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Oonahvay Labble, Magic 2001 Set, & Other Updates

Random updates yet again! Huzzah and stuff? I've concluded that there are two major types of food. 1) Pop Tarts. 2) Cheese. Yes. They don't mix, right? Plus, I can eat cheese everyday for my whole life and never get tired of it. Pop Tarts are better as every-once-in-a-while breakfast. All other foods fall under these categories. I defy you to find a food that doesn't fit. We've got new phones in the house. They've got a robotic voice that "says" the listed identity of th



The Curse Of The Red X -- How To Heal It! + Updates

How to fix maj URLs -- Click the Edit button, and immediately submit post/comment/whatever. That's it. I got B6 to set the word filter to change "maj.com" to "majhost.com" automatically. But you do need to actually edit and resubmit for it to take effect. (You don't need to type anything in your post yourself.) Majhost?! -- Okay, I know I advise against criticisms when you don't know the story, but IMO if you present yourself as an image hosting site, you are making a promise that you wi



2nd Chances Winners - Beast Mocs Contest

Here we go -- the winners of the 2nd Chances Beasts MOC contest! The following beasts will be featured in Bionicle Paracosmos Epic #4: Twisted Island -- writing has already begun and outlining is in medium stages. Too often good MOCs die in the dustbin of BBC history. I have seen so many good old MOCs that didn't get enough recognition IMO -- this contest was a chance to bring some of them back in what ways I can. So who won? Firstly: 2nd Chances Powerpoint Compilation -- Sorry for the slow l



Mindfire Art, Epics Poll, & Updates

Random updates: --Epics Contest poll is up until Wednesday! I hope you consider voting for Mindfire. --Posted artwork for Mindfire! Mindfire Art, Avs + Coolified Icarax, Mutran, & Bitil Avs. Basically it's the symbol in this entry's banner and avatar versions of everything in this image: --All that art and several sketches are now featured in the Review Topic. A few sketches in there are never-before-seen but drawn long ago, some as far back as 2001. --Ojhilom and I are al



2nd Chances Moc Contest: Beasts! ( Bionicle Paracosmos Contest #1)

Welcome to the first Bionicle Paracosmos Contest! For anybody that isn't aware, the BP is my adventure mystery fanfic series, with epics, short stories, and an RPG; all of those that are online listed here. For the future Epic #4: Twisted Island, I need a lot of super-dangerous beasts that will be let loose from a "zoo" of sorts as part of that epic's core mystery. These could be Rahi, mutants, animalistic titans, diminutive creatures, even seemingly nonliving objects that are actually alive



A Possibilities Attitude

Today the Bones Blog brings you an aspect of opinions and discussion brought up in the past entry Friends Can Disagree ("How to Disagree Intelligently" section) -- the benefit of having a "possibilities attitude." This is a key principle I've found that I think can help a lot of people. Important points bold.   Conflicting Goals   When it comes to opinions and discussion -- indeed, life itself -- people have goals. Goal #1, hopefully, is to be right. To have the opinion that is actually true.



Contest Crunch Times

[Pretend there is a Bones Blog banner here. ]   Various stuffishness:   1) I can has reviews? (Link goes to Mindfire. )   2) I'm planning on reviewing everybody else's epics contest entries. I enter, I want reviews, they enter, it's only fair I review theirs. No? Of course, this week will be a bad time for a lot of people to review I'm sure, as it will be for me, heh.   3) S&T weapons contest entry period ends noon EST, Wednesday June 25. After that point the grace period will start. Re



A Tale Of Two Tales

1) As yall may know, Bionicle Paracosmos Epic #3: Captain of Treason is now posted. 3 chappies posted so far of 21. In case any of my blog readers didn't catch it. My biggest work yet, and took the longest to write. It completes the 2001 series of Paracosmos stories that included Epics 1 and 2 and the 4 short stories, all listed in the collection topic. It's the culmination of the "hidden enemy" mystery plot, and large parts of it I had actually planned as far back as 2001 in real time. Of



What Most Fans Want

--------------THIS ENTRY BROUGHT TO YOU BY:-------------- Today the Bones Blog brings you a list of aspects of sets and story that have been demonstrated to be "what most fans want." Of course, this isn't an all-inclusive list (lemme know if I forgot something you know of), and it should be cautioned that this could change in the future, and how much of a majority wants each thing is very difficult to pin down. Some of these haven't hurt sales horribly when not done in the past, but many ha



The Problem With Bbc Contests And Other Random Stuff

Enter the 2nd Chances MOC Contest: Beasts! by July 3rd! Winning MOCs will be in Epic #4: Twisted Island! I've been debating on and off whether I should do yet another random stuffish entry or the What Most Fans Want entry today. This won out because of the first random stuffish thing below. WMFW will be next week's entry.Bionicle Paracosmos Epic #3: Captain of Treason will begin early next week! Watch the Epics forum for it! Background for those who don't know -- epic is already writt



.ppt Face Contest Winners!

The time has come to announce the winners of the Powerpoint Faces Contest! This was an awesome contest, with so many great entries that Ojhilom and I agreed we couldn't just judge by the usual percentage of entries, but instead by a par of work, quality, and craftsmanship put into the entries, keeping in mind that avatars were the goal of this. So as long as it looked up to good avatar quality, we accepted it. As such, we ended up choosing seven top winners, eight other winners, and only four



S&t Contest Approval

Enter the latest Bones Blog Contest! 2nd Chances Moc Contest: Beasts! (Bionicle Paracosmos Contest #1) Notice to anybody who has entered the S&T Xian Weapons contest up till now: I think we've got the list of rules pretty much as up-to-date as it will get, so go back and read it over. Any entry that was entered before right now that breaks the new rules can be fixed, by editing the problem out and posting again in the entry topic to tell us what you changed. Approval is necessar



Tren Krom, 3cool Monsters Art Topics, Contest Updates

Random Cool Monsters <-- Could use replies, and includes two monstrous avs. Also: Tren Krom! Wallpaper, Banners, Avs! Powerpoint Face Contest is now closed. I'm PMing winners to ask them to send me the .ppt files where necessary to make the avatars. Without revealing their names just yet, this contest turned out so well it's been more about deciding who has to lose than who won -- Ojhilom and I decided that we had to judge winners by anybody that's over a certain level of quality, rat



Powerpoint Face Blog Contest -- Design A Bionicle Face Using My Guide!

The above is the fullsize version of adult version of a Flame -- the first place winning entry in my last blog contest, where members entered descriptions of would-be Pet Peeves, and I designed the images in Powerpoint as the prizes. That's exactly what this contest is NOT. This time around, you guys get the job of artist. Design a Bionicle style face using the methods I outlined in this two-part guide: Powerpoint Art Guides: ● Vector Art In Powerpoint: Quality, Inexpensive, Easy ●



Trivia Or Moc Contest?

Which blog contest should I run next? Makuta Jeopardy -- will have audition contest, then AIM game with three contestants. Bionicle trivia. Will be introed in the next interview, which will be with Makuta DoomAH. Answers will come from BS01 "Random Pages" under major categories. 2nd Chances MOC Contest: Beasts! (BPC#1) -- any past MOC, whether from a BBC contest or not, except for actual BBC winners, can be entered. Winning MOCs will be beasts set loose from a "zoo" of superdangerous, exo



Pet Peeve Winners!

The winners of the Pet Peeve Contest have been chosen, and the award images are drawn! Pet Peeve Contest Winners Congrats to the winners, and enjoy!



Focus Groups

Enter the Powerpoint Face Contest by May 15! Today the Bones Blog brings you a short interview with Greg Farshtey on the subject of focus groups, an often-misunderstood concept lately. What are the facts? Bold is for important points. Blue is me, black is Greg. The Q&A bonesiii: I've noticed lately that one of the cookie-cutter arguments complainers are using has been the anti-focus groups one. [someone] just claimed in a topic for example that focus groups just like whatever L



Am I Against Free Speech?

Today the Bones Blog brings you my own history related to complaint topics, and a major aspect of what I do that most complainers do not realize off the bat. This is being posted because of a recent misunderstanding, but I've needed to say it for a long time. It's also proof that I can be a windbag, so apologies. Okay, anybody who knows me knows that I post in complaint topics a lot. I am usually disagreeing with complainers (when they post illogical points), and they often wish I hadn't don



Contest Banner, Elements, Petitions, Requests, Etcetera

Random Thunks. Contest Banner Here's a banner to spread the word about the Powerpoint Face Contest: [url="http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=39&showentry=29997"][img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/bonesiii/BZPstuff/powerpointfacecontst/powerpointfacecontest_sigsize.gif][/url] Yall must use it, capisce? That's a Normalfied Calix, a Coolified Kaukau, Coolified Jutlin from my recent Phankuta art topic, Coolified "Igniru"request from GB#1 that w



Friends Can Disagree

(Most important points are bold.) If there was ever a "title says it" moment for blogs, this is it. But as simple as the statement "friends can disagree" is, it is shocking how profound and almost universally unknown it is to so many people. Whether on BZP or real life, people often start avoiding each other when they find out they like different things, or don't see eye to eye on things. This is wrong. Now maybe there are situations where this is all you can do. Being friends, even in



Complaint Topic Archive

Love or hate it, complaining is an important aspect of Bionicle discussion. It's always possible that real problems could exist, and constructive criticism might bring it to LEGO's attention and help Bionicle's health. The Bionicle fanbase has a unique relationship with the franchise it follows because the LEGO company is very interested in fan input and correcting such errors. In the past we have helped with such things as clone sets thanks to this. As such, the ability to complain is a privele



Taste Discrimination Fallacy, Equality Of Taste

Today the Bones Blog brings you a topic that is essential for any member of any online fan forum to understand -- the equality of varying personal preferences/tastes, and how not recognizing this can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, or worse. Bold is for important points, not emotionalism. This will be very to-the-point so it's easier to read -- if you wanna know more, please ask! Please realize my goal is to show an easy way to help us all avoid flaming each other, even if we disagree on



Contest? Contest?

So what do you guys think about me running a blog contest where you guys design Bionicle-style faces in Powerpoint, and somehow or another, at least a few winners are picked? Using the methods I explained in these two guides: Powerpoint Art Guides: ● Vector Art In Powerpoint: Quality, Inexpensive, Easy ● Coolifying With Powerpoint Vector Art But what should be the prize? I don't think I can do another sidebar gallery -- I've got enough images over there as is. And last time I made t



U F O Theory -- Ionic Triangle Stealth Craft

So I wanted to post something besides the usual essay today but couldn't think of anything fast enough. This is a fallback I've had ready for a while, ever since an old (dead) COT topic. Plus someone else was blogging about UFOs so why not (see Czar's blog). Now, the UFOs in question here aren't the flying saucers. It's the giant, silent triangle craft with three running lights. There have been sightings all over the country, and I even know someone who claims to have seen one. This descript



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