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Just a lesser evil, born unequal

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Sub W I P Part 5

Not much to say. I got all the parts orders in, so any changes to be made are pending on my paychecks coming in... and I need to start working before that can happen.   A few things I would like to change...   1: Raise the middle up a brick. I'm thinking about adding some 33 degree blue slopes to raise up the top of the sub. But that would mean I'd have to buy the slopes, since my currently collection has run out of them. This would give it a better rounded feel, whereas now it seems kinda




So I saw tonight's xkcd comic about turtles.   And I thought to myself "The last time Randall Munroe put up a cool animal comic, I decided to make a vignette out of it." So I decided that I must rise to the challenge and build a turtle at minifig scale, and put it next to a stressed out minifigure on the computer.   I mentioned this idea to Swert, and we had an intense competition on who can create a small turtle design. But in the end, I had a new idea.   Why just have one turtle? Turtles



Power Cord

So a couple of months ago I bought a spare Laptop power cord to use at school. Like the first day I used it, it sparked when I plugged it in. Shortly afterwards, it died.   SO I started using my old laptop power cord that has worked for me for the last three years. I brought it to school and plugged it in the other day. It sparked.   Now it's starting to die.   And I'm not looking forward to buying another one because, well, they're expensive.  



Sub W I P Part 4

No, no, I did not completely revamp my idea. This is a second, sister sub. And by sister, I mean evil twin sister. Yes, an AquaShark submarine!   Back story: I never had any Aquashark sets... I must've got my Aquanaut set a year after it's release, because when I really started getting into Lego the new themes were Hydronauts and Stingrays. But having constructed my Aquanaut sub to near completion (still waiting on a few pieces) I decided that I might as well work towards an opponent sub...



Sub W I P Part 3

Boo Yah!     So as you can probably tell, my sub has now grown larger than my current MOC picture area. heck, it's almost as long as my entire dresser. Sure, it's narrow, but still...   I got my last parts order in. Or well, the last one for now; I'm expecting a few more bricks to come in that could be added to this. It's about 98% complete; my last blink order was missing all the inverted slopes I paid for... and that was at least $2, so I'm expecting replacement bricks to show up or I



School Movie Project

Oh, I knew this was going to happen. I tried to avoid it, but it happened nonetheless...   So for my online diversity class, we were given a big group project. My group decided to do a short, informative movie on domestic violence. Funny thing, none of them knew how to make movies except for me. So I volunteered to make the movie in the end.   Now it's the end. The thing is due in two days. And my group really dragged their feet since we got this project three months ago. They were supp



Brick Fair Locations

So, being officially paid up and stuffs, I was looking at what my brick badge will say. And I know some ideas have been thrown out about coming up with creative locations. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to set it to custom locations. I know some other people have set theirs to small countries, and if I went that direction I might go for the Falkland Islands (which I did a report on back in high school while everybody else in class chose bigger, more important countries).   I dunno, an



Clip Art

For one of my new project, I will be including various character images to help tell a story. I want to do something different, so I was thinking about using clipart characters... but my current clipart library is limited. Anybody know a good place to find one for free that would have a lot of different people images in it?  




Tis been a loooooooong day. Longer than usual. Early morning group meet-up thingy, and then late night class. Normally I sleep in on Mondays. And if I could have my way, I'd sleep in everyday. The world really shouldn't start operating until after 11 AM.   In Lego related news... um, my sub is still incomplete. But I have paid for BrickFair registration now. Add that to the plane tickets, and I happen to know a guy who knows a guy who knows that I know a guy who can drive us around DC.



Sub W I P Part 2

I got some more parts orders in. They weren't big; they mostly contained a bunch of 2x8 yellow bricks, which I really needed. I have one more big parts order coming in, but even though I ordered it at the same time as the two that just came in, it has yet to ship out yet. Oh well. And the last order contains some crucial parts to add to certain sections. But until then, I can start building more of the sub.     For the record, there are some stand-in pieces in here. Basically, anything



New Name

Let's go on a hike!     Notice I didn't say who's coming back.  



Sub W I P Part 1

I got a parts order in. Roughly 400 pieces. I thought the $10 shipping was a little much, but turns out the shipping did[ cost that much... so I guess it's cool.   Sadly, there were some complications. About 12 or so bricks weren't present. BUT the guy gave me a $1.50 refund and there were a few pieces which I didn't order, so I guess we'll call it even on those grounds. BUT then, some of the pieces were dirty. So I cleaned them best I could. And then some were chewed. And I concluded



In Crowd

Sometimes it infuriates me about how people form cliques and such and really do their best to distance others. High school is the prime example. I never seemed to fit in with any particular crowd even though I hung out with them: the popular kids in the AP classes, the drama students in the school play, the slacker students who sat in the corner during lunch. It was always like I was an outside observing, and if I tried to give input it was ignored or refuted.   I didn't really encounter thi



Brick Fair

What he said.   Boy, I was flip-floppy about whether I was going to go or not. Yeah, I'm still broke, even more now than usual, but hopefully by the time summer roles around my job will help make me less broke.  



Series 4 Minifigures

Series 4 started hitting the shelves last week. I managed to get my hands on a few already. I have been quite shocked at their massive availability, especially after the rush to get Series 3, and the first two series didn't even show up in the store I frequent. But this time there were boxes upon boxes on the shelves. Okay, so I've seen two boxes each at two different stores, but they've hardly been picked through, so I'm guessing the massive collectors must've carried off a few other boxes



Large Aquanaut Sub Plans

Okay, first of all, I must give credit to CF for inspiring my to do this because he was building such a cool ship and I wanted one of my own. My theme is Aquanauts, and while I am far lacking of the pieces to construct this in reality, using a Lego CAD program let me work on my designs. Of course, this is still a WIP, and I would like any opinions on it. (Not that I'll listen to all of them... after all, I do want to keep some of the tacky portions that appeared in the set line back then...



Nostalgic Older Sets

I got in the mood to rebuild some sets today. But this time, I wasn't interested in Bionicle sets, but rather old Aquazone sets I had gotten as a kid.     These are among the first Lego sets I ever owned, and the yellow Crystal Explorer Sub was my first large set ever. The other green green Aqua Dozer was one of the first sets I saved up my money towards. (All previous ones had been gifts... ah, if only my parents knew that I would eventually get hooked to LEGO Bricks...) These are some o



I Have A Pirate Ship

On a lighter note, yesterday I finally purchased a Lego Pirate Ship.   Read one for more details... Yes, look on in envy!             Gotcha!   It's a neat little set. Good design, interesting game play, and plus I needed the 16x16 base plate for a MOC. I might do a better blog review of this later. I've kinda already scraped it for parts.  



One California Man Swept Away By Tsunami

Okay, I don't know all the details, but it looks like the only fatality on the US side of this natural disaster sparked by the 8.9 Japanese quake is some guy who got washed away on the Californian coast by the incoming tsunami.   Yeah, it's sad, but it also shows that he was STUPID. I was watching the news this morning when the first couple of wave rounds struck the Oregon coast. There was a tot of effort put into evacuating people to higher ground, and the news people show many police office



Japanese Tsunami

Holy moly.   I mean, I've seen other footage of tsunamis before, but the stuff they're getting in from Japan right now... that is amazing. And frankly a little scary. I do hope most people were able to get out of the way in time, since Japan does have its share of earthquakes and knows how to deal. But an 8.9... at some point, there's not much you can do if you have a 30 foot wave coming towards you.   My heart goes out to those who are affected by this disaster. But it's not over yet.




Y'know, I've pretty much stopped doing blog set reviews anymore. No, it's always "Hey, go to the front page and see what I posted."   But yeah, I think these pictured turned out a little better. Has something to do with using my parents better camera, and photo editing using the newest and coolest Photoshop. (My old Paint Shop Pro is from like 05 or something... but that program was still easier to use to crop / resize images quickly, so I did use it too)   But yeah, review up. Whatdoya



Power Ranger To Toa Nuva / Inika

So Swert and I were chatting online, and somehow we got talking about Power Rangers, which evolved to us talking about which Toa would fit into specific Ranger roles. So we constructed a list for you to see.   Power Ranger -- Toa Nuva -- Toa Inika   White Ranger -- Takanuva -- Matoro Black Ranger -- Onua -- Nuparu Yellow Ranger -- Gali -- Hewkii Blue Ranger -- Kopaka -- Kongu Pink Ranger -- Tahu-- Hahli Red Ranger -- Pohatu -- Jaller Non-existent Ranger -- Lewa -- Macku   Zordon -- Vak




I hear the forums might be coming back soon. Yay.  



Morgan And His Lego Sets

So I'm a fan of Chuck. And today's episode had a subplot involving Morgan trying to mature... kinda. Anyway, that's not important.   Morgan is showing off some of his Star Wars figures that are placed on the mantelpiece. Not toys; collectibles. And next to the really big ones are some smaller things. But one got my attention; it was the Attack in Cairo Indiana Jones Lego set!     So take that! Lego sets are in TV shows. And not just in kid's room; they're on the friggin mantelpiece!



Current W I Ps

I went out of my way to build some things today. For once, I'm dealing with system, and half of my "building" was also sorting the parts. I have a couple of projects that I wanted to work on. Three of them are mostly finished, although some tweaking is in order. I'm working to get some better photos of them, but I have a few WIP shots, so I might as well post those. And regardless, these will probably be at BrickFair, if I go or not. (If I don't go, then I'll just send them in)   Battle o



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