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idk my pal

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Na No~

So I started a bit late, three days ago from this hour to be exact, and all I have created is a 7,200 word story thus far.   However, it's progress~



Na No Wri Mo.

I've decided that I most definitely will be participating in this. The goal, for me, is to write a coherent, 50,000+ word story within the course of the month November. Though, I'd personally be happy if I got past 10,000 words [As that'd be the farthest I ever wrote a single story, thought up on the spot]. I think, that I might make it past 30,000 if I'm really into the idea, though I'll probably end up around the 15,000 mark [Due to school, other writing projects, and the like].   It just sou



My, My.

So I joined;   -Bionicle Kingdoms: Nightfall -City of Ruins -The New and Improved BZPRPG -Abyssal Plain -Bloodstorm   And I wrote up;   -One character for BK: N -One character for CoR -Five characters for the BZPRPG -One character for Abyssal Plain [Deleted the old] -One character and a species for Bloodstorm.   And I also have;   -Fun plans for some of my BZPRPG characters [Meserina/Zrad/Anzeiger] -Nothing in mind for BK: N as of yet -Am going to run the CI alone when CJ leave



My Xbox.

It died. Again.   Now to start the process of sending it in for repairs...



My Weekend...

Friday:   -Saw the Star Trek movie and just did whatever that night.   Saturday:   -Study for Finals from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM -BZP   Sunday:   -Study for Finals from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM -Played Disgaea for my Nintendo DS, and got addicted quickly. -Played Disgaea 3 for my PS3 and also got addicted.   Monday:   -Classes... but not too much work, since I'm studying muscles, what certain actions have on the muscles when done, all of my Math from the first day [i missed the first week D=],



My Weekend.

I flew to Houston last weekend, and got back afternoon time Monday. Basically it was a hangout with friends thingy, though I built a grill and made food on it cuz I was hungry an it was dinnertime and my friend made me build the grill with him, and stuff. After two hours of assembly, we moved it out back and invited a third friend and ate stuff we made. (It didn't burn =O)   I also rediscovered how much fun Deadspace is, and watched as my XboxLive died again. I'll have to get that fixed at som



My Little Drawing: Friendship Is Art

Bored in a class and decided to challenge myself, had no references to use so the legs and probably the torso aren't like... super-duper accurate. (And probably off in terms of cartoon-proportions) But it was a fun little drawing. (It's not colored 'cuz I suck at coloring).  



My Head Hurts...

For many, many reasons, but the one that finally drove the nail through the brain was the worst chart for an essay outline I ever had the misfortune to fill out. All it did was repeat itself some ten times, and some of the questions were incredibly confusing and it asked for 3 sources for each reason I gave and we only had 6 sources to use (none of which were really about my reasons, I would have preferred if the teacher put forth more sources that weren't political cartoons or just tell us that



My Epic

Is definitely not going to be left undone, I'm just having some trouble with the new chapter to it, along with balancing out homework, as well as studying for the tests next week ><   So no, I haven't left it to die, I merely left it in order to get some RL stuff done, and wait for these upcoming tests to get here and go away <<



My Dog...

Must be magic. Just must be, how else could she have gotten out of the yard when she's A) Chubby, B ) Was harnessed and chained in the backyard and C) There's no escape routes I can fiiiiind.



My Day

Well, today I got up at *gasp* a normal time!   So I wen through with my original everyday routine. When later I checked the mail a letter was there for me, curiously I tore it open and read it. (It said to go the park) and so I did. When I got there a whole bunch of people popped out of nowhere screaming "SURPRISE!!!" It scared me so bad to the point I fell over. I was able to get back up of course and it seems that Member Nera was the one who organized the thing.   So I got there at 6 and le



Mw2 And 360

So, I caclulated up how much sending in my current 360 will cost, roughly $150 with shipping and all of that. So rather, I decided that just giving Gamestop my non-working one and getting a thirty dollar discount on a used one is better and cheaper, making the system $100 to "Repair" other than the $150.   And, if I trade in my COD4 game, and my Halo 3 game, I can get Modern Warefare 2 for twenty bucks. Which is a nice deal, cuz Halo 3 got really boring [Plus I can rent it and borrow it from p



Musical Inspirations

My friend showed me a song recently that made me want to write, or just find, a story where the fate of the world hinges on Pong.   And, like, the characters would challenge each other to these world-changing, mind-smashing rounds of the game with:   "Let us play Pong."   And it'd be all dark and serious and stuff. *makes ominous hand motions for dramatic effect*




I love how it can put me in such a good mood, especially when I think there's hardly anything that could possibly kick me out of my sorrowful mood.   Man, I love it so much.




Comes with the year, ends with the year. By year, of course, I refer to school year.   That and reading novels I distinctly and thoroughly enjoy, instead of silly stories serving only to appease my need for pointless amusement. (Which I've been reading far more of lately). Oh and music. Lots and lots of music.   *goes back to brainstorming his fantasy/steampunk/romance/adventure/maybetragedy story*



Movies And Books.

So I saw Alice in Wonderland, and I gotta say, I loved it. Of course there are people who didn't, but I happen to just enjoy the style of it all, plus I did like some of the humor thrown in.   Mad Hatter and the Red Queen are probably my two favorite characters. The Mad Hatter, mainly because Johnny Depp just does an awesome job, and the Red Queen mainly because of the amount of times she yells "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"   Also, Cheshire Cat is awesome.     For books, I bought a lot.   The Gr



More Sumthings

I may be around, although I though my PMship was going to leave me today *doesn't rememebr which subscription he subscribed to*   And it looks like it isn't... so yeah that's all good.



More Stuff ( I Wish I Could Think Of More... Exciting Titles)

So I started to sign up for next year's classes today (I got the sheet a bit late, but technically, today is when you're supposed to start getting signatures). So far, I have;   - Math: Geometry, and it's Geometry next year (Technically, I should have been in Geometry this year, but they put me in Pre-Algebra in eighth grade cuz the classes for Alg-1 were all fuuuulll) - English: I'm going with English II, mainly because all the difference is (according to my English teacher) is the workload.



More Pokemon Stuff

'Cuz I thought this was worth a blog.   So I finished all the gyms now *started playing on Thursday :B* and my party is around 50 ~ 55.   The entire time I was playing with a friend, we started a bit at the same time *he slightly before me* and he's further than I am, but still.   Like, he would spend hours looking for certain pokemon (like Riolu and Ditto) and I'd encounter them in one or two tries. Latest one was Ditto, he spent forever looking for one and when I finally got up to the area



Missing Doses xnx

i forgot to fill in my prescriptions the other day so now i have to go with 2 1/2 less doses of estrogen and let me tell you just missing one made me the most emotionally unstable sack of human on this planet.   watching boy meets girl that particular day DID NOT HELP   (great movie btw but as forewarning there's nudity in it SO)



Mishaps, They Happen.

I don't know why I feel like blogging this, but I am.   So I learned that walking around, upstairs and in the dark, is a very, very, very bad idea for me. I'm not a very graceful person on my feet, and I tend to smack my foot into things like walls and doors a -lot-. Basically, I was walking near the stairs that lead downstairs, made a turn to go down them and smacked my foot on the side of the staircase. I ended up falling down the stairs, very noisily, and wound up on my back on the floor.  



Mini- Rantish- Thingy.

First, I'll open up with a rant/min-rant/whatever it actually becomes.   There's always been this issue at my school, and this issue stems from how people traverse through the hallways, the very narrow, cramped hallways. For instance, walking in a horizontal line across the hall, moving at literally three steps a second is not a nice thing to do. People get stuck behind you and need to get to their class which is on the opposite side of the building, and because of the slow traversing, they en



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