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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

Entries in this blog

To Me...

...There is nothing more spiritually uplifting than a good drenching in the rain. Feel it all wash away...   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



Am I Entering Ac16?

You bet I am! And I'm feeling pretty confident for once too. So much for these Magazine things. But come on, it takes way too long to scan! Gragh! *sigh* When exams are over, I'll start doing it like I said. Which btw, I'm only doing 3 exams now, since I kinda dropped out of one, hooray. Are You Intrigued Yet?!   



Dawn Service

ANZAC Day, went to the dawn service for the first time. Lovely service. Thoughts go out to all Australian and New Zealand soldiers, past and present, those who suffered and died for our way of life today.   Lest we forget.  




Fun and games are over for the time being, last of my social engagements done for the time being, Uni back in full swing, and spare time has been cut fine and diced. You probably will see more entries from me, complaining about something or other no doubt, but no real substance, and almost assuredly nothing pertaining to any of your interests. So nothing new then.   Should probably get back to it I guess.  



Bzper Al Azar De La Semana #209

Roughly four years since I started doing these. Shocking. Here's the 209th.   Gerlicky   Gerlicky has 1077 posts (4 Star Rating, 12730 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 25-July 07. He has a fat McDonald's kid as an avatar, four Ronald McDonalds Personal Photo, lives where he lives, has a blog and likes fried potato skins. Delishish.   He last visited on the 15th of October 2010, and his birthday is the 8th of February 1994. Great.   Here's an end of my semester banner for yoo.    




The subject of this infamous entry (no, not Elmo, or kittens, or radio hosting or any of that, the ambiguous bit) just baffles me a bit now. At least I've got over it. Probably.  



Haha, Cool

So I was looking around for some stuff, and found this what I thought to be an empty box that used to have a coffee pot in it. I was going to throw it in the recycling bin, but there was something inside...and it turned out to be this, completely intact, figure and all.   Such a bizarre find, have no idea why I would have put it in there. Ah well. So yeah, that was cool. It's now sitting on some bookshelf, couldn't stop smiling for a while after finding it. Not like I was looking for it or anyth




Lukewarm is an adequate description for how my day went today, as a whole, with some dumb stuff, cool stuff, great stuff, confusing stuff and boring stuff going on. It's really difficult to say whether it was a good day or not. Usually I can classify it as a good or bad day, slightly favouring the latter most days, but today...yeah, odd day.   Lukewarm is not an adequate description of what the temperature was today though. You know, just to be literal. It was more on the pleasantly warm side.




Nothing is more annoying than having a late day of school, even though you had a free right after lunch. Apart from, oh, having a late day of school, with a free right after lunch, and you are in the same boat as about several hundred people at you school, and the bus timetable hasn't changed yet to incorporate this new change for Wednesday afternoons which usually is only one small bus which in no way can fit several hundred people, so I and most of those several hundred people had to wait an h



Hey, Guess What?

I don't care about American Football. In fact, I don't think anyone who doesn't live in America or is/was an American citizen should care about it.   So why do we have to get it on TV here? D:   http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?aut...showentry=79456  




It's good to finally get some weather where a jumper or jacket is NOT required.  



Random Bzpers Of The Week #167-169

This is crazy to believe, but for the first time I've actually got a member I've already used!!! That member is Makuta's Scout, who as you can see below is the 141st RBZPotW. Naturally, I won't do him again, but yeah, thought you should know. Anyway, got to get back in the game for 2010. The Sultan Of Swing The Sultan Of Swing has 102 posts (3 Star Rating, 277 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 14-August 05. He is an avatar of some anime character of some sort, a Personal Photo of his what I assu



2005 Yu55

I don't care what people (including myself) say, I reserve my right to be irrationally apprehensive when anything like this happens, even though on the surface I know I'm being silly.   Also, is it one of those asteroids you can see like a shooting star? If so, I still wouldn't be able to see it, since it will be like 11:28am my time, so weh.  




I can't believe this is happening, but it is. While I stayed at home (in part because I feared something like this would happen sometime, and I'm not sure whether I ever want to again now), most of my friends went out on the town as they usually do on a Wednesday (cheap drinks night). While out, there was this one guy abusing his girlfriend, so one of my close friends tried to break it up, in his nice guy sorta way. He was hit by the guy. He is now in hospital with some head injuries and he was



And So That Was Christmas, And Yes I Had Fun...

Yeah, good day yesterday. Food was great (prawns, oysters, turkey, veggies, pudding!), the mood was great, very happy day. But Christmas always is for me, so that's OK. Especially when it's only Dad, Mum, sister and I. I like small Christmases more than large ones. As to my loot, the haul was smaller this year, but one I enjoyed a lot more. I got three of books (including The Road, at last!, as well as Breath by Tim Winton and Bleak House by Dickens), a The Church CD, portable radio (because I w



It's Strong Sad!

"It is. It is Strong Sad and it is Strong Unfortunate what happened to your face. OOOH! Peeeow! Call me. Peeeow!" If you haven't guessed, I was almost right. It's (Almost) Strong Sad's Answering Machine.   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



Omg, Exam Timetable, Noes

Exams are in November over two weeks, and already timetable is out. I'm not going to go into specifics, you'll get the drift. And I'm sure you think it's the best timetable ever. Alright, here goes. The First Tuesday at 1:30pm, Geography The First Tuesday at 1:30pm, Maths Specialised The Second Monday at 9:00pm, Modern World Hist... "WAIT, WHAT?!" I hear you ask? I agree.  



Results Are In

So thankfully, the posties' strike didn't amount to anything too disruptive. Kinda makes me unsure what they're actually doing or trying to achieve. Anyway, so I got a High Achievement (kinda like distiction) for Geography (though was hoping for a Exceptional Achievement, the top), and the rest (Maths Specialised, Modern World History and Photography) were Commendable Achievements (kinda like credit). So I'm really pleased, able to salvage this disaster of a year and get great results. Thrilled!



Rondum Bzper Of The Week #283: Olphobetised!

Hmm.   Oh Get Over Yourself   Oh Get Over Yourself has 1977 posts (3 Star Rating, 1856 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 5-July 04. He is currently most active in Completely Off Topic. He has an angry face drawn onto the old default user avatar image thing, has an AIM and MSN, and their banner can be described as somewhat Cagey. Like that pun's never been used before.   He last visited on the 3rd of January 2012, and his birthday is the 29th of September 1989. Wow cool.   Here's an official bann



Random Bzper Of The Week 101

Yarr, that's right, mateys! Ye Random BZPer of thar Week is not finished, but is embarking on a new chapter through the seven seas! Aye! Fire Demon 100 Fire Demon 100 has 30 posts (no star rating, no profile views) and joined BZPower 10-March 04. Apart from their preset avatar of the Huna Hordika, we know nothing about this person. They last visited on the 18th of September 08. Whoa, they actually were here yesterday? I was a bit truthful last week. That was the last banner of that style. Here



Amusing Entry

I don't think I've done one of those in a while. I don't know how to do them anymore. Halp.   Amusingness.  



Random Bzper Of The Week #275: Alphabeticed!

Bless me, it took till a week after posting this that I didn't have a new introduction for this weeks! Well done!   Captain Flowers   Captain Flowers has 1157 posts (4 Star Rating, 2718 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 9-April 06. He is currently most active in General Art, but used to be most active in BIONICLE Artwork: General Art (OK, so that's the same thing, but WHATEV-ER). He has an avatar of some cool drawing with some guys and a guitar, has a banner of Lelouch, wonders when there'll be



Ranbom Bzper Of The Week #287: Alphabetiseb!

Don't know how I feel about this Friday 13th so far. Also everything in that last entry from two days ago is ridiculous. Oh well. Happy Birthday John Egbert!   bionicleboy117   bionicleboy117 has 71 posts (3 Star Rating, 72 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 5-February 11. He is currently most active in BIONICLE Sets & Collectibles, but used to be most active in BIONICLE Storyline & Theories. He has a broken banner. Yep, that's all folks.   He last visited on the 7th of March 2012, and hi



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