements, bright images, attention-grabbing formats, and most importantly, sleep deprivation (and other methods), the media has been brainwashing us. Think about it. A common technique for breaking wills is repeatedly interrupting sleep- and everybody knows it can be hard to stay up for more at 11. You have to wake up early for the specials, and you have to stay up late for the news, and the media has a bevvy of news channels to keep you continually involved. If you



80's Gi Joe And Tmnt Tv Series Fans

Aside from both being shows that ran like 30-minute commercials, do you know what they have in common?   Answer, fans who hate any new rendition of the franchise and mistakenly think that the series and toy line was the original. WRONG. The 80's several-inch plastic GI Joe figures were not in fact the origina GI Joe action figures. While the TV series may have been a pioneer of violent, cliche 80's cartoon programming with moral messages at the end, the action figures were not the very first. T



Why Icarly Is Doomed

Yes, you heard me. The show is going to crash and burn soon. For, on the surface, it appears a legitimate, unique concept for a children's entertainment program. But its interactive factor is the key to its downfall. Nickelodeon has seen a drop in quality over the years, and when you combine that with an attempt to cash in on what were once underground, cool trends on the Internet, you can see a disaster waiting to happen. More traditional media is trying to subjugate new media formats, trying t



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