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Ss Blooming

Does anyone see that the Short Stories section of the Library is having a lot, and I mean a lot, of new short stories?   The poor Short Story critics would be in quite a fix, I tell you.   But that leaves the Epic section to go on with its curent stuff. Expected this is, for I long foretold of the short one-post stories gain support because of its one-post-edness.   But that means that now's a good time for those who are active in the Epics section to brush up on their writing skills! I know



Nasty, This Illness Is

It so happened that my school campus was laid out on terrain that was anything but flat. There were buildings that were more-or-less level in height, but there was that one building which everyone has constantly described as being 'on top of the hill'.   And who knew that the location of my school had, in the end, proved to be a lovely way for a flu to spread.     I believe it started with one or two people who were ill - from the info-tech course, I bet. The spread was inevitable - everyone c



Post 100

I celebrated it with a full out luxurious Chinese meal, and loved it. Ooh... there was freshwater fish steamed with ginger (my fave!!!), salted chicken, drunken prawns, ee-fu noodles, scallop with vegetables, abalone and sea cucumber with more vegetables, and honeydew pudding with sago and pomelo.   It was in conjuction with my GPA score celebrations. Face it, as much as I would work on my school year, it may never get as high as that. May. I will strive for the best that I can do.     Anothe



I'm Done!

T: +6, -3   Things:   REMT (Recording, Editing and Mixing Techniques) = DONE MIDI (MIDI and Synthesis) = DONE EIC (Effective Interpersonal Communication) = DONE MUST (Music Theory) = DONE ET (Ear Training) = DONE CRS (Critical Reasoning Skills) = DONE   Look at that! Ain't that beautiful?   ACTS was removed as I decided that studying for a test could be done days before a test but not a week before. I would forget everything about it and lose the grasp.   Put aside for later: SS3 E



Good News!

To cut the long story short, someone found my wallet, and I'll get it back - hopefully - by tomorrow! A little girl found it and innocently took it home and passed it to her mummy.   D'aww.      



Competition Entry Cum Something For You To Read

The Giving   The Yukta: a race discovered by the explorers of the Twenty-first century, yet its ancestry dating back to the Hundreds. Better known as the Race of Discoloured Eyes due to their diet of raw seal meat (but that is under speculation), they dwell within the Arctic Circle, the land of the Final Frontier where hardly anyone survived, and were believed to be part of the recognised Inuit’s gene pool.   However, the tough race of ice people was slowly dying off, their numbers ebbing awa



Youth Society, And My D-day

Recently, I noticed something quite… disturbing, or interesting, of late.   No, it's not that my electone exam is a day away. I already noticed that a long time ago.     I noticed now that children and teens were flocking full force out of the house and into the malls.   It's their school holidays, but the polytechnic students are still at school. It's their great opportunity to take over the town.   In the recent MRT rides, more teenagers in their shorts, Birkenstock-imitate sandals or croc




I was absent for a bit, but I've got good reason!   It seems like it's been a spate of sick-season over here. The dengue scare alert is up in code red, and my grandma got it. She's still recovering, but at least she's back from the hospital.   A day after she got warded, my uncle was found with a blood clot and was hospitalized too - one ward away from her. He has returned home too.   And back at home ground, my puppy Lucky ate something that didn't agree with him - don't know what - and he g



A Week Gone Right

We must celebrate all the good news, y'know, instead of the morbid mentality we have of being attracted to any bad news that occur.   First on the list is the Transforming Sound (from the original Transformers cartoons) that I received from my friend as a ringtone. As Nokia goes, if you leave the phone in its 'General' profile, it shall make noise.   That happened when someone quite wisely sent me an SMS during class time. I had left the phone in 'General' mode.   Cue in the shock and laugh



Off To Berklee

I just realized that BZPower's back. Am I very late in this news? I'm sure I am!   Well, the period the board went offline was as long as I needed to get ready to go. I'm heading over to Boston - tonight! On the AirBus A380 no less!   Yet, I feel many pinches of sadness about the people I'm leaving behind: Family, especially the old folks, my wonderful boyfriend (we're going to make this LDR work!), and the friends I've made through secondary school and polytechnic. And, of course, Lucky. I f




Something light-hearted for a change.   I'm one of many here that access MSN Messenger on a daily basis, no thanks to the automatic log-in that comes with it. Immediately after startup I get a smack from the MSN Messenger window, along with the onslaught of red and the mercifully small amount of green.   It's not that I don't like many people, but I wouldn't think I would be able to handle the onslaught of conversation windows at one go. I don't know how people manage that, but I'm not confid



Sound Crew

Somehow, someway, I had no idea how it happened but I was dragooned into being part of a two-man audio crew for my church’s dance ministry, which was presenting three dance items. Part of the reason was that my little sister was one of the dancers, and the other part was that I was educated in this field while the rest had to adjust to it and were stuck with boundaries they were not comfortable with.   I was worried that I was stuck with some old stickler who would want his way and not listen t



From 2003 to 2018

So, hi. Wow. I will admit that I thought the place was razed to the ground years back, and became nothing more than a childhood memory.   I was still technically a youth when I was last here. I was a child when I first joined this place - a very vivid memory of me asking my mother for permission to join the Internet in a world of Bionicle that I learned from a Flash game of Takua.   To add to the feels of polishing off cobwebs, a lot of my old content was gone. I found a message in my Inbox as



The Need To Nail-bite Has Come

The idiosyncratic mannerism of nail-biting often means that the person doing this dirty act is either nervous or has a bad habit to kick. (I'm not in any way being nasty to Dr. Bionicle - He is breaking the habit. Go go!)   I'm nervous. There's a private function I'm to perform at, next (or this) Friday! Egads and eek, and the night's repertoire is still slightly flawed. I've been drilling - but to a point of exhaustion. I realised this, of course, and took a break. I don't know when I'll get b



Malaysia Trip: Makan Makan Part Three

Time check: 5:07pm Listening to: On My Way Home –Enya   Last day of the trip, and I’m feeling a little more than sore that it’s almost over.   All the planned activities have been done. We’ve eaten, drunk, ran and slept our way through the trip, where we all had a good time. I’m sure many share my feelings with the contentment of the trip’s goal being met: We ate a worthy amount, and the others say that it was worth the money.   This morning, the lethargy of my room mate infected me for a bi



California's Memories

So, I came back from USA. Old news - maybe not to those who haven't me back (in black) at the Epics.   But, I feel like some memories would be nice to share:   - Down at the front of the infamous Kodak Theatre, 'Johh Hancock' was in full swing of production, with its main actor right in the limelight - and attending to the crowd of screaming fan girls and I do exclude myself from that fray.   But, I did see Will Smith - in the flesh.   - We visited Apple's Campus - the mothership of everythi



Ounces Of Life

When the doctor mentioned the awful words, I couldn't help but look at him with alarm.   I was sick again - the morning in school went fine, but when I got queasy in the afternoon, it demanded medical attention.   And, lo behold, the doctor thought I need a blood test.       I have a really nice phobia of needles. Hated those things ever since I saw something long, thin, silver and pointy poke me when I was young. That memory never died.   When the doctor further elaborated, with the words



An Update

- The Epic Critics Club experienced a sudden jumpstart. Now, it's lagging because I haven't touched it. Yet. I will - once the week's over!   - There're two weeks left of the school term and my time as a second-year student. Ack, the assignments are killing me! I've an avant-garde piece to create out of home recordings, a business to launch and an online portfolio to boot up before the end of the term.   - I'm nervous about my internship placement. It may not have been a wise idea to leave it



The Entertainer

The first thing I said into the mic was, "Mic test, mic test."   Typical of an audio technology student, after the first mic failed me with a dead battery.   The sea of students before me looked at me with lazy eyes.   "Are you guys asleep?"     I was invited back to to my alma mater as a guest speaker for its Career Fair 2007. Other panel members were a Tiffany and Christina, Steffi and Clarissa. These students were all from junior college.   I was the only student from polytechnic.   T



Happy Day

I thought my mother would take a second go at mauling me for coming home late. I glanced at my watch and realised that it was fifteen minutes past five. The little meeting going on around me did not seem close to any conclusion.   That meant that I'd reach home at around... seven, if the meeting would drag on.   For the Writer's Club meeting today, held at thirty past three, there were only three people who attended it: Pradhu, the other writer with the same writing style as I, Ms Chng but we




It really is demolished.   Coming home from a church choir practice which I would no longer attend, my dad and I decided to see what had happened to our home.   It was gone.   In its place was this large bulldozer, and another behind it. The land that it was on was flat, showing that the rubble had been cleared.   It looked so odd... an empty hole where a house used to stand.   It looked so... sad. It was really gone, for good.   But out of the mess, something really pretty will come.   S



School Life Is The Blog Fad!

This is strange.   Everyone's talking about it. If they were not talking about it, they talked about it recently.   This is strange.   I felt no different, sitting there, part of the conversation and the topic is of one that I felt, somehow, was only partly relevant to me now.   Strange? Why should it be strange?   It was school they were talking about. They were returning to school. They were slogging through their homework, and making a good note to mention that they have homework. And i




The evil laugh.   For I have nothing better to analyze.   Some people can do it. Some people can't. Some people love to do it. Some people get annoyed by it.   It's utilized in the world of fandoms and fiction commonly. I've yet to see Bionicle characters (in the books) do it.   I've seen it being done in fanfiction a lot, though. A really rotten villain would be brought down for his evil laugh - and choking/coughing halfway in its execution.   I beg all writers who read this not to do that



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