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Entries in this blog

Secret Link

There's a secret link somewhere in this blog.   Whoever finds it gets a cookie.



All I Really Want For Christmas

Is a new camera.   I have stuff that has the potential to take BBC by storm, but I have no method of taking a decent picture.   CAMERACAMERACAMERA



Shoutout to Windrider

See this?     She can play it with her nose.   Kind of like Chuck Norris, but cooler.   [updated Jan. 2015 for pronouns]



Wisdom (Teeth)

So, like many other people, I have a mouth, and it's pretty handy. Aside from brushing and using it to eat I haven't really given it much thought since I got my braces out about four years ago.   Until a few days ago. There wasn't as much of what I'd call pain in as much as a consistent throb for the better part of the day.   This brought back into focus a really strange bit of my anatomy: stubborn teeth. My baby teeth didn't fall out until much later than they should have - some of them still h



New Glasses

I got new lenses for my glasses today, and I think they gave me the wrong lens in one of them. I cannot see a thing when I use that eye only. Everything is one massive blur.   For the first time in years I prefer my sight without aid.   UPDATE: Called back to the doc's office - it turns out that they gave me the wrong lenses after all. *facepalm*



Tuesday Tablescraps - 10/23/12 - Teal Mech

Two days until the first anniversary of the Tuesday Tablescraps.     | | | |   I have mixed feelings on this guy. The legs are decent and the arms are alright, but I nearly gave up on the torso. It has no shaping whatsoever, and I tinkered with it for a good while. I'll probably revisit this guy and the Gold Bot later on, especially since I've discovered a stash of gold KK armor that I can use on him.




I'm going to get a pumpkin.   I'm going to make a jack-o-lantern.   But no scary face. Oh, no. I'm going to carve the Awesome face into it.   Likey?



Why I Don't Like Mozart

Let's get this out of the way: I really love classical music, and I kind of know a lot about it. I'm willing to bet that I know more things about music history than anyone else on BZP ... save for perhaps -Windrider-. Dude's a beast when it comes to this sort of stuff.   Most people don't really hold opinions on classical music one way or another, and those that do generally see it as monotonous and boring. I've never really held this opinion, but my favorite music has always come later in music



Make An Image!

BIONICLE: Year One Contest #1: Make an Image!  Well, well, well. The first of (hopefully) quite a few Year One-related contests. Your challenge today: simply create an image! Your choice of color and whatever you put in it, though there are a few rules:   1) Total size must be under 800x300, the new signature size. Anything beyond this will be DQ'd. 2) Total file size must be around or under 200KB. This should be easy enough. 3) PNG files, please. JPG if you have to, but be sure it's high-qu



Nmq&a Stupidity

Why do we even have the pinned topics if everyone ignores them anyway?   There should be some sort of penalty if you do a few times, really.



Game Maker Pro

Few of you actually know this, but I am an avid computer programmer and game developer. As such, I have purchased the "Game Maker Pro" software.   FCG forum, here I come!



You Know, I Learned Something Today …

… it's that the more you feel that you are right and the support a side of a controversial argument, the more trouble you're going to eventually wind up in, especially when your side's logic is flawed and you're arguing against people of authority. It's much better to simply accept a punishment that you get and stop pushing your point that's wrong to begin with, or you'll just get sucked deeper into the muck. Once you have been proven wrong it's much better to just leave while you're ahead than



Game Shows

NOTE: This was inspired by -Toa Lhikevikk-'s latest entry.   WARNING: If you are Brickeens, you probably will not understand this.   Now, with that out the way, I will now offer my opinions on assorted game shows.   Jeopardy!: Best one, I think. Even though you'd never actually answer any of the questions with those particular answers.   Wheel of Fortune: See this entry. *clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap*   Deal or No Deal: I suppose there is a bit of strategy involved, but it's hidden ben



Fun Times With Trilogies

It's always funny to me - whenever I see a trilogy of movies, the last one is my favorite, the first my second-favorite, and the second one my least-favorite.   Why, I don't know.



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