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Weekly Update - 8/14

Intro Another offline week...   Updates Skopio XV-1 Review by Bfahome. Cendox V1 Review by Great Being #1.   LEGO is making a feature length motion picture. I'm looking forward to hearing more.   We're working on it...   Mailbag Nope, nothing.   Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.   Conclusion Yep...

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 11/16

So another Friday, and another day I've manged to do a weekly update. Last week was pretty busy. The biggest news of course was the appointment of Tufi Piyufi as a Forum Administrator. Let me congratulate her here again. The other Admins and I had talked about the idea for a bit before finally deciding the extra help would be most useful. We're definitely glad we made the choice after the many years Jen's been helping us out as a staff member here on BZP.   In other news, obviously the New Memb

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 1/23

Intro So welcome to our latest installment of the Weekly Update. Not a whole lot is new this week (so what else is new? ) but read on to see what we do have.   Updates So this week was a pretty review-filled week.   To mixed reviews, we debuted the Review Rebuttal system, starting with Adventurer's Atakus Rebuttal. Remember, reviews and rebuttals are just people's opinions in addition to some facts, so you're not going to agree with them all.   Next up, Dinobot the Maximal shared his though

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 9/12

Intro Another week, another update. Not a whole lot to report on, but we'll make some stuff up anyway.   Updates So, first and foremost, a former staff member has returned to grace us with his presence on the staff once again. This crazy Aussie is helping us out in BBC and GD, so watch out if you want to break the rules in there. It's good to have another familiar face back on the team.   Also, we have an RPG Contest going on that I realized I haven't shamelessly advertised in here yet. So

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 6/11

Intro Welcome back to our update that takes place each week. After last week, it's going to be a bit hard to follow up after those sig guidelines from last week.   Updates Lots of BrickFair news this week. Benjamin posted up some BrickFair shipping info for sending your MOCs and artwork to the event. I hope to see a lot of your creations there! In other news, there's been some mosaic news - we need your help with it!   We recently discovered word on a new Hero Factory set that's coming out a

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 2/1

Intro So, the weekend is upon us again. And that of course means it's time for another Weekly Update. Read on to see what's new this week.   Updates It's been another week and we've had no more reports of the virus affecting anyone. I'm glad things have finally cleared up.   The announcement I mentioned last week was of course that all forum staff have been given the ability to approve posts. This has definitely sped things up and gets new members onto BZP faster. It's good to see things wor

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 4/23

Intro Slow week and a busy night. That's the perfect recipe for a short update.   Updates So, we're planning on trying to do some stuff for BrickFair in August. If you have any ideas for things we should plan, like contests, or giveaways, or other things we can involve all of you guys in, let me know!   We're trying to wrap up some other longstanding projects. But the end of April and May means finals for a lot of us, which equals no free time.   And there you have it.   Mailbag Nothing t

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 12/14

Intro I'm sneaking this one up just in time. Another busy Friday, but hopefully the last one for a while. Maybe I'll go more into that another time. Anyway, we're about to reach the end of that seven day cycle we call a week, and it's time for that BZPower recap-like thing.   Updates So, one or two things might have happened this week, just maybe. Some more set reviews (with another in the pipe for this weekend hopefully) were posted with much fanfare. A new Blog Assistant was promoted, and t

Black Six

Black Six

Black Six Vs U S P S - Round 2

Just got back from another trip to the Post Office (for details on my previous trip, see here). I really made some people annoyed with me, considering I had 16 packages going out across the US and to Canada and even Denmark. But if you won our recent Anniversary Giveaway, your prizes are finally on their way to your house. If you were a finalist in BBCC #54, there's a 50% chance your prizes are on your way. Finally, if you won our first Blog Contest, there's a 0% chance your prizes are on their

Black Six

Black Six

Of Dinosaurs And Robots

So recently fates would conspire to remind me of some books I used to love when I was younger, Dinotopia. James Gurney is a skilled and talented writer and artist, and his fictional world of man and sauropod living in (near) peace and (almost) harmony was very rich. I remember having the first two books that I read probably dozens of times, as well as a spinoff novel by Alan Dean Foster (another great writer), but apparently there were four books in the main series. I think I may have to look in

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 10/30

Intro Whaddya mean, trick or treat? It's not Halloween yet! Oh fine, I guess I'll give you a little Weekly Update.   Updates If you missed it, check out this topic. Lots of promotions! Yes, I fulfilled on my promise from recent updates! Success! Congrats again guys. Raga and mumu, you'll be missed. Unfortunately things rarely stay the same for long.   If you haven't seen the recent new LEGO Universe screenshot, check it out! Jim Foulds is awesome. (Where's my beta invite Jim?)   The first o

Black Six

Black Six

Black Six Vs U S P S - Round 4

For reference: Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3. I probably should have had a Round 4 before now, but I guess I skipped it.   Today I spent a bunch of time at Office Depot and the USPS. You're welcome. Here's who I'm saying that too: All the BBC Contest #59 winners except for Brickthing - Smeag still has your MOC and prize and will be shipping that out to you at some point. Everyone else, your MOCs are on their way home, with prizes too. Except for the CDs, I don't have those and have to get in to

Black Six

Black Six

On The State Of The Server, And Other Things

Well, the forums have been offline for over a day now, and it doesn't leave me with a whole lot to do, which is a rather unexpected change. So I figured I'd use this time to update my long-atrophying blog. Read on, if you dare.   First on the list: BZPower's server. Many of you have been frustrated with the performance of the site recently, and believe me so have we. The kicker is that the server is running fine and all of the recent upgrades have helped speed things up dramatically. There was

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 4/4

Intro Welcome to the BZPower Weekly Update. As always I'm here to tell you about stuff that's happening on BZPower and such. And then it will be time to watch some Battlestar Galactica before the final season premiers.   Updates Obviously the biggest news this week was the announcement of a new line of Bionicle books. Ok, so maybe it was an April Fools joke, but it was still pretty funny. Major thanks go to Bionicle.com webmaster and former BZP Admin Binkmeister. He pretty much thought up the

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 5/9

Intro I'm hoping tonight won't be as boring as the past few weeks. To find out for yourself, read on!   Updates So the biggest news, I think is last night's promotion. Once again, congratulations Toaraga! I'm sure he'll do a great job, he was already nuking signatures last night, so he's off to a good start. Unfortunately that means Janus is no longer a Global Moderator. This was his choice, as he felt he no longer had sufficient free time to continue with the work and get other things done.

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 6/19

Intro Welcome back to this week's update. It's unfortunately pretty scarce in that department but you can read on anyway.   Updates We got some new info on LEGO's new lineup of board games, which look like they'll be pretty fun. I'm looking forward to playing them at some point.   And of course we can't forget the good news of BZPower Forum Leader Kopaka's Ice Engineering, aka Byron, getting married! I unfortunately couldn't make it, but I'm sure it was a great ceremony and I'm very happy fo

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 8/22

Intro Here we are, back for another weekly installment of BZP stuff.   Updates This past week we've had a couple more reviews posted. Expect to see that trend increasing (as long as the other reporters and I aren't too busy with other things!). Hopefully we can get a large portion of the summer sets reviewed in the coming month or so.   Speaking of sets, a list and some pictures purported to be of 2009 sets, both Bionicle and otherwise, has appeared in various places around the Internet. As

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 3/26

Intro You guys get a very early update this week, since I'll be leaving for Boston shortly to go to PAX East!   Updates Short update this week.   I encourage you to check out the awesome pictures LEGO sent us of the upcoming Hero Factory sets. They provide a good look at these sets, with better contrast in some cases than the ones Yannick and I took at ToyFair.   We have some more reviews coming for you soon, and other stuff too. So keep your eyes peeled.   Mailbag 1. Loving are caring

Black Six

Black Six

Black Six For Ambassador!

So most of you have no doubt seen the news about the next cycle of LEGO Ambassadors. It seems that quite a few of you thought I was doing a good enough job for the last year and have been kind enough to nominate me again. I appreciate it!   As you can read in the news story, one of the requirements for applying is a minimum of three testimonials, basically members of the community saying why you think I should be an Ambassador. If you're interested in writing one for me it would be truly apprec

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 11/30

Intro Hey, I'm getting this out on time this week! I'm also going to try some formatting and see how that works out. So sit back, relax and enjoy the read.   Updates So, the biggest story of the past week was the Senior Staff announcement. I'd like to thank the old fogies again (not that I have any room to talk) for their commitment for all these years. As always, I'm going to tease and say the staff updates aren't done yet, but we don't really have a time frame on when we'll be making anythi

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 2/8

Intro First and foremost: congratulations Giants! Sorry Patriots fans, but it was a great game, and the best team won.   Anyway, Bionicle. There were definitely some interesting stories this week and it should be interesting to see how they turn out in the long run.   Updates One of the biggest stories this week is that Wal Mart stores have stopped ordering Lego products. Anything you see on the shelves is all that's going to be there until some sort of deal gets worked out. Some people have

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 6/25

Intro It is summer at long last. That means summer break for all you kids and lots of nice, warm weather. It doesn't mean a stop for the Weekly Updates either!   Updates To start things off, recently there have been a couple instances of members' accounts being compromised and used to spread inappropriate messages. If you see the forums go offline, or receive a notice that you have a new PM that suddenly disappears, this is probably the reason. We're constantly looking for ways to improve the

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 5/23

Intro Tonight's update will hopefully be pretty good. I have a few topics worth discussing. We can talk about promotions, Ambassadors, and member behavior, oh my!   Updates So, this past week we had two pretty major staff promotions (which happened to coincide with two people stepping down). First, which most of you have probably seen by now, is the ToM Dracone, or Yannick, is now part of the BZPower news team. If you've read any of his reviews on BZP, you know what a skilled writer he is. We

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 2/12

Intro Hey everyone, welcome to this week's update.   Updates Not much has been going on, in the big scheme of things. But Toy Fair is almost here!   Lots of story updates this week: Tenth installment of Reign of Shadows Eleventh part of the Mata Nui Saga Twelth part of the Mata Nui Saga Prologue of The Journey's End I know I mentioned more set reviews, but things have been busy here. Soon?   Mailbag No questions this week.   Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mai

Black Six

Black Six

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