Well, I've decided I will design a revamp of Tahu Nuva Mistika. About time I tried my hand at setlike revamps. However, since I want to be able to pretend this is official for the sake of my drawings, this revamp will not be Tahu Nuva Mistika, but Tahu Nuva Phantoka. Here is a list of what I have decided to do so far:
Same feet as the set. Tahu Nuva Mistika is my favorite of the Nuva Mistika on account of his abundant similarities to Kopaka, a trait which has been standard for Tahu both in sto
Dear Reader,
I would like to begin by saying that I would love the readers of this blog to show their support for my entry, entry 3 in Poll F, titled "To Cerule".
However, I find that so far the poetry contest voting has gotten little attention. Not a single entry at the time of my voting had even ten votes! At such a state, even the slightest vote cast for reasons of bias could upset the fairness of the competition, and I do not wish for a winner (even myself) to be decided due to campaig
Dear Reader,
As you well know, love is a thing which captivates many a person. People often go so far as to speculate pairings between fictional characters. I admit that I myself believe in many of these pairings, such as Takanuva+Gali (still love that Greg made her the first one Takanuva asked about in Dark Mirror, Onewa+Krahka, and Jaller+Hahli. However, there is another pairing I support more than any other, and that is Auric+Cerule.
Auric and Cerule are two characters-- or perhaps peop
Hordika: Vakama, Nokama, and Matau.
Nuva Phantoka and Toa Ignika
Nuva -???-: Note that the new versions of these Nuva masks are speculative and are based on observations outlined in this entry.
Random Characters: a.k.a. "The far-too-recent days when Aanchir was running out of graph paper." Quite a few Makuta on this one. And Zaktan! 8D
And, as a special bonus...
Po and TLH: a.k.a. "Aanchir finally found these people's incredibly obvious Brickshelf/maj account names after being in
Well, while BZP was down I got the last of the summer Nuva masks.
No, seriously.
Alright, it wasn't in the Nuva set. But still, Solek does just as good.
Pic 1: Hau Nuva. Comes equipped with standard accursed double-grooves which thanks to Mask of Light replaced the traditional triple-grooves on Lhikan's Hau. But hey, it's the Hau Nuva, so I'll let it slide. Drawing the new and old Tahu Nuva has been fun thanks to this mask.
Pic 2: Kaukau Nuva. Most obvious of the three. Between the
Probably the best thrill I've gotten since... well, since that time Greg said "Aanchir is right." Except this time, the person actually joined the site to post in my topic! *hugs self*
Yeah, I'm probably exaggerating its greatness in my own mind, but I'm feeling very giddy right now and can't help myself.
Meanwhile, I'm turning off the need for comment approval now, since the spam threat was solved ages ago and I want to better be able to keep track of when people reply. Aanchir...
All right, I just realized a few minutes ago that BZP was back. Which is good, but at the same time which lends me a lot of catching up to do (apparently, the holiday season gives many people free time for posting). Other sites, too, have come back at this inopportune time, lending me extra grief as I desperately try to catch up. And schoolwork doesn't even factor into those needs, despite that I have a lot to work on over break.
For starters, I was ill-prepared for Christmas this year. I fai
Yes, his mask maintains a major similarity to the original Akaku Nuva. I both love it and hate it for this. I love it because I no longer have to worry about being biased and thinking "it's OK being different" on account of the reason I hate this-- I hated the original Akaku Nuva.
Anyway, the similarity is so simple it doesn't even need an edit. What does this mean? Yes, it's one of those abominable structural similarities. The ones which are useless on my drawings, the ones which render the
Icarax's head is attached in a way that is nothing short of ridiculous. Never should a Metru head be used with the Kraahkan in the angled configuration. LEGO has apparently attained the mistaken belief that the Kongu Mahri eyepiece will let them get away with any sort of head issues. Well, LEGO, that's not correct. The Kongu Mahri eyepiece is an opportunity to do things you couldn't do with older eyepieces, but NOT an opportunity to do things you could do but would look terrible.
His tools ar
I may come up with more later, but here goes for now... A new Zamor launcher for the Toa. It would make sense if the new launcher has the same ammo as the Skyblasters, but they'd better not have called them Skyblasters if they planned to use them for the summer sets, which will NOT be sky-oriented. Colors as follows: Tahu in red or dark red (since he practically looked dark red in the movie, anyway), Gali in Mata blue, and Onua in-- what else?-- black. A Makuta in dark green, simply because I'd
New Phantoka pics are available through LEGO.com, including PDF instructions! Here's the rundown:
Pohatu's still awesome. Sadly, his eyes aren't orange... it seems LEGO is returning to the schemes of '06 where all the good guys and all the bad guys share an eye color with their side. Ah well. I'd say "I can switch it" like everyone else, but it seems they've overlooked that ice blue eyepieces don't exist for Kopaka (if you haven't noticed, it's different than the blue used in Nuju's or Kohrok
Now that we have good pics of the Makuta Phantoka, I feel fit to continue my review.
Vamprah looks to be rather awesome. His mask is nice (but I foresee it being a pain to draw in my new style), and his limbs are nice. The silver Takadox armor will be a MOCist's dream, at least once they make more of it. Limbs are nice. His wing/arm design is marvelously batlike, and I love the legs. Wing pieces leave something to be desired ("something" being practical pistons). I wonder why he has to have f
Hi, everyone! Hate the "fake statistics" fad that's been spreading in people's sigs? Want to protect the good name of rap, or of factual statistics in general? Fret no more! This sig quote aims to solve all your troubles!
Want to add this to your sig? Then copy and paste the following code into your sig:
[quote=Académie des Beaux-Arts, circa 1870]92% of artists have moved on to impressionism. Copy and paste this into your sig if you are part of the 8% that still creates real artwork.[/quo
Well, since everyone else has done (p)reviews, I figure I'll do one, especially in light of the new pic with which the magazine has provided us, better in quality than the leaked pics, even! (Greg was right! )
I'll start with the Nuva, since I want to get this started on a good note.
Lewa Nuva-- Lewa Nuva was initially that which I liked least. Now, with new and better pics available, that role has been passed to Kopaka. The new Miru Nuva, some might argue, is vastly different than the old
Because I don't want to be the only competitor.
I find it confusing that an entry can get over twice as many comments as most of mine and still not get the entries it requests. C'mon, guys. It's a great contest, and you've had plenty of time to recover from AC#14 and S&TC#3.
On another, more selfish note, please tell me what you think of my entry in this topic.
Thanks for lending me your attention. Mind the step on the way out.
What can I say? It's a spur-of-the-moment en
Just got back from a Drama field trip to see Dracula at VCU.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some Phantoka to be drawing. See you next time.
*credits roll and the theme to "Bill Nye the Science Guy starts playing*
All right, seriously. This will be the first time I've ever drawn a Makuta, and I need ideas. I want them to look humanoid, given their resemblances to Matoran, but at the same time distinctly "not human," even demonic. They will be drawn in my new style
I really need to see that show. I have yet to see ONE legitimate complaint; as of yet all which I've seen treat the illustrations as "immaculate." My opinion is that if the author doesn't demand that a depiction of their book follow certain criteria, it's open for interpretation. And to my knowledge, Wayside falls under that category.
Is it important what color a character's hair is if it does not affect the plot? What about skin? Eyes? I fail to see how any of these things are important, but
Here's my latest attempt. Now if you really care what exactly a Rachira is, you know where to look.
Thanks to Lyichir for fact-checking this.
I don't think I'll have time to revisit that topic, and moreover it is not the sort of topic that one wants to clutter up with comments. Therefore, post any comments you might have here rather than there.
With all due respect,
Aanchir: Rachira of Time
Let me get this out of the way, since the new Good Guys topic in the reference corner reminded me of this unpleasant aspect I have seen in a lot of stories.
Please, for the love of Pete, STOP sticking Onepu in Toa teams with the Chronicler's Company!
Yes, we were all weeping and moaning when Nuparu became a Toa Inika instead of Onepu. This is, of course, completely sarcastic. Onepu never was anything more than a "Mata Nui Cowboy" in the storyline, and no matter how cool that is, Nuparu had
Heh. A funny story...
When I got my first Pokemon on Diamond (shortly after the game came out), I chose the Grass element starter, Turtwig, since I love Ground element (Swampert and Torterra FTW!) and had never had a Grass element starter. Since it was a grass type, I gave it a suitable nickname, as I have with all my starters since Sapphire version. I named him Forrest.
Later, I got around to checking his stats, so I could see about drawing him (I always design personalities for my party
S&T #3 voting has begun, and this time Aanchir's in the running! You know what that means!
Vote Entry 2 in Preliminary Poll B!
(A link to the entry itself is in the first post)
With all due respect,
Aanchir: Rachira of Time
Sounds like a badly translated Anime episode title, doesn't it? Anyway, it seems that, while in the preliminary polls I was behind by three votes, I was nevertheless chosen as the wildcard entry for this contest! While the competition is fierce (I'm against Arpy's entry, as well as two entries which though I dislike them are nevertheless aesthetically appealing to many voters), who knows? With the good response I got in the prelims, I may have a chance at this!
So, what are you waiting for?
The files on the WoS disk aren't compatible with Windows Movie Maker. Any advice?
Sorry for troubling you. If anyone else has answers, feel free to post them here. That's why I made this a blog entry and not a PM. All I need is the video footage.
With all due respect,
Aanchir: Rachira of Time
Vote Entry 4: Tufi Piyufi (with a twist!) in Preliminary Poll Ross 154!
Really funny naming system they've got for the polls, using star names. I don't see why we couldn't stick with letters; they were much simpler to remember. Now it'll take forever to vote in all the polls, since I won't even know which I've voted in.
When you get a chance, also check out the topic for my entry and tell me what you think!
May the best entry win!
With all due respect,
Aanchir: Rachira of
Well, I've gotten my class schedule for next week. I'll run it by you.
P1: Adv. English 11
P2: Adv. Chemistry
P3: Technical Drawing/Design
P4: Adv. VA/US History
P5: AP Statistics
P6: AP Horace/Catullus
P7: Drama 1
So, that's what my life is going to be like come next week. I hope I do all right.
With all due respect,
Aanchir: Rachira of Time