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It's That Time Of The Year! Again!

6 hours and...52 minutes from now, it'd be the 20th anniversary of the birth of <dd>!   If I may steal some limelight and be very obnoxious ( ), all good wishes can be posted here.   I already got some gifts. My good friends have surprised me with a Tascam audio interface - perfect for the Berklee dorm room emergency recordings, if need be. And my twin got me a pink LEGO Pirate shirt! Big yay on that one! And my good friend got tickets for me to watch Video Games Live next week! Front



Google... Me?

Has anyone tried to Google their name?   I tried. I always found it amusing when new search results show more mentions of my name online. It's a real reminder of how the Internet has really connected everyone together.   Like, how I dug up an online letter my sister sent to the animal and food safety people of the government, because we had pet chickens and Indonesia had bird flu, so the government officers came by and took them all away. It was even funnier to see that a doctor (most likely b



Gimme A Break

School hasn't been lenient on me. It's the start of a two-week break - and a heavy mugging with 7 assignments due when I return!!   Yet, I really do miss doing all the stuff I did on BZP. Blogging's one of them, and it's been sporadic. Writing - I haven't touched a thing for two months. I've a record of only one critic review for the past 2 months.   So... rather than stuffing myself to death with the assignments, I plan to do a little visit and actually do something here. Sometime soon. When



Fool's Play

Jamiroquai is some old band that has risen from the dead. No, I'd say that of the band if it hadn't been for a funk-infused classmate who is spreading the Jamiroquai-love around the class.   And it was infectious.   With an outspoken singer (Jay Kay, with) who had vibes and hats to match his eccentric style on stage and a grooving band, it had lived through the late 1990s till now. Their style is all about groove - and really, it is their style that has remarkably kept going.   And, out of b



Chinese New Year Roundup

I came, I saw, I conquered. In short, I had a blast during this year's Chinese New Year - there were lion and dragon dances this year, something the previous year didn't have. I visited more people - my boyfriend's aunt and her family for one. That was nerve-wracking, but it was fun in the end. And the hongbao (red packet) collecting, and the mahjong-playing.   I wish I could go into more detail, but now's not exactly the earthly hour.   But, just for a record:   Hongbaos collected: 28 (as of



Lourde Server

I'm not referring to the downtime that Bink accidentally created - and fixed.   I'm talking about attempts to blog for about... five times, and failing at all times.   The server kicked me out when I hit the button on all those occasions. Is it me, or does Lourde Server have a particular dislike to my intrusion on his ground?   If this gets on and published, then I'll grab my pen and start poking that Server on the shoulder.   It owes me some explanation.



The Bug That Inspiration Is

~~   Tahu looked up to the large being above, his Hau Nuva showing his frustration clearly.   "Stranger, let me get this straight. You found strange signals on my home and brought your armada here to eradicate a ... De-seep-tin-con threat?"   The being nodded. Its voice replied, sounding very strange and wired. Indeed he was, because Tahu Nuva could identify only one thing on that being that stood many miles higher than he: It had wires and glowing optics. That was it.   "Yes, that is correc



Play! Video Game Symphony

It rocked. Our orchestra sucks (the pipe organist flunked) and the choir was too strong to be miked, but it rocked.   Listening to 'One-Winged Angel' for the first time, Legend of Zelda, Halo, World of Warcraft, Super Mario Brothers, the Revenge of Shinobi (I wonder who remembers that), Daytona USA and more... wow. Video game music is another industry that I eye (along with other coursemates), and this is the deserving right and justice to the wonderful songs behind each game. Not only does one




Something sensible came into mind. It's just a question, BZP-related, Library-related, but oh so interesting...     Do you notice that the number of reviews can never overtake the number of views, and reviews mean : 'People who viewed and had something good and sensible to say'?               Yes, I'm STILL bored. (It was so bad that I thought Tuesday was Monday.)




Ironically, I'm not referring to the little clownfish that everyone adores, but the song by goth-metal band Nightwish (And, for those in the know, before they changed their lead singer). I can also be referring to the fish.   The holidays are coming to an end. I look forward to school and, ironically, work. I want a nice load of assignments to busy myself with, instead of lying on my bed and letting my RPG game run on autopilot. I don't even touch the game anymore.   And to think that this wa



A Drop Of Wine

When my mother invited her visiting friends from the U.S. to a seafood dinner, I couldn't let the chance of having something different for dinner pass me by.   The seafood was great - it was a pity that there was no fish.   However, they did have wine.     Now, drinking isn't good, but wine is something different. I may have sworn myself to stay off alcohol, but it didn't mean that I was curious about it.   And I was with parents - that meant that it'll be safe.     My mother allowed me - s



It Would've Been Enjoyable

I bet you face this more than I do, as the people in question are Caucasian. No, no racism. More of kids in general, but I'll explain later.   Went to watch PotC, and we got a row that was right in front of a row of little boys.   These were Caucasian boys, and before the show they were talking - at unnaturally high-pitched voices.   Don't get me wrong. All little boys squeak, sure, but as far as I've observed, those five behind me were the squeakiest I heard.   And they kept squeaking - ri



It's The Yuletide Season

I don't really know the meaning of 'Yuletide', though.   Merry Christmas, everyone! My MacBook has been returned from repairs, though I still suspect a few things still need to be tweaked.   And now it's Christmas - on this side of the globe. And I have a small present count, but that's okay. And today, the cinemas released a movie that I reallyreallyreally wanna watch: Ip Man! Kung-fu fighting on Christmas!   Right, now's time for the Christmas church service. Hope that everyone has a goo



Cooking? I... Tried.

I was sick of having canned or prepared food at home. I was opening packets of things to eat, and some of them did not taste so great.   So I decided to try something cooked from scratch - something that every Chinese-bred Asian should be able to cook: fried rice.   Don't start jumping yet. I realised how tough it was to make it. I knew that my grandmother was the absolute head of the cooking matters of home, granted with years of expertise and much more of experience. Her fried rice is strang



It Lives!

BZPower lives! Finally!     And holidays are starting soon. Huzzah to the Admins for fixing it in time!   -<dd>



Intellectual Property: Know Thy Gender

Intellectual Property - the laws of copyright and moral rights - should never be taken lightly. My 'Business of Music' lecturer made sure we knew that - by giving us our toughest assignment yet.   He made everyone in Never-Ever Land downright criminals, stealing the melody motif (Mi Re Do) of 'Three Blind Mice'. It somehow got so twisted that at least 3 songs have been produced out of it: 'Gold From Straws', 'Gold-i-locks', 'Climb These Locks', and all the planned cover versions of those songs,



Cleaning Up!

Anywho, me is sadded. My results came back, and they were dismal. For my final performance, my GPA fell from a 3.9 to a 3.8 (3.865 but I'm not rounding up), with 4 B+s outweighing the A and Distinction. At least my Final Year Project got the A, so I'm happy for that bit. Ah well.   But, at least I did myself proud for the two-and-a-half years before this. My lowest grade was a B, and that was just one in a mix of As and Distinctions. That was my lucky scrape, I guess. With 23 of 32 (flip-flop!



Omgosh My Gpa!

I was absolutely nervous when my email alert bleeped. I had asked my semester results to be mailed to me, but I was worried that it may not have been a good choice for my poor senses.   But I shouldn't have worried.   GPA: 3.94.     I flipped.   4 As, and 4 Distinctions. I couldn't believe it. YAY!!!!!



Off To Berklee

I just realized that BZPower's back. Am I very late in this news? I'm sure I am!   Well, the period the board went offline was as long as I needed to get ready to go. I'm heading over to Boston - tonight! On the AirBus A380 no less!   Yet, I feel many pinches of sadness about the people I'm leaving behind: Family, especially the old folks, my wonderful boyfriend (we're going to make this LDR work!), and the friends I've made through secondary school and polytechnic. And, of course, Lucky. I f



Electone Exam: How It Went

The electone exam was a disaster in the making.   If there was any time Murphy’s Law could have kicked in, it was in the exam. It always happened to me, every time I step into the exam room, I get a nervous breakdown of some sort.   Old mistakes disappeared, but new mistakes would occur. Scales that were perfect would fumble to a halt. Sight-reading, it was a mess from the start and would still be. It was exacerbated when the sight-reading score was hand-written with fat notes that I could not



Back Home

Finally, as of today, after a year and 4/5 months of waiting, I've finally moved back into my old - now new - home.   Even though I walked my rounds around the place over and over, I still am trying to get my bearings down straight. The house doesn't feel smaller, even though it is the result of the old house being halved. Adding a pseudo third storey made this place seem a lot bigger!   During the house-moving, I managed to get permission to sleep over in this gargantuan house between the two



Epic Forum Gone Down

Yes, there's a webpage talking about database problems instead of the epic threads.   Oh no - will BZPower go down for another site maintainence?   I'll have nothing else to do if that happens... well.... I discount school from this topic, but no other places on the Net to really sink my teeth into - other than my RPG.   Oh yes, my RPG.   Should I show a screenshot? A few?     This is one of the latest, maybe the newest, RPGs that a local telecommunications company bought regional license



Gone With The Wind

In total shock, my eyes grew at the sight before me.   My mother had a better reaction, though: She stepped out of the car and went to check it out.     I'm talking about my old home, the two-storeyed fortress that is probably half-shattered in rubble by now.   When we stopped the car outside the building, it was easy to see that some damage had been carried out before the diggers arrived. The garden was unrecognisable, littered with shattered glass and pieces of plaster and debris. The windo



To Get The Sister Moving

When my little sister came into the room at 9pm, my twin and I noted that she was still in her school uniform.   She had not gone for her daily shower.   My twin was absolutely nit-picky about that. The surrogate mother of the house ordered the little grasshopper to make a move.   The little grasshopper continued to watch me play my MMORPG.     So, Twin came to me and she decided that we two should take up our duties as Elder Sisters to full responsibility - and get her to the bathroom.   W



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