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Entries in this blog

Wise Guy -- Sample From My Screenwriting Class

This is just a quick story for my Screenwriting Workshop summer class -- everybody in class liked it, so I figured, "Why not have a blog entry AND homework done?" Inspired in part by the Hagar the Horrible comic strip. It's written in the format for a screenplay (as close as BZP formatting can do), which might be a little jarring at first. Some tips -- "beat" means "slight pause", and the all caps either introduce a new character or are sound effects. Enjoy! ------------------------



How To Avoid Frustration

From time to time, BZPower gets an influx of so many new members, and older members who are aware of major goings on move on to other things. Turnover, it's called. People in general also tend to make some common mistakes before they learn better -- but we can help them avoid such mistakes by telling them the lessons we and others have already learned. We can also do it with humor. Which brings me to the first point of this entry: to give a big shout-out to Turakii's very wise entry here.



Gali's Real Mask

Since most people are still judging Gali's mask by the prototype from Toyfair (shown below), I thought I'd do a quick entry showing the real mask, which you can see above. Cred to Wrinkledlion for finding this. Hope this helps you judge better. (Personally, I like this a little more than the Toyfair one. The lines seem more consistent, and while I like rubber masks, it looks like it would fit in quite well as a new mask power among the Mata Kanohi, which I liked. I still see [almost] no r



Yet Another Updates Entry! :o

Just so yall know I'm not dead, I guess I'll do a quick updates entry. 1) I have figured out what my mental illness is. I have mentioned this many times, that I tend to take a lot longer than most people to react, and I focus on things way longer than normal people until I understand everything about it I can -- I basically can't help it -- and I've just been too lazy to bother getting a professional opinon. Well. I finally decided to visit a psychiatrist. Lucy Van Pelt: Do you have trou



Coolified Makuta Phantoka Avatars & More!

All three Coolified Makuta Phantoka are now available in avatars, banners, and wallpaper, in case you didn't see the Artwork Topic the other day. Those were fun! Note that the avatar pathnames were apparently too long earlier. I've reuploaded in the main folder -- all the avatars are listed below with pathnames that should work. Kanohi: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/bonesiii/kul/antmaskav.gif http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/bonesiii/kul/chavmask.gif http://www.bric



Paracosmos & End Of Bionicle

Hey, for those fans of my fanfic series, the Bionicle Paracosmos, I figure it's about time I let you know what my plans for the future are, since I haven't finished the series yet, and obviously the end of official Bionicle and subsequent lessening of BZP activity matter to it.   I still plan to continue it, but to shorten the number of stories I had in mind. Basically, I now plan to have only three main Sagas, each with roughly the same number of episodes.   And really, even had Bionicle no



Why Kopeke As Chronicler?

In Ko-Koro, we respect knowledge above all things. --Kopeke Well now that the Chronicler contest is over, and the final results are in, Kopeke will be the next Chronicler! He is also who I ended up voting for, so I'm happy with these results, just personally. But what about whether he fits the job? A lot of people have posted things like "his personality doesn't fit" or the like, and just generally asked, "Why Kopeke?" Well, I can only speak for myself as far as why I voted, but I thought



Next General Art Theme? LDD, BP updates, etc.

So, my initial proofreading of my next Paracosmos story, The Perfect Cage, is finally done. My brother may be reading it if he has time first, and I should make some art for it and stuff, but otherwise should launch fairly soon.   Don't forget to enter the S&T contest, everybody!   Sorry I've been a bit slow in proofreading the ones some of you PMed to me, but don't hesitate to do that if you want. I will try to be very thorough and check as many details as I can, so it can take a while, but



Contest Banner, Elements, Petitions, Requests, Etcetera

Random Thunks. Contest Banner Here's a banner to spread the word about the Powerpoint Face Contest: [url="http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=39&showentry=29997"][img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/bonesiii/BZPstuff/powerpointfacecontst/powerpointfacecontest_sigsize.gif][/url] Yall must use it, capisce? That's a Normalfied Calix, a Coolified Kaukau, Coolified Jutlin from my recent Phankuta art topic, Coolified "Igniru"request from GB#1 that w



Rule 2: Avoid Negative Labels

How to Disagree Well: Rule 2: Avoid negative labels Continuing the elaboration on my simple four-rule theory on effective disagreement, today I'll look at Rule 2. This is one that I think a lot of people could really use a better understanding of and to seriously experiment with putting it into practice. It's probably the most radically unusual concept in these four rules, and since I've tried using it almost universally about a year ago the results have been profoundly positive so I rea



Everybody Loves Teridax (his Name :p)

Deadline Extension! Enter by December 9th! Okay, this "everybody hates 'Teridax'" myth is getting out of hand. Easy mistake to make, but it's just a myth. The vast majority of BZPers like "Teridax". Only a relative handful of vocal complainers dislike it. Which is their right -- but let's keep it in perspective. That is, let's actually put it in perspective in the first place, since we have already taken "it" far outside perspective. What's going on here is what happens on BZP an



Lighten Up, Seriously

Event #1: Bionicle (mostly) ends.   Event #2: Bionicle news of the kinds we covered before lessens, naturally.   Event #3: BZPower news service branches out to cover fan creations (yay!), other Bionicle-like LEGO lines like Hero Factory, and even other LEGO news in general.   Event #4: In talkback after talkback, a certain group of members choruses "this is BZPower, not (insert specific acronym per story)ZPower, you guys are desperate for news, blah blah blah whine whine whine."   Seriousl



Universe Swept Aside

Poem. A new universe Worlds blink into existence First large and wide second pulling together into shimmering orbs A moon here, a planet there, a comet streaking there Growing in size Growing in number Blink One second twenty worlds Next second a million Even as the universe grows, its fate is sealed Worlds grow too large. Out of control. Worlds merge. Collapse. Two great arms stretch out A horrible chorus of screams reaches beyond the univer



My 2008 Summer Sets Reactions, Thoughts, Predictions

My thoughts and reactions about the Toy Fair summer set images. Note a lot of this is my own personal taste, along with some predictions on what most fans will like thus will sell well. (Entry on Taste Discrimination coming in just a few days this week.) Before I begin, lemme point out that how I am defining "cool" IMT in this entry is shown in the Ruthless Elegance blog entry (see the linklist content block). It's what I personally like in Bionicle sets, but also what generally seems to be w



Oonahvay Labble, Magic 2001 Set, & Other Updates

Random updates yet again! Huzzah and stuff? I've concluded that there are two major types of food. 1) Pop Tarts. 2) Cheese. Yes. They don't mix, right? Plus, I can eat cheese everyday for my whole life and never get tired of it. Pop Tarts are better as every-once-in-a-while breakfast. All other foods fall under these categories. I defy you to find a food that doesn't fit. We've got new phones in the house. They've got a robotic voice that "says" the listed identity of th



People Who Complain About People Who Complain About People Who Complain

Do they notice the irony?   (Yes, I just complained about people who complain about people who complain about people who complain. So complain about me. )   Seriously, if someone complains to start out with, why can't they stomach a little complaining about them? If it's okay for one, it's okay for the other.   (Yes, I posted a random blog entry. I'm busy. Dogsitting three dogs and working heavily on the FCG entry. Two of the dogs hiiiigh energy. )



Ldd4 Bionicle Contest

So, in the interests of this blog not being entirely dead, I'm launching another blog contest. This one will be very simple, with rules designed already into the program LEGO Digital Designer 4. I love using this program and watching the upload gallery, but Bionicle MOCs are rarely made with it. Of course, it doesn't have many Bionicle pieces, but what about something like a Playsets location? There's all kinds of possibilities. So for this contest, you are charged to use LDD4 to make B



Interview: Orca Goblahk, Ex-minion Of Survurlode

Today the Bones Blog brings you a telephone interview with our contact among the Orcas -- the enemies of Survurlode who BZPower has recently formed an alliance with. From a canal in Ga-Metru, let's welcome Goblahk! bones: Hello, Goblahk. Goblahk: Hi there. Thanks for the interview. bones: Why don't you begin by introducing yourself? Goblahk: Well, My name is Goblahk, and I'm an Orca. Goblahk: We're former minions of Survurlode -- he thought he should have something like Sauron



Ldd: Hatman, Fogman, Wooden Sailing Ship

So, I felt like finally making LGD topics for some of my LDD creations. Go and post and stuff.   These are actually only my three most recent MOCs. I might do topics for some of my best older stuff too at some point. Other angles provided in the topics.   Hatman vs. Fogman   Wooden Sailing Ship   Edited for Fogman V2. Edited again for Hatman V2 (from advice by MechaFizz).



Criticizing Me

Enter the Powerpoint Face Contest by May 15! This won't be my main entry this week if I can help it -- I wanna launch the next interview in a few days here. But in response to a topic in GD the other day, I wanna make something clear. Not going to link to it, just quote from it, and I'll not pretend to speak for Greg or anyone else -- just me. The topic starter had this to say: Now, I can understand his sentiments. Sometimes I am attacked, and of course that is wrong. But some people



In Honor Of Penny

I've had the Post New Entry page up here for a few hours trying to figure out how to begin this... I guess perhaps this is the best way to do it: I don't know. When I said the Dreaded real life was attacking, I didn't realize it was attacking this strongly. One of my family's two dogs just died Monday, Penny. Golden Retriever, only 9 years old (compared to an average 12). We got Penny a few years after our last dog, Duke died (he was also a Golden, and lived to an amazing 15 years). She was



Help Wanted; Myths Article

I love blogs. Great way to organize you folks to do my work for me. (Kidding.. mostly...) *ahem* Well, after being busy for a couple months this spring then working on tons of S&T projects including the Contest which is only just now wrapping up, you all have noticed I'm sure that there haven't been any more Myths & Misconceptions articles for a long time now. There's tons of need for another one, but now that the search engine is offline for us FLs too now, it's gonna be hard to



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