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Too... Much... Heat...

Well, it's that magical time once more, when the ground becomes all nice and moist, and the trees grow tall and green..... Also, the scorching heat that can incubate an average high-school like an oven. Yes, Summer (strictly speaking, it's still Spring.... But who cares?). And what would that mystical season be like without Air-Conditioning? Heck. Yessiree. That is why I have begun a petition to install new AC's in my school. Foolish? Yes. Stupid? Yes. Going to work? No.     But wait! What can

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Phyoorhii, You Have Helped Me.

Yes, Phyoorhii. His idea of "RANDOM BZP MEMBER OF THE WEEK" has given me an idea. RANDOM BZP MEMBER OF THE DAY. See. It's different.   Today's random member is: electricitynuva

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

No. I Refuse To Accept That.

I just read the name of Lygers' newest Blog entry: "The First Bird of Spring". ... *Hangs Myself* THERE'S SNOW OUTSIDE! AUGH! EVERY TIME IT STARTS GETTING WARM-- SNOWSTORM! AAAAAAAH!   ...     And my dad says that there's going to be a snowstorm tomorrow. ... *Un-hangs Myself* *Hangs Myself*

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


In less than an hour, I'll be going to Maine. Away from this place of which that I am sitting here now, Maine is not. Yeah.   I won't really be able to ubdate my Blog, and my Premier Membership expires next week, so I guess you won't really get any new entries. And so, I say, please donate (by posting here) to the "Keep The Lost Prophecy Found" foundation.   'Till next time, -NP-

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Shoudn't I Be Happy?

Title: Happy Feet Rated: G Synopsis: A Penguin gets brain damage and starts dancing. Almost gets eaten three times. No, no... Four. NP's Rating: 3.2 -- Not too shabby, not too good.   ---   You should have been here yesterday! The sun was out, the birds were singing, the sky was blue- and it was beginning to feel like spring! Now it's snowing. What the heck is wrong wit this planet?!? Maybe it just doesn't like me.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

The Spoils Of Chanukah

-Cloverfield Poster -The Simpsons Game -Assassin's Creed -Life in Heck, a Cartoon Book by Matt Groening -Sticky Tack -Futurama: Bender's Big Score -Some sort of Doodle Therapy Thing       Will post pics.... eventually...

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

A Very Short Story By Me.

Whazzah! A very short story, by me:   Once upon a time there was a boy with a very short attention span. This boy went online to write a blog, where he began a story. Whereapon he became bored, and he

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

What'll Happen In Another 3 Years?

Just think:   On BZP's birthday, normal members can make blogs. BZP has a continuously growing population, so in three years we'll be up to, maybe, 49,000 members? By then, a lot more people'll know about making blogs on BZP's birthday, so we'll have hundreds of new blogs.   Imaginet the titles.   "i hav birfday blog lol"    

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Epic Movie (cont'd)

The title does not say all, exept for those of you who yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, it was odd. Very odd. Funny, and very odd. Random. Here follows a list of parodied movies (or at least the ones I know and recognized): Pirates of the Caribbean The Chronicles of Narnia Click Borat X-Men Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Snakes on a Plane Nacho Libre Scarface The DaVinci Code Star Wars Casino Royal Lord of the Rings (sorta) Harry Potter Superman Returns Mission Impossible Taledeg

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


The aliens dropped me off in Boston an hour ago, and I'm surprised that their space travel took so long. Really, you'd think that their technology would be extremely advanced by now. There is only one way to explain the complete lack of competence.... This is Omi's doing.       Please don't kill me, Omi.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

I Remember

A moment of silence for those who passed away during September 11th.             We Salute You

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


I swear- that number is following me!   First I read it on a sign, then in a book I'm reading (no, not the page number), then I notice that it's part of my dog's tag number, then it's our room number in the hotel we're staying in. Seriously, it's really weird.   Also, you know that horror movie coming out soon called "1408"?   1+4=5 5x8=40 1+0=10 10|5=2 40+2=42   Of course, it takes a rambling lunatic to think of that.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


From page 1 to 759, it took less than 24 hours to read, as it is now 10:49. The book was brilliant, but I'll get into all of that later. What I need toi start with is what I couldn't say last night- the festivities, the wait, the one gratifying moment when I lifted Book 7 into the air, and proudly declared "I OWN HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS".   Chapter One ~6:30 -- 8:00~   It was all planned. It had been for well over three months. The trip to Boston was to hold many wonderful exper

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


It never feels good when you wake up to a stomach ache. And it certainly doesn't help when you then need to get right out of bed to take your dog outside. It certainly isn't helpful if you don't eat breakfast. Or if you're running late for school. Or that we were just assigned the final big English project. Or that French is second period. Or that the brownie in my lunch may have gone bad. Or that the stomach ache gets worse. Or that a certain very confusing language period is third. Or that the

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Wish Me Luck

Well, I'm off to my French exam in 10 minutes. I really hope that I don't fail miserably.     *ulp*

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

The Norik Zone...

You are now entering an area adjacent to a location, where you might find a monster, or a weird mirror. The second one. Prepare to enter: The Norik Zone.....     Please find enclosed "The Parallel Prophecy". Norik's Prophecy. What you might call an every day member has just made an interesting and unfortunate discovery. He has awakened in the 91st century, where the human race has been overrun by enormous computers.     They disabled his BZPower account, and had exterminated a

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

It's Everywhere...

After you watch Heroes, you seem to see that symbol everywhere... I may never be the same again. What about you?     (- =)

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Happy Valentines Day!

Yes, Valentine's day. Where couples exchange kisses and express how much they love eachother. Unfortunately, I do not yet have a girlfriend, so for now I just make cards for my family... *sigh* I'm so lonely.....     Anyway, today we got out at 12:26, so that was good. Easy math test 2nd period, and snow. Lots of snow. Unfortunately, it didn't start snowing until 6:00, so there wasn't enough to cause a snow day. Now there is, but it's too late.... Dang. Tomorrow I don't care, 'cause I'll be i

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

I Hope He Lives

Oh no oh no oh no......   My pet lizard, who I've had since I was 7, has just crawled under the stove. Oh, nononononono.....

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

So Long!

Hahaha! The next time you hear from me, I'll be in New Hampshire! Mwahaha! Of course, my position doesn't really change the fact that I'm going to update my blog. Looks like a wasted another entry.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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