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Life Lesson

Remember, always remember, this valuable, priceless piece of wisdom that will serve you well in just about every situation:   Silence is golden, duct tape is silver. Never forget this.   No, really, that should come in handy. Just so long as you have a roll of the silver wonder, you should be well off in any scenario, even one involving giant maggot space toasters from the planet Gllllllokkanyockurghckn'yob M'spoo l'hoorgnoghflorgck.   And another tidbit of wisdom: "Roses are red, violets are




My day was filled with intrusions by the moronic things called teachers... Gack... I sat at several cold, machine-made desks, having alleged 'facts' being crammed into my mind although they'll likely be outdated by the time I graduate, all for the purpose of my so-called 'education', in an aging heap of concrete just waiting for a single incident to topple it horribly. Pfft. So my first three classes went moderately okay, but when I got to Social Studies, it went downhill. Everything was fine fo



* Throttles Something*

I feel angry. Punch kick smack maim attack slaughter angry. I don't know why but I honestly don't care. *Strangles something* I'm just seething with some sort of frustration........ Whatever. Better stuff it back in..... Bottle it up before the 'normal' people notice and decide it doesn't look right with all their silly delusions.



Daww Nuts

Did you ever, after such a long period of time spent worrying and being indecisive, go forward with trying something new, and start trying to get used to it, and start making friends, and find your footing?     And then, did you feel like you'd found such a wonderful new thing, that it was so incredible, so fun, so engrossing, that you loved it with all your heart?     And did you want to be doing this forever, and to be a part of it, no matter what, because it was so fantastic and you had met



Mmn Yes, I Forgot To Remember Again.

"Geeblebleegurp!" Honked out the excessively combustible toad before he was lobbed at a great, lumbering toast gnome to save the burning world of Somewhere Else by a horrific waffle daemon from the darkest depths of a Wal*Mart. This was of course before a rain of puppies disrupted the horrific waffle daemon's precipitous deeds, and thusly the giant, lumbering toast gnome began breakdancing. And then the excessively combustible toad exploded and the narrator was noogied into a stupor, though he m



More Muzzy...

My academic classes were really nondescript... So let's skip to French class. We continued watching Muzzy, and it was odd... Muzzy and Jean (not Jacque, I made a mistake) break out of prison, and go to Sylvie, and Corvax (That goblin thing, I only just found out his name) has duplicated dozens of Sylvies accidentally, all of them hating Corvax as much as the original. Muzzy and Jean (Bob in the English version) did some weird little song-and-dance routine before they broke out, also... It was de



Just Renewed...

...My premier membership. I did it ahead of time, as to avoid... *GASP* non-premiership. My dad got me a lifetime membership. AWESOME.



Nur... Hurrah...

Well, I watched 'Superman Returns' on DVD with my dad. It was fun. I also did my homework before I watched it. So I was off my comp for a few hours. And when I got back, to my dismay something elsewhere had happened that did not make me happy. And then I was on BZP and I was okay. Then at another somewhere else I saw something a little mean. But seeing as I run that 'another place' I was able to fix it (I hope). So now I hafta go to bed.



So, I'm Back From School.....

Meep, y'know? Today went a little smoother than yesterday. First I had Reading Fun (One of my favorite enrichment classes), then Assisted Study, which didn't suck as much as usual, then I had Integrated Arts, or IA, and my class is in the Computer rotation of it, and I did no work, in fact I got to post the blog entry below this one and stuff. Then I had Science, two periods in a row, which wasn't bad at all. Then I went to lunch, which is the easiest part of the day aside from dismissal. So the




Twice, I have tried writing an entry on Marvel's new Captain America, and the [insert incredibly offensive, vulgar, and disgusting word of choice here] power went out, both times. I am not amused by the antics of my local power company, nor by that of the weather or any other chance forces that may be guilty. I mean, I'm especially angry, because Mozilla Firefox has a 'Restore Session' thing for power outages and the like. But apparently while data in other entry fields will be saved, the info i




It's raining heavily. I'm exceptionally groggy. I feel cranky. I don't like the fact that the blog staff -removed- and closed my entries. I don't like that I had to get up out of my bed. I don't like that I'll have to run faster than Forrest Gump in the rain to get to my bus stop. I don't like the fact that I have MCAS again today. I don't like the fact that this testing will start immediately at first period. I don't like that I have to go to French class, today. I don't like that I feel so abs



Another Thing About Webcomics

Comic strips and comic books are bound by what is viewed as "politically correct". They cannot make jokes about or give a villain role to minorities (For example, an unwritten rule is "no creating annoying people who're minorities, disabled, or different somehow") or whatever. No politically incorrect portrayals of women, children, minorities, the disabled, and other types of people. Not even ugly, stupid, nitwitted, slow, waste-of-air morons anymore. Comic strips have such tiny windows for come



Irony Is...

...When a 'Stop forest fires' march/group is supported by a cigarette company. ...When someone thinks they're cool for making fun of a new member. ...When an animal lovers parade on a beach accidentally tramples a mother turtle burying her eggs in the sand.     I was kicked off of or lost my chance to get on three computers in a row before this. I was kicked off because a stupid kid who didn't do their work when they should have was lazy and decided to do it now. I wish I'd stayed in bed, I




We didn't even have academic classes today, we just went to the concert and then watched videos, hoo-ray. They performed one of my favorite songs, 'Puttin' on the ritz' in the concert (performed by members of the chorus, orchestra, and band). My French class was dull, and my French teacher is evil, and my music class was okay, and then my usual appointment with the counselor was cancelled and I had to go to assisted study, gragh. And then when I got out of the bus, half my stuff fell out of my b




OCTOSQUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID! Now isn't that cool, children? But watch out for the giant Hobosquids and Octotelemarketers... They's everywhere and they're out to eat our brains or some sort of vital organ. Or maybe just steal condiment packets from Taco Bell. Whatever.   I'm gonna listen to Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus" now, it makes me feel nostalgic.



Woo! Vacation!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *falls over from lack of oxygen* Now I have nine straight days to waste without care. It's going to be great... I got a lot of work done today, and I really feel I need this vacation... I am really burnt out...     I watched an episode of 'Without a Trace' with my mom earlier... It's a really good show, and this particular episode was good.     I have some art I need to get up soon... Or BK will eat me... Or at least sic the Hounds of Tindalos on me...



Wakey Wakey.......

I'm up, once more..... At least it's the day I get out on Christmas Vacation..... Yeah, I called it Christmas Vacation, Politically Correct Police, boo hoo. Whatever....... Kill stuff. Yay.     Okay, on to something more important: BBC 39: PATHETIC. Geez....... A color restriction contest isn't very fun, for one thing, it also limits the number of people able to enter. Thirdly, OH MY ELDER GOD the entries for this contes make me cringe, shudder, vomit and finally want to make creative use of m




Oh my Elder Gods are they amazing. They're so incredibly different from each other, they're all so interesting... I'm getting all six. Takadox looks so spidery, and I like Ehlek and Mantax. I want to get them all. Kalmah has some tentacle pieces that I could use...



Very Weird Dream...

I forgot to tell you guys, I had a freaky dream... I was with my dad and sister or something at this Chucky-cheese like place, only way different, it was nighttime and raining, and I was interchanging with being a weird, side-scrolling, purple-suited Luigi who was kinda pale and strange, fighting tons of Goombas on these pyramid like structures. And then I was back in the building, on what was like a city made out of those pipe-and-bridge kid's structures, and I nearly lost my balance and I was




I wish it had been too cold for school today, I woke up and I was absolutely groggy... *Yaaawn* Seriously... I am tired and worn out today. Just my luck I have Math, English, French, and PE. Urgh.   I'm listening to 'Bullet with Butterfly Wings' by Smashing Pumpkins now. "Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage..."




Apophenia. They say it's a tendency to see connections where none exist. I say apophenia doesn't exist. Everything is connected in some horrible, horrible way. That slightly bent spoon- If you hadn't set it down three seconds before 5:33 PM last week, you wouldn't have bumped into the wall, and your right foot wouldn't have hit it, and you wouldn't have had that limp the next week, and you would have been out of that bank before it was robbed and you were shot in the knees.   Or, it's all a c




I went to Borders today with my dad, I got a Dilbert book (random acts of management), and two CDs: System of a Down's Mesmerize and Disturbed's Believe. Right now I'm listening to 'Liberate', on my Disturbed CD. I have an odd taste in music: While I am a metal fan, I like old bands like Talking Heads, or the B-52s, and other bands, or bands like the Proclaimers, White Stripes, They Might Be Giants, Weird Al, Hot Hot Heat, Moxy Fruvous... I like Jazz and Blues as well, and a capella is a very go



Eh, Again.

So I'm gonna be headed off for school in a little, and I'll be having one of the two days of my school week where lunch is one period earlier. So I'll have two periods of English, then two of Math, then Lunch, and then my nonacademic subjects (Other than French). I hate Math. Not the subject, but how they teach it and who teaches it. English, I don't really like, but at least I managed to get my homework in.     Oh, and I hereby claim this could-be blog fad: Frodo/Voodoo/Dodo/(whatever variati



Snow! Even Better!

IT SNOWED AGAIN! And it was thicker, and colder, and it's still out there! YAY! Man, this is awesome! It is pretty cold out though... It looked like it would be warm out when I woke up! I should have worn sweat pants and a heavier coat... And a scarf... And stuff... But my day went okay.



Mhm, I Am Bored.

Therefore I shall dictate what I need to do:Shower. Make that COT Art topic I keep talking about. Finish a few drawings I'm working on. Finish reading "At The Mountains Of Madness" by H.P. Lovecraft, coz it's such a good story.



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