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I Collect; Therefore, I Probably Waste Time

Yay, standing in line for two-and-a-half hours for a traded Mew is so not fun; getting an Old Sea Chart would've been more worth it.   Oh well, at least I remembered to visit the nearby Borders to pick up Legacy of Evil. BIONICLE Legends #4, here I come.   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



Owning Up

Oh crud, I pulled a move I like to call "Reverse Than Maneuver."   Yay for human error. If you know what I'm talking about, good for you: you now know that none of us is perfect. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then don't worry about it.   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



I'm A Picky Eater

Don't let that title fool you, but if there's one thing you can learn about me it's that I'm a picky eater. But I'm not your typical picky eater; in fact, I'm probably quite the opposite. You see, most people that are picky eaters are picky about what they eat for their meals; on the other hand, I'm pickier with the junk food I eat than I am with real food. It's not that I hate junk food, so much as there's just a lot of it I don't like... or doesn't like me (sometimes both); on that same token,



Come With Me On A Roller Coaster Ride... Or Not!

I now have a dream to ride every roller coaster known to man, two known to monkeys, and one known to a Tibetan grasshopper named Carl. Okay, I made that last part up... the grasshopper's named Steve; Carl is his cricket friend.   Anyway, as you know if you've been paying attention, I live in Texas, home of the original Six Flags: each representing a country who has "ruled" over my state: Spain, France, Mexico, US, Confederacy, and Texas. (Yes, we were our own country once.)   But I'm not writi



Texas State Fair Is For Fun-fried Experiments

I have not been to my state fair in years, but each year, I hear about some other food substance that is being fried. There's ice cream, Snickers, green beans, mac & cheese, and now I'm even hearing about Coke.   My stomach hurts now from the thought of all that fried stuff; is there anything consumable they won't try frying?   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



Talk About Slow Computer Service!

Wow, it's been over a week since I blogged: amazing or pointless? Who cares.   Anyway, so I have the RssReader, mainly for my Halo 2 stats; everytime I turn around, I'm getting recent updates... from the past. I'm basically getting stuff that happened before what I already have.   I've also been getting e-mails in my Inbox from years ago; granted, they're spam anyway, but they're still from the Messages of E-mail Past. So I get to track down that loose "new" e-mail in my Inbox.   And we thou



Be Interdependent, Not Independent!

Because I feel like it, I decided to do a basic psychological thing; granted, I'm no psychology expert. These are just my thoughts... and it's my blog, so...   Dependence From the day you are born, you are dependent on others to do things for you: this is because there are things you cannot do for yourself. When's the last time you saw a baby devour a steak? Sooner than you think, you wish to do things for yourself.   Independence So you think you can or you want to do it all yourself, but



How I Spent My Labor... Weekend

SATURDAY I went with some of my church's youth group to a Cleveland Indians vs. Texas Rangers baseball game. (There was a MercyMe concert beforehand. Yay!) The game wasn't that great: the first pitcher allowed one home run and a grand slam in the first half of the first inning (Boo!). The game ended 6-5: we're still skeptical of that last point we didn't get.   SUNDAY After church, I spent the day digging through a mess for important documentation. Um, yay, mess.   MONDAY With a few friends



To Be Or Not To P O T C

I have never seen Pirates of the Carribean, nor do I have any future intention to see it. If I want to see it, I have access to it, but I don't want to see it.   That's the voice of independence and decision-making telling me to be different.   But that didn't stop me from making this:   I made it before the second movie came out: the joke was too good to pass up.   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



Legend Of Toaraga: Nostalgia's Awakening

I still remember the first video game my siblings and I ever owned and played: Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. For many a time, we were stuck in Lost Woods near the beginning; until for some reason, I got this crazy idea to sprinkle some of that Magic Powder on that stupid raccoon. Lo and behold, a new world was suddenly opened up to us... until level three, which my sister figured out how to enter that one. Needless to say, I have owned and/or played every version of Zelda that has come out



Omi Rocks!

Why does Omi rock, you ask? Or you don't ask, but whatever.   Anyway, if you don't like/know anything about Pokémon, you won't care, but once my stuff returns from Brickfest, I'll have a Celebi in my collection. It's the last Pokémon I don't have or wasn't able to get access to.   Next thing you know, they'll call the annual event "Omi Rocks America!"   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



Yay, I Have Fans!

Something I heard through the grapevine: I'm glad someone else enjoyed seeing my MOCs in person: there's so much more joy for people to see the actual things and not just pictures I took myself. It doesn't just make me happy: others get to enjoy a possible work of art.  That's probably what makes Brickfest so great. Even if there weren't any contests, it's one time a year when people get to share what they've built, etc. by more than just digital representation. Shipping is a small price to pa



The Few, The Proud, The Lego Employees

Okay, so by now, we all that Greg Farshtey is both staffed by LEGO and a member of BZP, but how many people know there are other people that work with or for LEGO? There are lesser known people than him, but without their contributions, BIONICLE wouldn't continue to be what it is.   With that said, I've decided to make it my duty to dedicate a block to these hard-working individuals. If you look to the right, you'll see their BZP Username and what they do in the real world that has to do with



Your Signature Here

Because five lines is sometimes not enough to say all we want to say and some of us like to change our signatures from time-to-time, I decided to do something. (No, I didn't change the rules.) I decided to dedicate a place in my blog to signature sayings for the departed lines: I call it the SignatUrchives. Mainly, it's for when I'm going to change my signature, but I thought it would also be nice to record other people's, as well; however, it's only for people who are changing their signatures,



Time Flies When You're Sustaining Injury

Today, it occurred to me: it's been over three years since I cracked my left wrist: it was August 10, 2003. Cracked does not mean broken, as some people keep saying "broken."   Oh, the life-changing drama... of course, it was while I was recovering that I found BZP.   Now my left hand is dealing with a separate injury from something else that happened in June (you don't want to know). Nothing weakens a person more than severely hurting the weaker side (I'm right-handed) because building up str



One Week Away

With Brickfest quickly approaching and not having been online for a couple days, I changed my plans. Instead of keeping all the MOCs to date, I'm going to post the last of them on the Friday of Brickfest. Part of the reasoning is that I wanted to reveal each of these myself before Brickfest and the pics inevitably begin, giving a nice lead up to the big day. But I realized that I didn't want a bunch of MOCs crammed into one of days that leads up to Brickfest (having this spike of MOCs in the



I've Figured It Out!

I finally finished all my MOCs for Brickfest, and I have decided to reveal each of them one by one each day leading up to Brickfest. (If I miss any days, expect that number of MOCs to keep up to date.) Until the time comes, just know that since there are fewer than two weeks until the event, that means there are fewer MOCs than the number of days left until the event. For those who don't know, that means there are fewer than fourteen MOCs. I won't say how many there are just yet, but when I sta



Brickfest Status

The moment of truth is only a matter of time away.   No, I'm not going to Brickfest, but I'm finally close to completing all the MOCs I planned to build for the event (working on the last one), which means revealing them to the public is soon to follow (individually or collectively hasn't been fully decided yet). All will be explained in due time.   Though they're probably nothing spectacular, some of them aren't too bad; in fact, I really like some of them. Considering how many there are, the



Chameleon Stole It!

Oh great, I have no Interests. I was just getting ready to copy and paste my interests back into the appropriate place when I discovered something.   Before that Spider Staff thing, I think I forgot to save my interests in my profile anywhere, and I can't remember what was there. I have no idea what I like, but if anyone else knows what I like, please me know, so that I may nod in agreement.   I guess this means I'm going to have actually think now... so much for having a computer screen tell



Super Villains: Miscreants Of Misspelling

Just a note: it's "villains," not "villians." I don't know what a villian is.   Right, so there's nothing major in this blog entry... seriously. I just wanted to point out that checking spelling is always good.   Regardless of what some study says, some people have enough trouble reading the correct spelling of words, so purposefully misspelling the words doesn't help. That's another subject all together.   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



Who Wants To Be A Kid Again?

Hmm, that sounds like a bad reality/game show.   Anyway, I was thinking about how the young ones that are forced to go to school (college and beyond is a choice). What saddens me is that as we get older, their summers seem to get shorter. It has nothing to do with time flying or anything: it has to do with shortening the allotted length. At the rate things seem to go each year, July might soon be the only month they get off.   Oh well, you should enjoy it while it lasts, no matter how brief, b



You Know You Want To

As he sat on his sinking Titanic brand boat, he realized why this company had such a bad reputation; if only he had gone with the Sink or Swim Boat Insurance, some of this might've been avoided. Like a Kodak camera, his day flashed before his eyes as the boat sank faster.   It had started with some Eggo waffles (no chocolate chips), Tropicana orange juice, and some Borden milk. Upon finishing his meal, he grabbed his Dell laptop, headed out the front door, and jumped onto his 10-speed Schwinn b



Grocery Bags Are Multi-purpose

Is that obvious? Yes and no.   So you know those grocery bags you take home from the store (or any bag from most any store, for that matter)? No. Well, go shop somewhere while I talk to the people that know what I'm saying.   Anyway, those bags aren't just for holding stuff: they also double as nearly free advertising for the store you took the bag from. Think about it. What's on the outside of the bag? The store's logo.   This tells other people, "Hey, I shopped at Store X." (Store X's being



The Same Thing We Do Every Night

To think: this last week was like a parking lot with all the blogs. But now that all the other cars have left, I can find where I parked. Darn Omi keeps parking in the Fire Lane though.   Anyway, if you know that phrase in my title, you should be able to figure out where I'm going. (Gasp, the title matches the content and isn't totally silly... how unlike me.) Two of my favorite shows have finally come out on DVD: Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain.   It's about time: the shows haven't been o



Brickfest Or Bust... I'm Gonna Burst Now

"Bust" is slang, people!!   Okay, so I'm not going to Brickfest (darn that money and its costiness), but I am working on some MOCs to send to Brickfest. I have a specific number in mind of a certain type of MOC I'm working on to send, but I won't say what either is because it all goes hand-in-hand (hands aren't going to be MOC'd, by the way).   So I'm going to send the BBC Ninjo MOC plus an unspecified number of certain MOCs. Having finished almost half of them, I'll hopefully have the rest fi



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