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Oh, And I Updated.

Yeah, I updated my content blocks with the 'Beware of Kitten' thing.... KITTIES! Awww...... *Goes all soft*




I've accumulated 999 posts. This moment was a long-awaited one. I can hardly believe it. A year ago, my post count was hardly near this. I remember my first post, in a poll... How times change... It's incredible. Nearly 1000 posts, in my time here. I know it doesn't seem like much, but to me, that is amazing. It's just... Wow. I'm in a stupor, nearly. -- "I'm Still Here", by John Rzeznik. It's a great song... I chose to post it because no matter how I change, or what happens around me, I'm st



Landmark For Me...

I've hit it. 1000 posts. Over three years on BZP, and I have made enough posts where it counts to get to 1000. It's this tremendous thing. I'm just in awe. I feel different, in a way. I don't know if I feel different or just the same or a mix of things.             I can't believe it, really. All this time and this effort and I got more and more involved in BZP, and this happens, and it's just so... I have no idea what it is, but it's awe-inspiring for me. Hurrah.




...From church. It was okay except for the fact that it was full of small, talkative, whiny children. So I survived the babble of the children, partook in the usual activities, and got home a while ago. Then I checked up on BZP and elsewhere. And now here I am typing this.     ...       .............     STILL NO SNOW! RAGH! And on top of that, there's the inhumane battery of horrifyingly sappy, tacky, stupid, or offensive commercials, the political correctifying of the holidays, and the fac



Tis Morning...

Hoo-ray. Ah well, I slept well last night. And i kinda like how dark out it is at this time of day, 6:00 AM or so. Whee, to school I must soon go. I'm listening to the System of a Down song 'Highway Song'.



New Blog Subtitle

Yeah, I changed the subtitle last week. They were lyrics from the Jim Infantino song "Stress". Here's the full version of the lyrics to that song:     ... Yeah. This week's subtitle is from the lyrics for a song, can you guess what it is? Some of you might know...   It's still snowing here. Awesome. So much snow it's incredible. And in March, right before Saint Patrick's Day, right after the anniversary of Caesar's death (Yes, it is spelled Caesar)... Crazy.   The irritating WWII kid I've




To get this started, before I get to the subject that elicited my expression of squeaky shock in the title, first some lyrics. -- "Fear", by Disturbed. The song is from their first album, 'The Sickness', and man it's a well done one. The song's beat changes several times, kinda. I really like it coz it elicits nostalgia from me in some aspects.   Anyways, to the topic of this: I think somebody circulated an email to noobs saying they should PM me and latch on to me, coz I've had conversati




Just to get your attention, I made this Size three.   I have built Takadox. I took pictures of him, but I have to upload them to my mom's computer, transfer them to mine, upload them to Brickshelf and put links here. I will also get scans of: The manuals. You will see how a Squid Launcher is used, and the inventory, the page that shows what pieces are in, which will give you a view of the new and old pieces.   There are no images of the Titans in the manual thingy. None. I hate to say it, bu




Bad news. My mom's making me work on my project, as in I have to do some comp work, so I can't get up Barraki manual scans for a while. But I have loaded Takadox pics to my gallery, check 'em out if the gallery's public.



Two New Updates...

...In my COT art topic. Check it out if you haven't already.   *sings along to 'Shut Me Up' by Mindless Self Indulgence*




*yawns* Nyeh, I'm so groggy... I don't even remember what I dreamed about, I don't think I had lots of sleep but I can't really recall whether or not... Yargh... I'm lumpy again... And it still hasn't snowed... *cries*




I can't believe nobody commented on that last entry. And I made it for you guys, my readers. The spine gnomes must be invading your heads. Allow me to remedy this with ...wooden object... related means. Pay no attention to what I just said. Look, a space hobo! *runs while everybody is looking in other direction*   Anyways, I stayed up last night... Or rather, today, as I went to bed at 2:50 AM. I should have written an entry... Nur, I'll just stay up again tonight. Yeh. Iss fun. *nurg*   Oh,




I got most of my homework done, I'm doing a poetry project for English, and I'm writing five poems to get 100% credit, and we have to give them a theme, so I chose the troubles encountered while writing to be ironic.   I checked Artwork I the other day, and I was a little surprised at how much Artpad stuff there is. It's disconcerting, especially since I've seen some much better Artpad work, in comparison to some (but of course not all) of the Artpad drawings floating around this bit of the In



Psycho Killer

I'm posting the lyrics to a song I love, by the Talking Heads, which I start humming whenever I get a violent urge on my mind, usually when I'm dealing with morons.     Yeah... For every time I've every wanted to just go ahead and kill somebody, or felt like total ###### and wanted revenge. One of the best songs ever.




Note: I kind of wrote in this for a long time over a period of four hours while waiting for the server to work again. Okay, De_Zahid has taken down the pictures, and it's all okay now.     I'm getting my caffeine right now, ah, it's so wonderful... May Cthulhu's praise be upon the flesh construct who concocted this work of genius. Aah. I haven't taken my meds in a few days and I feel fine. After all, who needs any sort of brain-fixy-pill when the little voices are there to talk to you all the



Am I The Only One Who Notices?

I'm talking about Barney. He's a toddler's authority figure and king, he's in around small children all the time, he's never supervised off set... Why do I smell a public scandal brewing here?     So anyways, I have something you don't! A Jhonen Vasquez Spooky Squeak Toy! Woo! It's a little squeaky skeleton toy, and it's disturbingly adorable! And I have it, and you don't! He's right by my keyboard... I'm squeaking him right now... Yay for squeaky stuffs.   Y'GLAAGH'N'PHLURGKZULGHORHK!   T



Scans Of The Manuals!

MORE SCANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN OF THE MANUALS.I have: A scan of the page that shows you how to use the Squid Launcher, a scan of the front of Takadox and Carapar's manuals, and Takadox's inventory page.   The Squid Launcher page!   A scan of both the front covers of Takadox and Carapar's manuals.   And finally, Takadox's inventory page. There's one new piece that will really excite MOCers.     These are the pics, and check my previous entries and my sidebar to see previous pictures.



Squid Launcher!

Just to give you folks who keep whining asking for images of the Squid Launcher a notice, in the entry below, there is a scan of the part of the manual that shows how to load and launch one of the Squid Ammo thingies form the launcher.   I'm playing with Carapar right now. I would have gotten one more set along with Takadox and Carapar, but I didn't wanna annoy my mom.



Song Lyrics... Yay...

Just because I can.....   --"Hollow Life" by Korn.   I feel like that some times. I really just like to take a long, dark moment to sit back and detach myself from my mind and wonder about the world...... I just sit back, in the dark, quiet, and I ask the complicated, inexplainable, unknown question of "Why?"   Have you ever noticed Emo kids cause about 90 to 99% of their problems? No, seriously, they just whine about how awful and pathetic their life is instead of noticing they could do



Hoo-ray I Have To Go To School.

I'm pretty dang sleepy, as can be proven by my frequent yawning among other things, and sadly I still hafta go to school. Plus I tried making toast and something went wrong and... Bah. Whatever. I'm still tired, I was having this weird dream involving Darth Vader and Dragon Ball Z for some reason... It made sense in my dream but now it doesn't...     Right now I'm listening to one of my favorite Disturbed songs... Yay...       I'll have to load my body with large fabric warming garments, put



Still Very Cold Out...

...Not cold enough to close schools, but it's definitely gonna be chilly out... I suspect more cold weather's coming anyways... I'll have to grab a ride on the creaky metal clump of bolts soon... I mean, the bus...



Wonderful Blizzard Of Oz

Well, I didn't stay up late last night... Fell asleep before my mom went up... See, I went to a play at my church, which the title hints at... The Wizard of Oz, yes. However it was snowing incredibly, the wind and snow and storm was tremendous. My mom brought two of those snow-scraper things you can brush and scrape the snow and ice off of your car with, so a while after we got to the church, she had to go out and brush the car off (it was already that bad). While we waited for the play to start



Good News!

I took more Barraki photos, I'll be looking through, editing, and uploading them later. I got a lot of work on my project thingy done, and I did my English homework, so I had some time to get the photos taken. Expect them to be up soon. Oh, and Carapar ROCKS.



Updated Again...

In my fantabulously sickening and grotesque COT art topic. Go check it out, you might like my dark style. Or it could just make you vomit horrifically and wretch in disgust.



Mhmn, Yyyyyyes...

My school day was fine, I had another chat with that science teacher who's a Lovecraft fan, and I went to a doctor's appointment. I had lunch/dinner from Burger King, and I got some homework done on my ride home. Smee.   So anyways, I'm reading an H. P. Lovecraft short story, "Herbert West: Reanimator". Very good. It's one out of a bunch of stories in one of the H. P. Lovecraft collections I got for Christmas, and they have footnotes, with explanations of things, from the editor of the collect



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