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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

Entries in this blog

You Guys Confuse Me

Am I destined to always be in the minority? Because going by the general census I've seen so far, you guys really don't like that trailer nor the upcoming movie for more than just the weird narrator. Bwahaha, this is a crazy site.   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



Lr2 Racers Would Not Win Nascar

Because I like wasting time and doing ridiculous studies, I made a study of the poor driving skills of the Racers from LEGO Racers 2, compared to my awesome skills. And pictures speak a thousand words, so here's a gallery of the longest possible race (Sam Sanister's Slammer, 5 laps), with screenshots taken every 5 checkpoints to show the progress of the white dots, and a comparison with the awesome blue dot that was me. Just as a guide, the green is the finishing line and the yellow are pit stop



Random Bzper Of The Week #122

It's been one of those days. One of those random days. Tahu3989 Tahu3989 has 154 posts (no star rating, 1 Profile View) and joined BZPower 26-November 02. They have an animated avatar of Tahu Mata putting on his Kanohi Hau, again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and is interested in soccer and TV. Silly sport. They last visited on the 31st of May 2003, and their birthday is the 3rd of September 1989. It's nice that these days people put an effort to put in their birthdate.



Back To School...

I think that Geopraphy, Modern World History, Maths Specialised and Photography are going to be excellent choises. Shame I'm mostly in classes where I don't know many people. Oh, and you know how I said on Wednesday that I forgot how good it is to spend time with friends? I realise why I forgot. I lied. It isn't good to spend time with friends if you're me.   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



You May Have Noticed...

But since the 22nd of November last year I have been posting a lot. A minimum of 10 times a day, in fact; all of those 10 guaranteed posts were made in BBC, Art I, Sets and GD. Topped with all other posts I've made in that period I've made 844 posts in just under 3 months, which is definetly a record for me. Not compared to some other people, obviously, you posting freaks. So, back to school tomorrow, good times are over. Or are they returning now? We shall see.   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 




I actually forgot how nice it is to go out with friends to do stuff. Bloody heck, what is wrong with me? Why do I continue to shut everyone out of my life, making myself more and more miserable in my own solitude? Hopefully when I finally go back to school on Friday that will finally rectify that, with some intervention from me. Mmm, went to a sort of breakfasty thing for someone's birthday, all 17 of us. I don't think I've laughed that hard or had that much fun for several months. *sigh* It's a



A Simple Equation

Adobe Illustrator CS2 + Internet Meme To Be + Boredom = I dunno. I think it looks kinda cool, anyway.   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



Challenges I Set You!

1. Can some people learn how to spell Psycho, Psychopath, Psychiatric and words like that right? There's an S sound in the word, at least put some effort into putting an S sound when you attempt to spell them. It's not PHYCO or PHYCOPATH or PHYCHIATRIC. It makes it really annoying to try and search 'phy* -phyoohrii' in the search bar. 2. Somthing I've noticed. When quoting someone, can you get rid of all the stuff that's not important in the quote or isn't relative to the reason why you are quo



Random Bzper Of The Week #121

OH NOES, SCHOOL IN A WEEK, WAAAA. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE. RANDOMNESS. Aqua Iruini Aqua Iruini has 515 posts (5 Star Rating, 190 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 17-July 05. They have a Rayg 2.5 avatar of themselves, as well as what I guess to be a self portrait of themselves as their Personal Photo, lives in Manchester, and has interests in The Mighty Boosh and the Scouts, among things. They last visited on the 6th of February 2009, and their birthday is the 3rd of February 1993. Aw, just misse



I Have No Friends.

On My LEGO Network, that is. So I don't feel entirely left out, and look like I only have BIONICLE characters as friends, why don't those who want to add me to their friends list or whatever add little ol' me. I know, that username is SO masculine. I'm not really using it, I just want to do the BIONICLE campaign. Because I'm a BIONICLE tragic, as you may be aware.   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 




I think you need to upgrade to Pro.   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



Oh Great.

Not only do we both have Silver Avohkiis, Light Blue eyes, being awesome while not being a Toa, make comics, 4 star members, both been major voice actors in two of my projects AND both live in Australia, but now Turaga Dlakii's blog and my Phylog both have a 4.2 Star rating from 22 votes! WHAT'S GOING ON!!! D:   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 




I'm in the living room. Now I'm in the hall. Now I'm in my room. Now I'm in the bathroom. Now the dining room. And I'm walking while typing. Why? Got a new wireless notebook/netbook, which is merely for school and internet purposes. And it's uber fun. I am so space age. On another note, is it just this compy, or all the Brickshelf transparent files except one on this page no longer transparent?   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



Random Bzper Of The Week #120!

Summer has arrived, especially for the poor sods in Victoria and South Australia. Teehee. Otherworldly Toa Otherworldly Toa has 3028 posts (3 Star Rating, 333 Profile View) and joined BZPower 11-October 06. He has one of those 3D spinning mask avatars from Populus (an Avohkii that's half gold and half black), a blueish Kakama as an Personal Photo, like BIONICLE, and, just like everyone else on this planet, does not live in a place called 'Antartica'. He last visited on the 29th of January 2009,



Had To Happen.

First impact within my family that the financial crisis is happening. My only first cousin was sacked on the weekend because of a company failing. Sure, he's not going to have much trouble getting work or anything (he's some metal scientist or something, I dunno, but he's someone in high demand, anyway), but still, it is happening within my family in a sense. :\   The Fourty-First Magazine I got features the LEGO themes City, Indiana Jones, Agents, Star Wars, Creator and Power Miners. It is Dece



Hmm. 2 And A Half Weeks Late.

It occured to me that because of my little spell I had before, I forgot to tell you how my trip to Adelaide was. So, I'll tell you now. It sure has changed. The city is a lot bigger than I remembered (even the area I used to live in looks bigger). The street I used to live in has become rundown, as well as my old house, and the house next door has been pulled down. It was pretty depressing. The old Primary School I used to go to looks exactly the same, it's no different at all. Luckily it was st



The Name's Bruce.

The Thirty-Nineth Magazine I got features the LEGO themes City, Racers, Agents, Creator, Indiana Jones, Batman and BIONICLE. It is June 2008. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 N.B. Have I said how awesome Dr. Inferno's hair is yet? I'm sure I have! ^^ www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



Random Bzper Of The Week #119

Boredom strikes again on a pleasant Friday evening. By now you know what that means. SiC Moses SiC Moses has 57 posts (4 Star Rating, 5 Profile View) and joined BZPower 30-March 03. They have an avatar of someone (so familiar, please excuse my ignorance), lives in Georgia, claims to be an eternal hand grenade and likes hot women. I prefer women that are around 37°C, myself. They last visited on the 10th of May 2006, and their birthday is the 17th of November 1989. That's like, in the 80s! I also



Is It Not A Beautiful Day?

I think it is. And I'm not just talking about the brilliant sunshine and the mild but very pleasant temperatures, either. In other news, as I'm sure you are aware, the majority of the KAST (noticed the pun yet? ) has been selected. I'm sure you can work your way to finding out who made it, you don't need my help.   The Thirty-Seventh Magazine I got features the LEGO themes City, Mars Mission, BIONICLE, Exo-Force, Star Wars and Creator. It is December 2007. Page 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1



Why I No Longer Go To The Cricket

QUOTE(Bellerive Oval's Conditions of Entry) *Patrons will be asked to dispose of any prohibited items!   Prohibited items include: Any opened bottles of soft drink (water etc) (Water stations for refills available at Oval) cans hard Eskis (Collapsible are allowed) alcohol thermoses (Empty thermoses are allowed) glass/china audio equipment of professional standard flares whistles fireworks laser lights chairs and stools horns balls (including beach balls) bikes/skateboards animal



Random Bzper Of The Weeks #117 & #118

Sorry for that, I know I'm a little tick. Ventus Preyus Ventus Preyus has 42 posts (no star rating, 14 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 16-March 08. He has a preset Three Virtues avatar. Woo? He last visited on the 30th of July 2008. Almost 6 months agoooooooo... I wish I could spell banner on my calculator. ------------------------------ Yami Preist Seto Yami Preist Seto has 1018 posts (no star rating, 1 Profile View) and joined BZPower 21-January 03. They have a preset Turahk avatar, doesn't



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