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Hoo-ray The "school" Day Is Over.

Yeah, my day was okay... In the "It was so bad I want to hit my head on the wall repeatedly but maybe not" way. First I had French, then the later two non-academic classes were cancelled so all the school could watch a performance of "The Witches" by some of our classmates. It was great, it was a wonderful adaptation of the Roald Dahl book. I was reminded how much I've always loved Roald Dahl's books, and I really oughtta get a few out of the library sometime. Great writing. Then Science and Soc




Still laughin' at you all...   I'm gonna go back to bed for a little and then get up for the bus...   I'd like an explanation why that story was removed... Wasn't like Screamy was hit with a brick or anything... Wasn't insulting anybody...




Mmm. Gather round, little gnome-things, for it is time for a story in my usual horrific and disturbing fashion.   [Removed]   The end of this horrible, likely going-to-get-me-in-deep-trouble-story.



Heart Of Ice

That's the title of the Batman: The Animated Series I finished watching before I came to the comp. I've watched 14 out of 28 episodes of the volume I have, AND THEY ARE GREAT! Joker, Scarecrow, Two-Face, Mr. Freeze... WOO! Plus I have more episodes to watch... Yippee! The show is great... I mean, that show has always been one of my absolute favorites... I used to watch it every day after school and I loved it... Animation just hasn't been the same since shows like Justice League Unlimited and Sa



Yay What Was I Dreaming About?

First I dreamed I was Lewa, trying to find something. I was chasing after something relentlessly, and I was doing all these air tricks to try and catch up... It was so weird... Then I was with a bunch of people or something and I was talking to this guy and he left the room for some reason and his wife/significant other called and it was for him, but she didn't believe me that I wasn't her husband/significant other, so I had to fake along. Then the guy came back after the call was done and I thi



Yay I'm Tir- *slumps Over In Chair*

I'm a bit drowsy right now... I NEED CAFFEINE... Somebody, get me the antidote! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NO ANTIDOTE TO CAFFEINE FREE DIET COKE?! NOOOOOO! Neeeed.... Source of functioning... Before... I snap... And go insane... It hurts... Nur... *yawn*   Pearls Before Swine is so funny... "I think you're growing apart."



Phone Call Of Doom!

Yeah, so my mom and I are watching Numb3rs, or at least we would be, but she got a phone call a few minutes ago and now she's having one of her usual never-ending phone dialogues. Argh. So I'm waiting for her to finish up (which will take ages) so we can get back to watching Numb3rs. And no, I wasn't using leet, that's the title of the show. Very good.




I went to go get one today... I had really long hair, it was getting in my eyes and all... I wanted it just trimmed, but I got a full cut... Nuts... Plus, I'm going to Florida for February vacation, where I'll likely get a tan... That so ruins the look I had... Nur... And while I was waiting to get my haircut, I was so bored I read 'People' magazine. My eyes still haven't stopped hurting.   However, on the plus side, I got to go to Borders with my Dad right after... We traded jokes in the car



Paaaancakes... Mmmm....

I just had a bunch cooked by my mom, with some bacon. Mmmmmmmmm... Delicious. However my dad makes GREAT pancakes from scratch, way better than any box-recipes... Mmmmmmm... The aftertaste of pancakes plus the System of a Down song 'Revenga' makes for a strange combination... Even stranger now that my CD's on 'Cigaro'. And I just took a break from writing this entry to browse BZP in another tab of my Mozilla FireFox window, and now my CD's on 'Radio/Video'. Woo.     I'm thinking of adding an i




Nnn... I can't remember any of my dreams... I think I remember a fragment of something about Scarecrow... Anyways I'm still drowsy... Stupid caffeine-free Diet Coke... My mom's making me drink it instead of normal Diet Coke... Gurgh... *slumps over in chair*



Sad Statue

I'm going to be posting the lyrics to "Sad Statue" by System of a Down. I'm doing it because, random as it is, it's thought provoking. It certainly makes my brain whir. So without further ado... --"Sad Statue", by System of a Down. That song is one I recommend you listen to NOW. There's all the meaning in the world to it, but you'll have to interpret it for yourself. It's well worth listening to, even if you don't usually. System of a Down makes GREAT music, I have to say... Seeing as I have



Tis The Anti-miracle Of...

...BUREAUCRACY IN THE SCHOOL SYSTEM! HOO-RAY! Yep, the school administration is punishing all the school for the idiocy of a few people as usual! They decided we can no longer use the library computers to play games! That's stupid. People are going to break that rule with glee, and if the school expects the raucous simian-imitatory behavior will cease, they're wrong. People will fill up the library to congregate and waste air as always, and games will be played flagrantly. But they mentioned not




I can't remember what I dreamed... Bleh... I get sick of everybody around me some times... Like they're poison... Nnn what was I talking about again?     Maybe I'll add some more Batman stuff to my sig... Hmm...



Got Me A New Banner...

Thank goodness for editing programs... Yep, a Scarecrow mini-banner... I may add a few other images to my sig coz there are plenty people from the Animated Series and its spinoffs to add... Scarecrow all the way!



I Got Me A T-shirt!

I was the only one in my class (and maybe all of team 7A) to get a 100% grade on my notebook quiz in Social Studies, so my Social Studies teacher gave me a really cool T-shirt! It shows a Spartan soldier bringing his sword down on a Greek scholar only to have the sword broken by the book, and it says 'Ipsa scientia potestas est.' on it. Woo. So the other parts of my day were alright... We watched some videos about famous volcanoes and the damage they did in Science. And of course I made that ent



More Electricity Usage... Hurrah.

Here I am, updating from my Computer Fun class.   My favorite four Batman villains, and possibly favorite four comic book villains, would be Joker, Scarecrow, Mr. Freeze, and Two-Face. All four of them are great characters, who had great portrayals in the Batman animated series and the DC animated universe as a whole. Mr. Freeze was reinvented from a gimmick villain into a tragic one, Joker and Two-Face got great backstories and were wonderfully portrayed, and Scarecrow was downright awesome.



Time To Go To The Concrete Death Trap...

...On a rusty clump of bolts! Hoo-ray! Then I'll get to sit for hours having an alleged 'education' shoved in my head! I hafta go throw puppies off a roof or something now, I'm getting too sappy here. Hold on a moment.     Ha. Ha. Ha. Still laughing. Ha. Ha. Ha.



Woo, Catching Up On Concrete Deathtrap Work...

Yeah, schoolwork. I just did a lot of homework and schoolwork. Hoo-ray.   I gave myself a profile pic, of Scarecrow of course... I may change it coz the only reason I didn't choose another was because I would have to trim it, but that's how I made my current profile image the right size... *sigh* I probably will change it. Yeah, I will... Believe it or not I successfully resized the image in my WordPerfect program... I know, I know, it's a crummy editing tool and shouldn't be used like that at



New Avvie...

I made myself a (somewhat shoddy, dagnabbit) Scarecrow avatar... My previous one was a GIR avatar made by Kyn Ace, now known as Karma Kollaps...   Ha. Ha. Ha. I laugh at you all and I will never specify why. Ha. Ha. Ha.



Still Home Sick...

My head hurts, I'm tired, my stomach hurts, etc etc... Nur... I've been sleeping a lot...



You And Me Will Go Down In History...

"Sad Statue", by System of a Down, the title is some lyrics. Hoo-ray. I'm listening to the SOAD CD Mesmerize, and the song just changed to "Old School Hollywood" now. A while ago the last of the AA batteries in our house died out in my CD player, and my dad ordered some more. He has a discount on stuff like that coz he works for IBM. So I was without CD player power, so I had to resort to the interweb. So the batteries came today and I'm listening to Mesmerize now. I managed to get by with THOUG



Home Sick...

Aye, yours truly began feeling nauseous and achy in the concrete death trap and had to be taken home, where he slept for a long long time.     Nnn, I still feel lumpy. Whatever... My brain is preprogrammed to only let me sleep limited amounts of time... Hoo-ray I've got one of those awful 24 hour bugs or whatever... Woo...



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