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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

Entries in this blog

Going Away.

So, from tomorrow (the 8th) till the 13th I will be in Adelaide on a sort of nostalgic trip. I used to live in Adelaide for nearly 4 years, before moving back to 2001. Yes, not long after coming back to Tasmania I first found out about BIONICLE. So yeah, it will be interesting how the place has changed and all that. We've even got accomodation in the old neighbourhood I used to live in, which is pretty sweet. Shame it's the exact wrong time of year to be going there, it gets beastly hot in summe




It's not so much that I'm often too unhappy about how my hair turns out (because I don't really care), but it's having to go which is the problem. The process is so tedious and rather painful to experience. I mean, you have to say what you want (and when you don't want a haircut at all, this is even worse), then the hairdresser will probably want to talk to you about yourself, and when you don't give much response they start talking about themselves. THEN you have to pay for a service which in a



I Wub U, Music!

Well, finally, I've been able to work out a way to rip the music from my mum's iPod (which has all my uncle's music on it, and is Macintosh formatted), and get it onto here. All 6914 songs. Hooray. BUT, as people on MSN know, I spent 31.5 hours converting them to Mp3s (because I don't like using iTunes and WMP is way awesome for everything), from around 3:15pm on Friday to 10:45pm on Saturday. Oh fun! And NOW, I have to rename everything, because my Uncle has a weird way of organising his songs



Random Bzper Of The Week #116

First Random of the New Year. Yup. Pakiti Pakiti has 1020 posts (5 Star Rating, 52 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 24-October 02. He has a surprisingly recognisable avatar of a Razor sprite holding a sword thing, is apparently in my closet, has a website, and is interested in BIONICLE and the Yen?! Frankly, I don't think it's something to fear at the moment. He last visited on the 25th of December 08, and his birthday is the 30th of October 1989. Decemberween... Sadly, I can't indulge this guy



Turning From One To The Next

Two hours ago, in New Zealand and other places, they celebrated beginning of the new year. Now, it is our turn. And soon, it will be yours as well. MERRY NEW YEAR!   The Thirtieth Magazine I got features the LEGO themes Exo-Force, BIONICLE, Designer Sets, Knights Kingdom and Batman. It is March 2006. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 N.B. Sorry for the abundantly obvious ripped pages 1 and 2. www.kardiakarrest.webs.com - First round of Auditions open till January 17! 



So. The Final Hoorah.

Overall, it's been a pretty sucky year on a personal level. I have never felt so miserable and alone than I have this year. And I'm purposely wallowing in my own misery. Also, I haven't performed as well as I have usually, at school and on here. Not that the standards for either are very high. One thing that's helped me this year is music. More than ever this year I have been fascinated with music, and my collection has grown immensely over the year, and my appreciation of good ol' punk bands of



Desperate Times...

...call for desperate measures.   The Twenty-Eighth Magazine I got features the LEGO themes Clickits (zomg!), City, Knights Kingdom, BIONICLE, Racers and Dino Attack. It is September 2005. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 N.B. First time a theme aimed for girls has been featured. Funny that. www.kardiakarrest.webs.com - First round of Auditions open till January 3! 



Random Bzper Of The Week #115

Woo, I have made as many RBZPotW's as I have BIONICLE sets, as evidenced in the sidebar and the last two entries made today. Anyway, here's that thing you pay little attention to. avalon32 avalon32 has 15 posts (no star rating and no profile views) and joined BZPower 2-May 03. They have a preset avatar of Turahk. Urgh, that's all? They last visited on the 10th of February 04. Waaaah. I guess it has to suck before it gets better again, yes? Well, a Rahkshi banner is for you, not here guy.   The



Very Last Phynal Phoughts Ever?

This is it. The last hoorah. Unless I actually go crazy and do what I suggested in the entry I posted not more than a short while ago...Anyway, here are my last opinions on the BIONICLE sets. Ever. Probably.   QUOTE Onto the second wave of Titans, we'll start with Vultraz. Vultraz is a pretty scary chappy for a Matoran, and he very much resembles the figure in the Jetrax T6 (more on that later). Basically, he's just a red Gavla, so there's not much to talk about him. The mask is very intimidatin



Day Of The Boxes

Boxing Day today. So...I guess it was Christmas yesterday, yes? I suppose you want a wrap up of what I got, right? Well, OK. Got a couple of nice editions of Dickens books (Christmas Carol and Pickwick Papers), biography of Led Zeppelin, moneys, Disintegration by the Cure, iPod cover (I've just been using a sock for the last 5 months ), LOTS OF BAND T-SHIRTS and Takanuva and Vultraz. My thoughts on those two later, I have three blog entries to get through today. Blarg, now I definetly have enou



Well Aren't These Spiffy?

These rank images, eh? I'm in a prime position, because I'm on the last of the old ranks, so that means I will experience the new ranks very soon, and gee, they sure look good, I applaud the people behind these. Anyway, I've been scouring the Members list looking at the new images, and I've begun remaking something I made a long time ago which I call the BZP Progress meter. It's made from Rayg 2.0 and 2.5 sprites, and it compiles all known ranks into it. If anyone sees any I've missed out, alert



Kardiak Arrest Auditions

Bumped again because of apparent lack of interest. So nothing new, then. OK, seriously now, auditions for Kardiak Arrest are opening completely! (almost) Part 1 of Kardiak Arrest has been completed, and much to my horror, it is...really, really big. I really had no idea how much work I was giving myself and everyone else. Part 1 alone is longer than Titan Olympics! And that was long! Thankfully, it'll be split up for your viewing pleasure. ANYWAY, it is huge, but that means, lots of good voice



Random Bzper Of The Week #114

When I feel Summer has actually arrived, I'll let you know. So far it is 19 days late. Tamagotchi Lover Tamagotchi Lover has 29 posts (3 Star Rating, 40 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 14-October 07. She probably likes Tamagotchi. Just saying. She also have 29 out of 50 MeNOL disks. Also just saying. She last visited on the 13th of December 08. Nearly a week ago! At least we MAY have something going on here. Bannerific.   The Twenty-Third Magazine I got features the LEGO themes BIONICLE, Star



Science Again! I Said Science Again!

Over the last two years, my second love behind BIONICLE has been Homestarrunner.com. I would have gone insane if I didn't get at least one laugh every week from The Brothers Chaps. I've bought some of the DVDs (strongbad_email.exe Discs 1-5), I've even wanted to get a t-shirt. It's certainly inspired me to more funny, and I sure have taken and used a few of their ideas. The point of this entry is this. I really enjoyed playing the demos for Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, and subse




This old camera I've had lying in my room for a while still had photos left in the film after 3 years. So, I quickly took some snaps to use it all up and finally get them developed. Now you're probably aware how hard it is to develop film from cameras these days, as alot of people have moved on to digital. So yeah, had to wait a while, but finally got them, and I was surprised to find what was on there. In particular photos from a Band Camp to Sydney in 2006 and photos in 2005 of some really qui



Results! The Fear!

Ended up with a real mixed bag. I passed with flying colours for Maths and English (the latter being a surprise, I thought the most I could get was a good pass). Then only getting an ordinary pass for French (where I struggled all year) and Graphics, which was a real surprise to me, but maybe because I didn't have enough variety in my work or something. That was a bit hisheartening. Oh, and I failed Audio Design, but that was no surprise as I didn't put that much effort in. Glad about the first



December Aus Lego Magazine

That time of every three months has arrived, where I pretend to give a hoot about this wonderful mag. First off, I was disappointed that neither a Klakk nor contest for Vehicles were to be found. However, as usual these days (hooray!) there's the BIONICLE comic, which again is so much better in hand, the storm pic is truly epic. And yes, there's no doubt the guy on the teaser is definetly BASED off Matoro, but we'll have to wait and see, won't we? The usual contest is for one of the big sets fr



Random Bzper Of The Week #113

So...bored... Leo-Kun Leo-Kun has 21 posts (no star rating, 10 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 20-October 04. He has an avatar of something I can only identify as coming from IGN.com, and he won't reveal where he comes from. He last visited on the 20th of May 08, and his birthday is the 18th of March 1993. Mreeeh. This just isn't cutting it anymore. Sigh. Banner.   The Eighteenth Magazine I got features the LEGO themes Star Wars, Sports, Racers, Orient Expedition and BIONICLE. It is March 200



Well I'm Stunned. Twice.

Well, I really pumped myself up before the contest officially opened to polls. I really thought I could win. Reall.y. My only fear was that people would see how good Magna's Kanohi Colour Convertor was and vote for him. God I'm selfish. But then the polls happened. And I was stuck with Debrick. And I thought this would be fine, it's not even a video, should be good. Made me wonder why Forever Young was there, though. I didn't think much of it, voted for myself, but then doubts started to kick in



Well, I've Done It.

I've made it to 4000 posts. And, if you feel like it, but are in no way obliged to (really), go and vote for Matoran Spheres, which is entry 4. OK, children, just so you know, you'll always go far in life if you have Flash.   The Sixteenth Magazine I got features the LEGO themes Star Wars, BIONICLE, Spiderman, Alpha Team and Harry Potter. It is September 2002. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 N.B. Oh, come on! Anakin Skywalker's™ head is not THAT ugly on the front page. I



Random Bzper Of The Week #112

Last night I had the most random dream. I dreamt I was on BZP and I was browsing the General Discussion forum, and I came across this topic called "Shadow Puppets". So I went to it, and the topic starter said "Which BZP member do you think makes the best shadow puppets?" There were about 12 responses and all of them said me (some without a doubt), except for Lyger who said something like everyone's shadow puppets are equal or something like that. I woke up shortly after that and...yeah, it was r




Well, turns out Aud does get things first once in a while. Like, oh I dunno, Wallace and Gromit in A Matter of Loaf and Death? Teehee, that was highly entertaining. Now all those that will get it have to wait till Chirstmas. But oh man, the stop motion...so good, as usual, and very funny. Well, that's all for today. See you tomorrow!   The Fourteenth Magazine I got features the LEGO themes Star Wars, BIONICLE, Alpha Team and Mindstorms. It is March 2002. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,



Random Bzper Of The Week #111

0000001! 00000011! 00000111! 00001111! Oh! Oh, oh! Oh, One! Stop now everyone here's a random! G DOGG1234458 G DOGG1234458 has 11 posts (no star rating, no profile views) and joined BZPower 20-June 04. Apart from a preset avatar of a Great Matatu, this numerically enhanced member has nothing going for them. Buh. They last visited on the 2nd of April 05. I have feeling they didn't get on much because of the ridiculous username, no offence. Can't do leet here, but it applies so well. Oh well, bann



Kardiak Arrest Auditions - Karda Nui Matoran

You heard the title! Kardiak Arrest Auditions are officially opening! Why? Well, I plan to release a teaser trailer which also doubles up as one of the first scenes in Kardiak Arrest! It only features Av-Matoran voices. The rest of auditions will happen once Part 1 is written. Well, how will the audition process work? Well, below are the different characters. There will be a description where required of any particular voices I am looking for, otherwise it's however you interpret them. There ma



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