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Final Thoughts: Gears Of War And Crysis:warhead

Well, I got a double whammy for you who are remotely interested in listening- not only have I been severely procrastinating my Final Thoughts segment on Gears, but I just beat Crysis:Warhead as well.   Final Thoughts- Crysis:Warhead   Well, what can I say? This is the sort of game that you need to expeirience for yourself. And when you're someone like me who has a comp capable of playing the game on MAXED-OUT GRAPHICS, it is gonna be a gaming expeirience you won't forget.   The game doesn't



Final Thoughts: Fear 2

Wow. Clone armies, psychic ghosts and mechs, oh my!   That game well surpassed the 20 bucks I put into it two weeks back to give me something to do after extensive homework sessions. The funny part is I remember not being particularly fond of FEAR 1. Everything about the sequel kicked butt, though. The combat, the visuals, the voice acting, and the music. Even the plot actually becomes something impressive- Well, maybe not the plot, but rather the backstory behind Alma, the character that real



Final Thoughts: Dead Space

Final Thoughts: Dead Space   This is not a question of the game being good or bad. I'll try to carry out with this as persuasively as possible...   The question really is can you HANDLE this behemoth BEAST of a game that will leave you quaking for MORE and MORE?!   If you say no, then you'll never be a REAL GAMER!   If the game scares you, that's more then okay- it is that scary.   But if you don't adapt and make the Necromorphs fear you because you're the one that STOMPS their bodies to P



Facts About Your New And Improved Ka-boom

I'd insert a disclaimer here about how this is not ego maniacal, but I can't offer an excuse. My apologies! But yeah, these facts are really my way of communicating how things have changed in terms of everything Bzpower related since I was last around. Because let's face it; you're not going to be seeing a lot of me around the forums.       - If I'm on Bzpower, chances are I am really, really bored. Nothing against this site or anything, but I decided to move on from general internet socializi



Endorphins For The Wins

After a week of being sick and practically confined to the house, I finall got to work out again after like, 10 days. And I already feel so much happier, active, patient and thoughtful.   Natural addictions have been satiated today, and now I feel so goooood~ <33   *melts*   I love induldging my desire for dark, gritty, horror elements in my creativity. But you know what? I need to indulge the brighter side too- I want to be someone who can enjoy just about everything.   So I'm off to e




Ka's Personas: Doyle, Lord Of Rage    When it comes to frustrated/angry/annoyed emotions, Doyle is in control. Tiny, ugly and always angry, Doyle is painfully loud. Think Alvin And The Chipmunks on helium and every harmful substance known to man. Peeve him off *which is extemely easy, as you have all seen before* and he'll gnaw your ear off.   Thing is, that's just about all he can do. No matter how much he wills to kill you with an axe, no matter how many complex murder plots he establishe



Don't Marry *or Divorce* Online, Kids

First thing in the news on the Yahoo website.   TOKYO: A 43-year-old Japanese woman whose sudden divorce in a virtual game world made her so angry that she killed her online husband's digital persona has been arrested on suspicion of hacking, police said Thursday.   The woman, who is jailed on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data, used his identification and password to log onto popular interactive game "Maple Story" to carry out the virtual murder in m



Don't Attack Me.

Don't.   You can attack my opinions, you can attack my actions.   But don't attack me.   It was a harmless rant, people. It's my blog and I think I'm allowed to let off some steam at the end of the day within it's boundaries. After all, there is nobody else in this house or any friend I could call up that could listen to me ease an irritation about an online children's site without being laughed at. I just wanted to blow off a bit of anger that had built up over the course of a long time.  



Dogs Are Nasty

I just gave these two furry ingrates a flea bath last night, and now they're already crawling with them again.   When I move out, I'm getting myself a non-mammalian pet. I'm thinking a macaw or something.



Desecrating The Grey Knights

Todays day at the gaming club was interesting. There were many people when I came in, but they were all playing plain ol' fantasy Warhammer. So I waited for like, 30 minutes and after last week's expierience, you'd figure I would have left. But no, my stubborn patience paid off.   One of the employees who was hanging out in the back managed to get some of his friends to come out from somewhere *I seriously don't know XD* and start up a battle for us after he noticed I had been waiting around fo



Degeneration Exo.

Well, seeing as he hasn't harrassed my profile or sent me a barrage of PMs within a the past four days, it is safe to assume that DX has died in some horrible gender-bending related accident, probably involving some explosions or perfume inhaling. Or maybe all of the online physical abuse finally got to him and he went insane or something.   So... Who gets his stuff? I call dibs on any pizza rolls.



Decisions And Dillemas Of A Lazy Guy

To write, or not to write? That is the question. Wether *or however that possibly-non-existent-word is pronounced* it is better to suffer the slings of Angry Dead Guys 2 or take up arms against a sea of COT epic ideas, and in opposing them, to die in reality even more, to laze, no more!   Or something like that. I have a feeling that's not exactly how Hamlet would have went.   But yeah. I gotta hankering to write something. But what...?



December 24th

Merry Christmas, courtesy of The Star Wars Holiday Special! Here's to hoping you guys all have a good one~ *DISCLAIMER: No, I never have and never will dare to watch that God awful abomination. I just watched a Nostalgia Critic review of it and even then it was still painful.*



Deadly Dork Drama

With the course of only a few airsoft games, I have quickly become the team's stealth expert and loose cannon.   I am the only person they have had who will bury himself 3/4 into muddy undergrowth and then burst out with a *rubber* knife and snag the enemy who has the most powerful weapon, then take it and use it on his unsuspecting allies.   I am the only person to have literally crawled through an entire firefight and pick off the enemy snipers from behind, then vanish with both of their g




Between my computer being a virus hive where now going anywhere on the internet leaves me vulnerable to more trojan attacks and becoming even busier with life *now I'm working twice a week because Bossman had brain surgery and so on* , I now officially have almost zip time for this place.   Again, this doesn't mean I'm dissapearing from the world of the internets. Contact me on YIM *Don't have one? Get one, silly*.



Dawn Of Wat

You do not need to be a Warhammer fan to see something is very wrong with this image.   I dare not actually play a mission with that loadout for fear of my computer imploding. Yes, this is my screenshot from my game. It actually gave me "IMG" as a reward for one mission.



Dawn Of Bore 2: Loadtime Rising

This game.   THIS GAME.   COULD have been one of my favorite games.   But when it effectively takes 20 minutes to load between missions on a computer that is capable of playing Crysis smoothly on maxed out graphics, you know something isn't right. When it says you've spent 14 hours playing a game and you know you couldn't have spent more than 5 on it, you know something isn't right.   When you spend more time pacing than you do playing, you know something isn't right.   When you spent 50$




Oh God, I'm obsessed with it again. I guess it took only one round of replaying to get me hooked all over again :s



Crispy Cooked Graphics Card

Well, the downstairs PC didn't explode but it does seem the graphic's card has met it's end, so I can't even get on the computer without it looking like Van Gogh threw up all over the screen.   Seems I've rolled a snake eyes, so Aion Nocturnus stuff ain't going to be revealed whether I like it or not at this rate.   The only other notable thing today is that it's the final day of my art class this semester. Seeing as some of the other class mates haven't even finished assembling their structu



Countdown To Ragetown...

Okay, as I sit here feeding my thoughts into this Add Entry box, I am busy munching on Candy Corn. I will not lie- I freaking love Candy Corn. I could live off this stuff if I let myself do that. But despite my indulgence on Danson's candy, I still find myself quivering with rage.   CHAOS- I AM CALLING YOU OUT. I HATE YOU WITH A PASSION THAT CAN NEVER BE QUELLED, A PASSION THAT ECLIPSES EVEN MY HATERED OF GURREN LAGGAN.   *thrusts Candy Corn aside*   YOU PIG-SWINDELING, SLUG FRENCHING VERMI



Contemplating Getting Banned.

Yeah. I might leave Bzp for a long, long while. Clearly the lines between reality and the internet have blurred for me, and it's screwing me over. I've offended good friends on the internet thinking other people don't take things just like me- I'm clearly wrong. I may look at life in a care-free perspective, but it's getting to me and costing me friends both here and reality alike.   So yeah, I might be saying goodbye soon.



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