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Ship, Ahoy!

'Cap'n! What gives? We don't care about your jar o' dirt or money, we just wanna see the ship!'   The aforementioned man, in his leather hat, billowing white shirt and tanned pants, swayed slightly aboard the ship, and took another swig from his bottle of rum.   'You,' he started, staggered slightly and caught himself from tumbling overboard, 'ain't steppin' on this deck.'   'We don't want your ship either,' the other girl beside the first one added in.   'Ya ain't comin' up.'   'Well, watc



Chew On It

This was one of my submissions to the polytechnic writing competition. I think this writing did not bag a prize, but it was fun to write it. I'm putting it up so you guys can nibble on something fun instead of my incessant grumbling.   On a better note, I've reviewed more epics in the ECC, just before school starts tomorrow. Hopefully, other critics can help while I'm at school. And most annoyingly, the last term was going to last only three weeks, and lunge into three more months of holidays.



When The Earth Rumbles...

My geography teacher was right.   After Christmas, expect some geological disaster/happening to occur. It may not strike constantly, but frequently enough to make it a world trend.   Examples? The post-Christmas Bam Earthquake, the infamous tsunami that crashed the shores of Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and other places, and the most recent one this year: an underwater earthquake.   The earthquake occured just off Taiwan, a bit away from Singapore, but its effects were felt here. A few days bef



Critic Rambling

Carefully treading around datapads strewn haphazardly across the metallic floor, the girl was trying her best to hurry over to the headquarter terminal of the room - which was at the opposite side of the room where she was and sitting prettily upon the long countertop which the curator kindly asked for upon the room's construction - which was quite a far way off.   Nearly crushing one datapad by accident, the girl peered around a stack of datapads that she was carrying.   Grief upon her, why d



As The Year Goes...

Very soon, 2006 would have come to an end. I'm making this post early as I want to start thinking a little clearly and study a little more before school starts.... which would be January the 8th.   However, with cousins from overseas here to accompany us till Chinese New Year has passed and studying and assignments that have yet to be done (and were not touched during Christmastide), I'm very sure the transition from 31 December 2006 to 1 January 2007 would go unnoticed by me, unless I'm at the



House Of The Ill

As I looked into the window of the building, I watched a group of five boys smiling and laughing, watching the television screen that showed a game of Counterstrike in progress.   One would have easily mistaken them easily as normal kids.   However, I was in the Assisi home, looking through the window of the children’s playroom.     Those boys had cancer.     Returning from my walk in the quaint garden the day care sported, I sat down beside my grandmother and her friends, watching a variety



Sound Crew

Somehow, someway, I had no idea how it happened but I was dragooned into being part of a two-man audio crew for my church’s dance ministry, which was presenting three dance items. Part of the reason was that my little sister was one of the dancers, and the other part was that I was educated in this field while the rest had to adjust to it and were stuck with boundaries they were not comfortable with.   I was worried that I was stuck with some old stickler who would want his way and not listen t



Seafood Paradise

When I read ToM’s blog post ‘Calamari’, it jump-started my brain at eight in the morning. (But, to be honest, it still feels dead)   I note that many of you, mostly those who live inland in your countries like America or Europe, either have some small part of seafood in your diet or none at all.   What if you had it on a daily basis?     I am one fortunate soul to have a form of seafood every dinner. There’s fish most of the time, but occasionally squid (or calamari if you prefer) comes to th



What A To-do

After my saxophone lesson, I went to the adjoining music store to tinker on the keyboards and the electone on display.   Why? Refer to my previous post.   After the emotional letdown from the exam, I wanted to get some confidence back. The way to do that, as I found out, was to improvise freely or to play songs that I was comfortable playing with, like an icebreaker.   When I turned on the large musical machine and struck a note, to hear a rich sound of strings as the default preset sound, I



Warning: Rant Dead Ahead!

This is the post where the word 'rantings' has its true meaning shown in its ugliest state.   The bulk of the post is hidden in the spoiler. Be wary of it. If you are sure you won't get a brain freeze by reading a bulk of words that lean to the 'emo' side of this teen-bebop world, go on right ahead.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « When I stepped out of the assessment room, the fog in my head was more than palpable. It had been such a bane during the Ear Training Assessmen



Random Rant

Right now, I’m dealing with (and I do mean dealing with) my short story ‘Autumn Leaves’ right now, sprucing it up after adding length and content to it, by recommendation of the writing club. They want to chop that bit of lit (short for ‘literature’) into fine, tiny-tiny pieces and inspect how to write a short story.   It feels so good to be a role model.   In fact, the cruel irony to me is that music was given to me by others; scale after scale and note after note, and any piece I wanted to



Electone Exam: How It Went

The electone exam was a disaster in the making.   If there was any time Murphy’s Law could have kicked in, it was in the exam. It always happened to me, every time I step into the exam room, I get a nervous breakdown of some sort.   Old mistakes disappeared, but new mistakes would occur. Scales that were perfect would fumble to a halt. Sight-reading, it was a mess from the start and would still be. It was exacerbated when the sight-reading score was hand-written with fat notes that I could not



Youth Society, And My D-day

Recently, I noticed something quite… disturbing, or interesting, of late.   No, it's not that my electone exam is a day away. I already noticed that a long time ago.     I noticed now that children and teens were flocking full force out of the house and into the malls.   It's their school holidays, but the polytechnic students are still at school. It's their great opportunity to take over the town.   In the recent MRT rides, more teenagers in their shorts, Birkenstock-imitate sandals or croc



Dolle Project Ii

Electone exam's coming in: 4, more accurately 3, days.   Link to older image   Next up on the board: My little sister.   By the glance, you could tell that she's pretty. You bet she is. She's the one with the looks among us three sisters. Slim too.   But, she’s the most bubbly of us lot. If I were to think of our group of sisters as a juxtaposition of the Powerpuff Girls (but we all would cringe at the thought), my twin would have been Blossom and this one would have been Bubbles. That wo



Dolle Project

Yesterday was a day of achievement for me, and it was not just the SSC#4 Honourable Mention.   - I got my results for two major tests. Both clinched ‘A’s. - My 'students' passed. One even cried his thanks out loud, with the teacher watching on.     But, now... oh gosh, the electone exam's a-coming, in 6 days!   I should be practising right now, but there're people my parents invited over downstairs and they're discussing in the room where the electone is.   That and my electone is a safety



I Can't Believe It

I... won... I won in a BZP contest...   For the first time, in my three years on this little site and hidey-hole on the Net, I finally won a BZP contest.     OK, it's an honourable mention, but it's better than nothing!   I'll be honest that I thought my songfic would get somewhere, but I had not expected a winning position at all!   I'm dumbfounded, speechless, well... genuinely surprised. I checked the topic after my 8am test, with my friends around me.   Everyone laughed when I squeaked



The Brain Juice Flows

Listening to: Dave Grusin – Peter Gunn Theme     Well, I feel the brain juice coming back, but how I got it back is some story.   Today, I wasn’t feeling so jolly, but at school that promised to change. I started every morning in the school canteen, laptop booted up and running amok in BZPower, FanFiction, and the sort.   Well, I turned my morning tune to Enya tracks, lulling and ambient mood music selected to start my day on a positive note, then turned up some ‘good feeling’ pop.   To thi



My Brain Has Gone Numb. Again.

After coughing out the sixteenth chapter to my epic here, I realised something really worrying.   When I stared at the computer screen, I realised that my writing sense had gone numb. Seriously numb.   It's so bad that I don't think I can write any stories or prose for a good long while.   But at least blog entries don't need everything to be grammatically correct...(see, it already sounds funny!) or at least I can be pardoned.   Meanwhile, I'm trying to console myself about this sudden lo



Lack Of Inspiration

The test is over, and I am glad to say that I over-burned my brain studying but held my head and brain upon my shoulders to do the paper.   However, due to the test, the following classes for that subject were cancelled for the week to let the lecturer mark the papers.   That subject would have taken up most of our time for today's lessons.   It was a void of at least seven hours now.     It was more than I could ask for. I needed it to complete the big REMT and MIDI assignments. Cubase, th



End Of E-learning, Start Of School Days

T: +9   Things:   REMT (Recording, Editing and Mixing Techniques) = DONE MIDI (MIDI and Synthesis) = DONE EIC (Effective Interpersonal Communication) = DONE MUST (Music Theory) = DONE ET (Ear Training) = DONE ACTS (Acoustical Science) = DONE CRS (Critical Reasoning Skills) = DONE   SS3 Entry (You should know what this means!) = DONE   Electone Exams Practice = Sight-reading is confirmed, down the drain. Three pieces are improving, but still need some finetuning. Practising tonight, so



I'm Done!

T: +6, -3   Things:   REMT (Recording, Editing and Mixing Techniques) = DONE MIDI (MIDI and Synthesis) = DONE EIC (Effective Interpersonal Communication) = DONE MUST (Music Theory) = DONE ET (Ear Training) = DONE CRS (Critical Reasoning Skills) = DONE   Look at that! Ain't that beautiful?   ACTS was removed as I decided that studying for a test could be done days before a test but not a week before. I would forget everything about it and lose the grasp.   Put aside for later: SS3 E



E-learning, Day 5 Plus A Studio Tour

This is a reality ranting. You have been warned.     This morning, I reached the polytechnic earlier than my tutee. She turned out to be fifteen minutes late, for her cat was not ready to let go of her servant so early in the morning.   We sat at the canteen, where she showed me her assignment and together we pieced up her report that pleased her quite well.   At that point in time, our lecturer for that particular subject I was helping Serene with appeared. He waved to us and Serene and I




Recently, I've been given a whole lot more responsibilities, tasks and the sort. A lot more than I bargained for, really.   I'm now part of a Student Portal Conceptual Design committee in the polytechnic, or the school in the polytechnic. I don't know how the teachers picked me to represent DMAT, but here I am. The Creative Writer's Club gave me a bit of news: It's not really a club, it's really an informal gathering - for now. Decisions are being made whether it would be a club or not. It s



Happy Day

I thought my mother would take a second go at mauling me for coming home late. I glanced at my watch and realised that it was fifteen minutes past five. The little meeting going on around me did not seem close to any conclusion.   That meant that I'd reach home at around... seven, if the meeting would drag on.   For the Writer's Club meeting today, held at thirty past three, there were only three people who attended it: Pradhu, the other writer with the same writing style as I, Ms Chng but we



Spin Me A Web: The Last Moon

Today is Halloween, but not many people care of it. Me, well, I'm taking today as a good excuse to attempt a weak, a really weak, cosplay style.   I came today in red and black, a red top with the edges trimmed black and black pants, as a character I like. Anyone remember G1 Sideswipe from Transformers?   Oh wait, some others like to celebrate Halloween cosplay today, though. I see before me three hooded ghost people. Pretty sure they're other boys, but their red-trimmed and tattered coats, h



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