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Now, I Am Declaring Something, Again...

I hereby declare, I am now starting a Firefly and Serenity club. In it, members rise through the ranks, starting at the lowest, and rising higher. We will also talk about the movie/TV show, and I will hold contests and things of that sort. Post here and say so if you want to join. Also, the more people you get to join the club, or even BZP and then the club, you will get bonuses that are currently secret.   BTW, the Chinchilla Club is Cancelled.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

The Kumquat Revolution

This was written out of pure boredom, and is meant to be read like a story/poem. Enjoy!   Oh, it happened in the year of the ducky, Way back in ’07. It was the year o’ the Kumquat revolts, Starting in Paris, France.   Some say it started in the fryer, others say the Eiffel Tower, I however know the truth, it happened in the Belfry. They just jumped up in May, and attacked Brother Ray.   He screamed for help, but soon went silent as his dear old mother. They ran out the door, and down t

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Is Happy! ^_^

I just came back from a trip to a local store that has a Starbucks in it, so I could get something from Starbucks, and came back with 160 somethings dollars worth of things, taking up two carts! Among them were the two things that follow and make me happy: A six-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper, and a new '08 Hubble Space Telescope Calendar!

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Why, I Do Declare...

That I am going to make a sequel to "Dalek's Comics". This one will be based on before my character was a Toa. More info will come at my own free will.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Something Newer!

I have decided to open the Blog County Prison, for the worst of the lot. Someone use bad Grammar in your blog? Instead of correcting their grammar, let me know, and I'll take themto Laughin'Man's Court! Then you can hire me or Norik's Prophecy as Lawyers!

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

I Hereby Declare...

The closing of my court. However, before you get to happy about this, I am becoming one of the lowest lifeforms out there. I am opening an Attorney's office.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

I Is Wondering...

What's the difference between a Hippopotamus and a Limosine? Do they have similar glands? I mean, do they drip hormones or oil to mark their territory? (I have seen limosines dripping oil... but Hippopotomi, do they just poop? And is it large poo or small poo - similar to that of an elephant but with a lighter color and perhaps lacking in....beetles.)   If so - why don't they learn French?

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

The Joys Of Boredom...

I got so bored earlier that I spaced out. When I came back out of the clouds, I found that I had been clipping my Leg-hairs one at a time, absent mindedly... ready? here it comes... With Toe nail Clippers.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Something New...

I have decided to open a court in my blog. In it, you can bring bloggish matters to me and the jury. The thing is, you can't bribe the jury, because I will have them kept secret until after the trial.   Browncoat Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


This astonishing photo was taken by Tahu right after Lewa gave an all too enthusiastic greeting to Gali on a bad day!     Browncoat Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I was thinking of reporting my sister to the X-Files, but then my brain reminded me that they woild only show things suitable for main-stream television. Curse the infalliable logic of my spontaniety! :angry:

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

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