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idk my pal

Entries in this blog

Something Bad Happened?

Really =O   Nahhhhhh   Actually, a few good things happened lately. Apparently I don't have any work in school that is missing, despite having thought that, and my lowest grade is a B in an overall type of thing, with generally As in Content Knowledge, which is all I'm going to be graded on next year. Another good thing is that my testing is done, and I have a three day weekend, and a three day work week next week.   After that three day weekend, I have a week of schoolstuff, and then an ent



Something Annoying.

Something that annoys me is when you are depending on someone to be responsible and do their part of an assignment that's worth half of your grade, and the person just doesn't give a karz and never does his part, without even telling you "Oh, yeah I didn't do any of that project."   It sucks because had he actually told me, I'd have been able to get it done on my own and turned in promptly. However, here, I was thinking he already turned it all in (Cuz he said he did when I asked) but it turns



Some Thing

I think that instead of the overused ax in horror movies, they should use a ice pick, or a chainsaw. Chainsaws are just kewl, while ice picks aren't done so much.   I will go off and commit redrum nao.



Some Stuff.

I'm actually going to pull out of the Core War SSC as I don't have the time anymore and I kinda lost interest in what I was working on. I read it a few times and just didn't like it and I had no other ideas for the contest that wouldn't get auto-shot down because of excess violence/too much non-canon. However, I might make a short story for the Core War, but it just won't be in the contest is all.   I actually forgot the names of my characters in nearly every RPG I play in, so I got to look th



some random blog-level changeadoo

i updated this here blog a bit, removed content blocks i deemed pointless or silly (well besides the rpg one though it's incomplete, old and every link is outdated since the old forums are gone but it's kinda too nostalgic or me to delete)   also the pink's on purpose; pink is a pretty color and i will deck my online self (and offline self, though it's not a particularly flattering color on me -- purple is a bit more, i think) in it.     almost removed the splash art thing (it's ancient... well,



Some Midnight Doodle

So I was pretty bored, watching some Hellsing stuff and felt like doodling in a sketchbook I had lying around. The character I doodled is Vayrael, who is currently a role playing character in Skylight, but before that started off as a character in a fledgling romance story I intended (and still intend) to write. I never wanted to use an image of a different character to aide in describing what he looks like, and I felt like my descriptions weren't cutting it (I also wanted to try other sets of h




ok so   - i've been out as a trans girl (yeah i started identifying as a girl back in... November/December, since it felt the best) for about two? months now -- not online, but like to real life people. of course some people don't know yet, but that's because i need to find a more delicate way to inform them of everything.   - been on HRT which oh my god, the differences in just two months??? incredible. i feel so much better, so much more confident, so much more comfortable with who i am, god i



So... Yeah.

I decided that I will start drawing again, like... in the more time consuming way than my half brained little chibis running around my test papers. But there are things that I need to look into more and practice for... well a lot, I have no idea how long. Like... well, practically everything, but right now I need to make things symmetrical when they're supposed to be symmetrical.   That's why I hate doing eyes... cuz one will look goodish, and the other will look like a flat tire. ><   T




I have a NaNoWriMo project in mind, for once...   I hope it's not cheating if I start a month early~




My hand fell into a cactus, I pulled out all the obnoxious pins and needles, but my hand happens to still sting a fair bit. Nothing that's acute enough to the point where I can't close my hand or use it, it's just rather irritating.   I also dislike it when I send someone a question, and once they get my question, they don't log in for the next two days.... I might copy/paste it and ask someone who's more... around.




I sorta kinda maybe told someone something maybe kinda sorta important, all on my own *not really*   And it didn't blow up in my face :,D   *proud of self*



So, Tomorrow.

It brings excitement, anxiety, and a bit of dread. (Dread more being that I have no idea what'll be assigned in school tomorrow... none of the teachers really update the calendar, so for all I know, someone could be all like "HUGE PROJECT" or "BOAT OF HOMEWORK" the latter being harder... cuz I'll have about two or three hours of free time ._.)



So, this Guild Wars 2 thing

I spent like two hours playing with my sylvari's face *not to even factor in the body type and junk*   my time management is brilliant~   but he look so fab, all red and pink and green (and glow in the dark, but he glows purple so he's not a nuclear sylvari :,D) *and he teleports with clouds of butterflies in his wake which is just amazing and lovely*   *ended up buying the game because Spink is easily persuaded to do so by sales people, but ssshhhh*   *also playing Pokemon*   *needs to remember



So, I Was All Like...

When I say "Hi" I would really like it if you don't comment on the food item that had been stolen from me kthx.   I say "Hi"   she goes "He's stealing your sandwich..."   Then I kill the thief. =D



So, Brickfair is coming up

I'm pretty excited for it, even though I start school (Senior year, woo) not that long after the event wraps up. It's been quite a while since I traveled alone, so of course I'm worrying a tad over all the airplane stuff to go through (but I worry about ordering food from a restaurant, so yeah). But anyway, it'll be fun!   I may bring a little MOC, still undecided about that. (It'll be something createable within 15mins, so yeah :x).   I should probably find my backpack... This year I'll remembe



So, A Draft Was Made.

I wrote a draft of the first chapter idea to the epic I came up with... this is around the fourth draft and sounds a mamillion times better than the first three. Took me about three hours to hand-write, but if I feel up to it, I might start to type it.   Then I'll probably use this process to write the other chapters. I have them outlined, so it won't take a LOT of thinking, but there'd still be plenty of that XP   So yeah, that's what I'm gonna start to do now.   And if I post it and don't



So That Mass Effect 3 Thing I Hear So Much About

I feel kinda meh about it. While I enjoy the games, having spent far too much time in the first one, I just don't feel as hyped up for this game for some reason.   While Mass Effect was definitely fun to play, I never really got into the lore so much. The characters were kinda meh, save Tali and Garrus (and even then, they weren't spectacular... well maybe Garrus, but that's 'cuz I've had a crush on Garrus since I first played the game </3). Shepherd, well the ones I always ran, were always k



So Liek...

I got a new laptop that was actually paid for and that I'm not leeching off of people I know B)   It can play Gears of War cuz that's what the Best Buy dude said.   And it has lights... sooo many liiiiights...



So I Wrote This

It's not serious, and I am well aware that I am a terrible poet. However, I found it entertaining to read it all melodramatically as fast as I could, and figured to put it somewhere. I learned that, it's hard to find a rhyming word for "rabbit." I also learned that it is incredibly hard to find something that rhymes with "says" without pronouncing the word with a long "a."   I don't know if changing the rhyme pattern near the end was a good idea or not.       A tapping, a clacking, a smacki



So Cold ;-;

Walking through fifty degree weather with a T-shirt and shorts was a very bad idea.   Cuz now I feel miserable... and my ear is starting to hurt ;-;  



snow villiers

ever since the new lightning returns trailer just <3 (idc if he's a bit of a blockhead at least in the first game since i never beat 13-2)     *this voice actor has also acted a good chunk of characters i had crushes on what's up with this (like seriously)



Snow Troopers.

One is not enough.   But there was only one in the AT-AT set. I must find some more of these neat lil' guys. (Which isn't hard but finding them in bulk for cheapish is hard)   (I also embarrassed myself by calling it the "AT&T" << >>)



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