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How To Contact Me

Just a quick note -- anybody that needs to PM me about anything classified (hint hint, you-know-who-you-are ) but can't, feel free to send an email to:   bonesiii@gmail.com   And let me know your member name when you use this.   I'll try to actually check it everyday.   Otherwise, yall may comment here or in my profile comments for the time being.



The Orange Fades

This is one of my poems from the Poetry class I mentioned I'm taking at my college. Lemme know whatchall think of it. The Orange Fades I saw a carved pumpkin on a porch yesterday. It made me think of an old Autumn-themed scrapbook from my childhood. I pick it up, feel its orange-leather cover. I open it and step into all the photos I wish I’d taken. An unpainted, wooden storefront towers over me, barrels of gourds and miniature pumpkins out front. Orange, red, yellow maples



Interview: Gollaga, Enemy Of Survurlode

Today the Bones Blog brings you an interview with the creature Gollaga, former wielder of the One Refresh, the weapon of our enemy, Evil Lord Survurlode. We believe that this artifact is tied to Survurlode's powers just like Sauron was to his One Telephone Ring. Let's hope we can figure out how to find and destroy it! But don't tell Gollaga that, please... bones: Thanks for agreeing to talk with us, Gollaga. We've been trying to track you down for months ever since Evil Lord Survurlode told



Interview: The Chief Gremlin, Minion Of Survurlode

Today the Bones Blog brings you an interview with one of Evil Lord Survurlode's minions, the Chief Gremlin. I discovered the existence of these creatures only by a slip of the tongue on Survurlode's part on the last interview. I've hunted down the Chief and he has agreed to let me interview him in person at his home. Though I was a little confused when he told me to meet him on a tiny rocky island off the coast of Metru Nui... This time I brought my own camera, so I could include snapshots, and



Survurlode Art Topic, New, Improved, And Old!

Just a heads up that I've posted an Artwork topic for lotsa Survurlode artwork, mostly vector, some edits, from all four interviews, here: Spam Troll, Orca, & Other Evil Lord Survurlode Art Contains some new art too, including a revamped Orca with bonus wallpaper, another Pet Peeve, an improved THE Chief Gremlin, and the iHouse in both knob and house modes! Any posts/comments on this artwork would be greatly appreciated. NOTE: Includes bio info, allegiance status, plus some brand



Updates: College, Job, Blog, Brc, Rpg, Etc

Been a while since I've done a Dreaded Real Life entry, and figured I might as well announce a few other things along with that: Blog: -- I've revamped tons of imagery and such for the Bones Blog. The cheesy example skull from this entry: Vector Art in Powerpoint: Quality, Inexpensive, Easy inspired me to make a real one. Not as an av -- I still like my avvie as is -- but for blog stuffishness like the main pic at the top of the sidebars. It's also used for the brand new Skull of Approval



Can Opinions Be Wrong?

Today the Bones Blog brings you the answer to one of the most commonly posted debate tactics on BZP. This is answered already in the Debate Terms Guide, but the answer is somewhat spread out over many entries there and that length can be daunting to read. So this blog entry addresses the idea directly. For clarity, key points will be bolded; don't confuse the bolding for emotionalism. Can Opinions Be Wrong? One of the most common ideas I encounter in debate is this: "These are my opini



Better 08 Pics, Analysis, Reaction, And Predictions

Today the Bones blog presents a four-tiered feature on the official & approved 2008 set images seen in this article. First, enlarged and lighting-fixed images are used here that make judging each piece and the overall set easier. Second, my in-depth objective analysis of the sets is included with each image, as well as my own in-depth subjective personal reactions. Fourth, at the end I will make my customary predictions about how these are likely to sell. If nothing else, I hope the improved



Project Unveil: Bionicle Reference Center!

In mere hours, the next Reference Project will go live! A series of clues was hidden that revealed three levels of mystery about the project. All three levels have been solved! There is no more mystery -- except what exactly is in the new BRC -- and so there are no more question marks from this point on. The three levels of Mystery were these: 1) The next Reference Project is going live! Today! 2) It involves a shared account, the Reference Keeper Team. 3) It is no small project -- this



Mystery: Next Reference Project!

One of three levels of the Mystery has been solved: The next reference project is done, and is ready to go online within a week of today! A series of clues is hidden throughout my blog that can be used to figure out what the project will be. Two more batches of digital cookies are available to those two solve the other two levels of MYSTERY! The two remaining levels involve: 1) The mask the eyes in the third image belong to and the hidden clue that goes with the eyes. 3) The scope of th



Wise Guy -- Sample From My Screenwriting Class

This is just a quick story for my Screenwriting Workshop summer class -- everybody in class liked it, so I figured, "Why not have a blog entry AND homework done?" Inspired in part by the Hagar the Horrible comic strip. It's written in the format for a screenplay (as close as BZP formatting can do), which might be a little jarring at first. Some tips -- "beat" means "slight pause", and the all caps either introduce a new character or are sound effects. Enjoy! ------------------------



History Of Violence In Bionicle

Today, the Bones Blog provides some much-needed perspective on the issue of the "violence level" in Bionicle. Often lately members have made false claims about certain types of "violence" nowadays compared to 2001 or other years. So I'd like to provide a list of the real story on the history of violence in Bionicle, subject by subject. This will be set up like a Myths and Misconceptions article, listing the subject or accusation that is false in bold then the explanation following. Note, tha



The Undead Blog, Rpg News

Hello, all. I'm posting this entry for two reasons. 1) To assure yall that this blog is not dead. Just overloaded by homework (summer classes...), the latest BZPower Reference Project, which is very time-consuming (wish I could say more--but you'll find out hopefully this summer!), and #2: 2) News on the RPG (Bionicle Paracosmos: The Map of Mata Nui). The topic may be dead, but the RPG is not--Ojhilom and I are hard at work getting that skeletal version of the Le-Koro Level ready for thi



Ruthless Elegance: A Visual Guide To Cool

If you know me very well at all, you know I love the "Coolified" style of appearance in Bionicle sets. This style is in many people's eyes the opposite to the 2001 style, yet in my tastes at least it is the best Bionicle can be, and it seems like most fans share my preference in this, though it's certainly OK for others not to (to each hisher own). Because of the majority "Cool" preference, I think Bionicle is at its absolute best, stylewise, when it uses this style to the max in the sets. Both



Why Kopeke As Chronicler?

In Ko-Koro, we respect knowledge above all things. --Kopeke Well now that the Chronicler contest is over, and the final results are in, Kopeke will be the next Chronicler! He is also who I ended up voting for, so I'm happy with these results, just personally. But what about whether he fits the job? A lot of people have posted things like "his personality doesn't fit" or the like, and just generally asked, "Why Kopeke?" Well, I can only speak for myself as far as why I voted, but I thought



History Of A Dromer

When ya see a topic in LGD about the LEGO Drome Racing game, and don't see your name mentioned anywhere on the first page... it's a good sign you're waaaay out of it, lol. Many of you newer members probably don't even realize who I am when it comes to the drome. So today I thought I'd take a little zoom down memory highway... When the drome first came out, I logged on, because I love racing games, almost as much as battle games, so I thought, eh, why not? Might be fun. I was a little surpris



Bzp Debate Terms Guide

In most debates, most of the "disagreements" actually arise because one side or another (or both) fails to clearly define the terms they are using. This is a continuing and profound problem on BZP that I run into often; and often I find myself needing to repeat myself over and over as new debate topics pop up with members posting in them that missed the last topic. Gets tedious, so here's a basic dictionary of the debate terms most important to Bionicle debates on BZPower! [Note: I maxed out th




Yes, yes! Believe it or not, I'm still alive! My prediction that I'd be super busy thanks to this college semester has unfortunately turned out to be very very very true--I basically have no time for BZP except a few hours sometime on the weekend, and wednesday. I've basically retired from my modding duties except if I have a spare minute or two. I'm still coordinating a project coming up for Reference which I think you guys will like--nothing too fancy since none of us really have time for much



In Honor Of Penny

I've had the Post New Entry page up here for a few hours trying to figure out how to begin this... I guess perhaps this is the best way to do it: I don't know. When I said the Dreaded real life was attacking, I didn't realize it was attacking this strongly. One of my family's two dogs just died Monday, Penny. Golden Retriever, only 9 years old (compared to an average 12). We got Penny a few years after our last dog, Duke died (he was also a Golden, and lived to an amazing 15 years). She was



Attack Of The Dreaded Real Life

Well, this semester of college has started up, and now that the first week is over and I have the syllabi and such, I can officially say that I am going to be absolutely swamped. Just a heads up guys that I might not be anywhere near as active as y'all are used to--it would be appreciated if people keep that in mind when considering PMing me about things not vitally important or whatnot. At this point I'm just hoping I won't have to resign from any of my BZP duties, though I'm almost sure s



Rpg Ko-koro Online Now!

It's here! The first of the Part 2 levels in my RPG: The Map of Mata Nui, for the Bionicle Paracosmos, is now online! As promised! The level isn't 100% finished, but the important stuff is there, including storyline, 2 of 3 minigames, best graphics yet in the game, music, a new weapon, and more. Details are in the first post of the topic; the download is here: Download here! (Version 2.0) Have fun! I'll leave off this blog entry with the screenshots: (Ko-Koro) (Raitu's Hut In



Saving The Eyesight

In an hour, the final S&T #2 polls will be closed. There are still a few judging nitpickinesses that will need dealt with before the wins can be final... but when the wins -are- final, I'm going to have the entire complete list of entries in the Results Topic, this time without any judging notes stuck next to them at all--instead there will be little tags showing off how far each got in the polls. "Awards", as it were. In addition... there were just so many awesome entries that couldn't w



It's Time To Face The Facts

Some Paracosmos news--first, I finally got around to updating something on the website. The reference section for the Paracosmos Kanohi has been "under construction" for a while, and recently I uploaded sketches of each and every one of the Kanohi that the Toa Olda know about and that is listed in the RPG. So why not make the guide? It's the same facts you can find if you talk to Vakama in the RPG, but here is it for easier reference sake: Paracosmos Kanohi Guide. Speaking of the RPG,



Voting Booth -- Neglected!

Lately I've noticed a trend on BZPower--it seems that the Voting Booth Forum gets very little attention. Polls are a valuable tool, at least for BZP, and sometimes even for the LEGO company (although we must always keep in mind BZP represents a minority). But they become worthless if only around ten people vote in them. Lately it seems many polls suffer from this disease. The problem? The MVPs--the "Most Valuable Polls" get buried in a slew of polls that are less important. From now on, if I



Prelim Deadline 3-day Extension

Since Lord Survurlode temporarily conquered BZP last Thursday, the voting period deadline for the S&T#2 preliminary polls is being extended to noon EST Friday July 21st. Paracosmos fans, note that the lastest update to the RPG Part 1 is available for download now. Today I'm trying to get through my inbox... *dives into giant mess of PMs*



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