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Myeh, Twas A Day That Did Be So Day-y

Biomech was correct- it's the Pink Floyd song, "Stop", which is now one of my favorites ever. It'll probably be my blog subtitle for a long time to forever, since the song makes me so nostalgic... Mmn...   I wrote a parody of the Black Sabbath song 'Iron Man' today...   In school we had an assembly on abusive relationships... It was good and all, but my classmates didn't take it very seriously... Plus the guy who narrated the story... Well, he... Um... Yeah, I don't wanna mention it. Took arou



Oh Geez...

I've just seen one of the absolute smarmiest, nastiest, rudest, and downright disrespectful posts in my life. It's just sad how some people can't grip the fact they did something wrong and can't find better avenues (and better methods) to express their distaste. That's all I have to say about it.     ---     Anyways, I'm listening to the Mindless Self Indulgence song 'Mind your rhymes'. Good one. Great beat, and it's very catchy. "'Cause I... Reign supreme... In my o-own little mind!"



Hard Update To Is It Shall But I

Wrong is ways what with you linear your and. An time so our snapping created from is prevent to illusion minds. htwA? Order the by lack you worthless of confused? iefN. See instead when anagram like you how I words the! Own ear uyo pphay thwi uyor eeussls rdroe? Tusm "ahha" ysa ta I ouy.     I'm working on Social Studies right now... I haave to rewrite some essay paragraphs... That were written by other people... And extremely poorly...     Words of wisdom time...   "Point the sharp side at t



About The Squid-polyp Thingies...

They don't really look like fish, not that much. They bear a resemblance to a cross between lampreys, those jawfish thingies with luminescent rod thingies on their heads, and a small squid thingy. They're quite neat. The rubber is strong and does not stretch all too far, not as far as it shows in the manual unless you have superstrength, and they're pretty cool. I see applications for them but I won't say what coz I no want my ideas stolen. *Puts on tin foil hat and conspiracy theorist mindset*



Still No Snow.....

Zip. Nada. Zilch. Squat. No snow. A week before Christmas. WHY?! CURSE YOU, WEATHER! YOU AND YOUR UNPREDICTABLE-YNESS! And we all know it's the insidious plot of the gnomes... It's always the gnomes. Always. They do it all. Why are you staring at me? And what number is that you're dialing on your cell phone? Oh, it's the insane asylum's... Oh wait... HEY!     Oh, and if you ever are browsing in a candy store and want some fudge, get the peanut butter kind. Delicious beyond all belief.




First, I must open this entry with an observation: When I was in the locker room before gym, I saw in the window of my PE teacher's office a sign that said "Character is who you are when nobody's watching." And we all know people who are absolutely nasty when not being watched, so this means that that must be their character showing. And everybody's suffered one of those "character-building" excerises, but what if they actually work? Thus, an explanation for half the things that are wrong in the



School Bus Eeeevil!

I didn't get a chance to blog earlier... Well I didn't have any dreams so okay.   Anyways, I went out at 6:40 this morning, to wait for the bus. I expected it would come soon. It didn't. I was waiting out there with my friend, and we talked and played around to pass the time. The bus still hadn't come. The sound of the wind resembled the sound of the bus, and we wondered constantly if it had finally arrived. It was very wet, cold, and icy so we thought maybe school had been cancelled. But we st



Back From Florida!

It was fun! I stayed at Nickelodeon Hotel and went to various Disney parks... I went on a few rides I didn't like, but mostly it was good! Saturday was hectic. We were bustling around in airports, getting cramped in planes, waiting for our plane, had seating problems, etc. We arrived at the Orlando aiport, and took a tram to where we could be picked up by a Hertz bus, to go pick up the rental we would be using. It took a long time. We got the car, and drove to the Hotel. On the way to Orlando, I




I got up around 9:50... I can't remember what I dreamed last night because I wasn't able to sleep much til around 4:00 AM. I do remember my dream from two nights ago. I was traveling around places with my family. We stopped at a weird train station that had a restaurant which had shelves stocked with books, one of them a Batman book. The night before that, I dreamed I was on a cruise ship, and I got some free Bionicle promotional stuff, like a big rubber Kraata. Then I went to a buffet and got s



Heyyyyy, Comic.

Well, let's just say I said I'd update 'Late Saturday' instead of 'tomorrow' in my last entry, 'kay? Because pretending makes all the bad things go away, even the stupid people on the internets. Today's comic is my fourth. Yeah, I know you're all tired of me posting them out of order, or at least that's what I think, but hey, it beats not updating at all.  




What do you call somebody who's neither right wing or left wing, and tries to understand opposing views?   Clipped wing.



*sits Back*

Got my homework done, I'm doing fine...   Apparently my sense of humor recently has crossed the bounds of a few more strict-minded people. Fine with me, I'll restrict that sort of thing, I really wasn't sure about the assisted suicide joke thing, but it was certainly better than alternatives I was also considering. I'll have to keep certain tidbits of my biting sarcasm out of here, and I'll also clarify when I'm going to be sarcastic, as it seems people with different views had trouble telling



Skwid Mizzels...

*Shmorg* I'm playing wit' my SKWID MIZZELS! The ones I have and you don't. Awesomely stretchy and cool and stuff and things and all.   ...     What?     Come on, squid ammo rocks...     ...     Why you no likey squids?       SKWID MIZZELS! *SHMORG*



Got Me A New Banner...

Thank goodness for editing programs... Yep, a Scarecrow mini-banner... I may add a few other images to my sig coz there are plenty people from the Animated Series and its spinoffs to add... Scarecrow all the way!




Friday morning... I woke up several times in the night, and I feel kinda lumpy. Here's hoping my Friday goes okay..... I really need that three day weekend.



My Grandfather

My grandfather, on my mother's side of the family, is coming to visit in a few weeks. He's got some memory trouble, and we're afraid it might be Alzheimer's, but so far things have been good and he's okay. Memory problems can be part of growing old, just because of that, growing old. I've really been worried about him, but two things have helped me: One, I gave him a phone call a few days ago and told him how much he means to me and how proud I am of him. I told him how I felt about him and all,



Ahh... *chillaxes*

Three day weekend has begun...   My school day was moderately okay, the academics were a little dull/irritating but in French we had a test (which I liked better than lots of work, and I think I did well on it), in my music class, the normal teacher was absent so we had a sub and watched a movie about jazz, and we stopped when the bell rang, right before they got to talking about Professor Longhair, one of my favorite musicians ever. Then I would have had a meeting with the school counselor li



"egads! Trout!"

I bring you the third installment of my dialogue-format comedic series, folks:   Anyways, I got some homework done, and had pizza. Hoo-ray.



Weirdest Dream Ever

Okay, so last night I dreamed I died and went to The Place That Isn't Heaven. I freaked out at first, but began adapting to the place. A lot of my classmates were newly dead, too. Dunno why. Some of them concocted a scheme that thought that Satan and the Underworld weren't real. I joined them in on the plot. One of them drove a car down a road, to a mall I think, for some reason. It was led by a pair of people who actually tended to work together as partners in the real world. It ended up failin




So, first, my school day was okay. French and Art class were really nondescript, but in PE class, it took us more than half the class to decide what game to play. Yeesh. Then Science went by quietly, Social Studies was okay as well. Then I ate lunch. Hurrah. I had English, which was extremely confusing... Our English teacher is kinda strange. Then Math, dull...   Anyways, my mom picked me up at dismissal for a dentist appointment. We drove to the dental clinic place, and waited. Then I went in



Why Don't You Believe?!

Why?! I'm not kidding! It's how it appears on my computer! Yargh!   Look at those links!   Here's another link!:BELIEVE IN IT! RARGH!   And an image!   I'm not lying, this is how it appears on my comp. Weird, I know.



Star Wars And Elections

So on the bus, for some reason, we started debating about Darth Vader. Somebody asked why Darth Vader didn't just kill Palpatine, and we answered that Darth Vader's limbs were robotic and he depended on that chest thingy to breathe. Then we got to talking about how Vader basically killed himself when he killed Palpatine for trying to kill his son by throwing him in that reactor or whatever of the Death Star. Then I said, "Vote Palpatine-Vader for 2008! Why vote for the lesser evil?" And the guys



Smeeeeee! Smee I Say! Smee!

I have no homework whatsoever, and my day was okay (but if your school day was drastically reduced by a doctor's appointment, that would lessen your chances of having a bad experience, don't you think?), and now I'm home.   Now if you'll excuse me, an announcement for my blog: Seeing as some people are smarmy when they comment, I've taken up counting how many stupid/offensive things they say in their comments. When they go over a certain amount of stupid comments or if they post something that




I went to go get one today... I had really long hair, it was getting in my eyes and all... I wanted it just trimmed, but I got a full cut... Nuts... Plus, I'm going to Florida for February vacation, where I'll likely get a tan... That so ruins the look I had... Nur... And while I was waiting to get my haircut, I was so bored I read 'People' magazine. My eyes still haven't stopped hurting.   However, on the plus side, I got to go to Borders with my Dad right after... We traded jokes in the car



It's Snowing! For Real!

YES! SNOW! It's really coming down, and not just wimpy bits of snow like before, SNOW! YES! It's so beautiful out there, the snow coating the trees in the night, barely lit... Wow it makes me feel nostalgic... SOME GOOD SNOW IS FINALLY COMING! YES! It's falling pretty fast and it's wonderful... What a magnificent, once in a lifetime sight, it's incredible... The dark night making such a perfect backdrop to the flakes as they hug the ground and trees and everything, and it's that sort of night th



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