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Morning... Sunlight! My Eyes! Aaaagh! *hissss*

As evidenced by the title I am not a 'bright and sunny morning' person. YAY night time. Anyways, *belch* I'm listening to 'Shout 2000' by Disturbed right now. "Shout! Shout!" Awesome cover. Meeeeeep.     One of the things I like about Mozilla firefox is that it's got an adblocker, plus I already had one installed.     Now I'm listening to "Droppin' Plates".       Time goes by so fast....... Or maybe the little gnomes in my head are making me think that... Whooooooooooo..... *spooky voice*



Egads, It's Happening Again!

Remember a few months ago I said the 'make new topic' button appeared as a different image than it should have? It's happening again... Only, it's a smiley that's messed up this this time. I looked, it's the 'drooling' smiley. Strange. Very strange. It looks computer generated...




What I'd probably say would be a long string of filter-bypassing swears, however since I'm in a better mood, I'll just say this: ARGH times 50, plus a nice long AAAAAAAAARGH for good measure. Yesterday, my day went pretty smoothly for a day that I had my Math and English classes on, but then last period, my French teacher starts getting on my nerves. I had one bad day a few weeks ago, and she keeps blowing it out of proportion. So she tells me I'll have to stay afte zzr school on Thursday(today




Still laughin' at you all...   I'm gonna go back to bed for a little and then get up for the bus...   I'd like an explanation why that story was removed... Wasn't like Screamy was hit with a brick or anything... Wasn't insulting anybody...



Dreams Are Very Strange Things Indeed...

I had the weirdest dream. I dreamed I was in some sort of Olympic swimming pool, with all these activities in it (that everybody was doing underwater) like riding sharks, being pulled along by sharks in a sort of chariot like activity without the chariot, or just swimming. The guy in charge at the pool directed me to go somewhere and he told me there was a door near the shark riding section of the huge pool (and I have no idea how I'd been holding my breath all that time) and I opened the door a




The dysfunctional relatives have left. One of my cousins proved he had not changed from the grubby eat beast he was in the intervening span of four months since we had last seen him, and their beagle is a very...... "innovative" gift giver. I went to the Pats/Dolphins game the other day with my dad, one of the three logical relatives who were here (my uncle), and his son, the aforementioned troublemaker. It was fun watching the Dolphins get canned with the tuna, but the cousin is a braggart, bul



Nnn... Just Woke Up...

I had the weirdest dream: I was Patrick the starfish, from Spongebob Squarepants, and my voice sounded like Squidward's. I was trying to get some sort of magic wish or something to create an imitation of Squidward's house on top of a giant spire and take over Squidward's life or something. And in the end the real squidward was begging and it was just strange... Not as strange as my odder dreams... Then it shifted to a dream I was in my school. The classrooms were different, the halls were dark a




I fell asleep quickly last night and slept for a long while. STILL NO SNOW, but it's raining like crazy right now.........




Rahrgh! My neck is even stiffer! It hurts... so much... Owee... Not even the methods I was using to make it hurt less have unstiffened it! Neck... Hurts. And worse yet, I have to deal with school, hooray for me! Just great.   I'm drawing Mr.Freeze in the style of Batman:The Animated Series, from the 90's. He also underwent a style change in the series after his body decayed further, so I'll draw that version too coz it looks so darn cool.



Future Weapons

Just watched two episodes on the Discovery channel, and I set the TiVo to record some Mythbusters episodes. Hoo-ray. More usage of electricity. My oh my what a dedicated environmentalist I am.     I have some more art in the works, I've created a character accidentally... Originally I just made him to be an object in the foreground to help me test my background making skills, but now he's a character........ Not that it's a bad thing.........



I Got Me A New Mouse!

My dad and I went to Comp USA about a week ago and we bought a new mouse for me, among other things. Now, I got it installed and it's cool. It'll take a little getting used to but it's better than my stupid old mouse.     And to summarize what's happened today, I added a new content block, and I noticed that I passed 300 entries. See the two entries below to find out more.




Awake and alive... Been perusing BZP, doing some spriting stuff, looking around other places, etc. Gonna hafta go to church in a little...     So it's Christmas eve, wow. Seems like just yesterday it was Christmas... Time goes by so fast... Whatever, the commercialism just sucked the life out of me... It's bad enough everything became politically correct, but what's worse is there's also corporate greed tearing at Christmas... Oh boy, the death of yet another beloved family holiday!       *B



Blaaaaaathering. Shmorg!

First, I'd like to paste the lyrics to the song 'Voices' by Disturbed, albeit with the obsecenities replaced with better words. -- "Voices", by Disturbed. Great song.   So anyways, I got my hands on H.P. Lovecraft short stories, from the library. I'm reading the chilling story, "The Rats In The Walls", right now. I have two large hardcover collections from the same publisher and two paperback ones from another publisher (The books are both from the same publisher, but not the same publishe




Just sitting around, being bored, and fantasizing about beating some of my stupid classmates to death with their own egos...   If any of you think that people around you have been disappearing mysteriously, it wasn't me!   *BRAP*     Argh, I'm trying to come up with an idea for what to post in the Dead RPG 2, but I'm kinda brain dead... Stupid gnomes, I know it's their fault!   Gnomes... It's always the gnomes... [/Mr.Tweedy From the movie Chicken Run voice]



Mhm. Work, Yes?

I'm in the school library, and some of the band is meeting, but we aren't really doing anything... I showed my friend who started the band some of my art, he liked it. So I'm here at this computer in the library, and I showed my friend my Maj gallery, then I started writing this...   Agh... I had a math test and an essay to finish today... Gurgh...   I changed my blog subtitle... Iss true! They are out to get me...   I'll hafta get working on some art once I get home... I prefer drawing in



Review Of Carapar!

Yeah, I'm doing it, but no pictures, if you want those check my previous entry...   THE BOX The the most superficial part of any LEGO product, but the one that often determines whether or not the set is a success or failure. Snazzy! The blue canister and bubble effect is a nice bit. The rocky base part is intriguing- It's slanted, and that's rather neat.   WHAT'S IN THE BOX? So you've bought it and taken it home (or at least made it to the car), punched the perforated tabs and dump out the



All Pics So Far.

The inventory page in Carapar's manual.   First Takadox pic.     Second Takadox pic.       Third Takadox pic.       More updates on the way. I'm busy, and I'm sneaking this in under my mom's nose.




I'm kinda laughing at the reaction to the Mahri- I find it very apparent the sets were prototypes, and that the show organizers also put them together the wrong way. Lego really had to rush out the sets for display.     Got some homework done... I was watching Batman: The Animated Series before I had to go to an appointment... I was right in the middle of the first part of the great two-part episode 'Feat of Clay' when I had to leave for it. So now I'll be watching it very soon.     I'm cons



These New Updates

Head spin they my make. Are awesome confusing, are but they. I'm having trouble posting stuff for some reason, but aside from that I think the updates rock.   I went to see Die Hard 4 yesterday. WOO! Bruce Willis rocks.




I started going to a program called 'Summer of Service' at my local church on Monday. I went there last year. You go help out some charity or operation and then in the afternoon you play games. This year I'm only going on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays because of appointments and a Lego engineering course I'm taking.     I'm wondering, should McDonalds add new characters to its pantheon of characters? I have a few ideas... Son of Hamburglar- Does horrible, horrible things in the name of burg



Am I Awake?

...That's the title of the They Might Be Giants song I'm listening to right now. Very good... So here are the lyrics... --"Am I awake", by They Might Be Giants.   I recommend you all go search for it. Hint hint. *nudges BK*   I just got inspiration for a Lovecraftian Bionicle Songfic... The wonders of BLOG! can do that for you. BLOG! allows the user to successfully detail or jot down emotions thoughts and ideas to be disseminated throughout the world.   [insults Removed]



New Self-policy!

From now on, I will speak whatever sane and clean words are on my mind!     ...     ......   ........     This is a real shocker......



A Recap.

Today, the strange, tappy extensions of the things on the end of my arms shall beat out the misadventures of a man who has overly internalized philosophical quandries several times a day, who is increasingly angry and bitter, who just barely recognizes the connected implications of not feeling full familiarity with your own voice and the level of insulation you provide in your mind between the trivial parts of your everyday activities, habits, and flaws, and your more personal moments, who is di




Whee, testing out a few title things, mostly because I'd like certain things to stay lowercase in the title. Just because I feel like it.   Oh, and I must say, I like messing with people's heads, although I do it unintentionally sometimes. Here's one example of it, when I was trying to cheer somebody up on another site (which of course I won't mention): -Removed by me to follow rules-   I'm not good at cheering people up, I've noticed. However I am thinking of taking up a career as a motivat



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