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Hello, remember me? Most likely not. It's been quite a while since I've added an entry.   Hate to say this, but I am pretty much done with BZPower. I'll pop in once in a while, but don't expect to hear from me a whole lot. I'm just not into Bionicle anymore. People say, "Hey, what do you think of the Mahri and Barakki," and the response in my head is what the heck is mahri and barakki, some sort of food? As I said, I'm simply not into it anymore and that's just the way it is.



Hi, Peeps...

As you may have noticed, I haven't been on BZP much lately. I don't want to leave BZP, and I'm not going to leave BZP, but school has been really demanding lately. I haven't put up a new comedy chapter for a long time, and this is not because of laziness, this is because of busyness. I'll try to get back at it soon.



Good New And Bad News...

Okay, the good news is that I got 95% on my last LA assignment. The bad news is that I have to write another short story this week! My teacher likes torchering me. Pity me, people, pity me. My dislike for my LA teacher is made up with my like for my science teacher. Lol, he has a great sense of humor alright. Over my online school, he's been bragging about how handsome he is all year. All the students, including me, have been begging him to post a picture of himself. He finally did post




Who could say no to a weekend? You get to sleep in on Friday and Saturday, watch a double-header of hockey on Saturday (if you live in Canada), and do lots of forum-browsing. But... parts of the weekend are torturous for me. On Saturday, my little cousin with a sick mind, a lying mouth and an uncontrollable tongue comes to destroy me. Then on Sunday, one of my parents' friend's kids (a ten year old girl) comes and nags me for six hours of the day. People, please wish me luck this weekend.



Heh Heh... Wood

Who else is happy that they finally fixed the BZP server? I know I am. The main reason I stopped coming here frequently is that a third of the time when I tried to go on the boards it told me to pop bubble wrap and wait. Bubble wrap is fun for a little while, but it gets really, really old rather quickly. So yeah, thank you BZP staff for giving us a working server.   Anyways, I am here today to talk about wood. I am sure this will interest you all… not. Oh well, you’ll live. The last wee



La Assignment

Who here dislikes LA? Well, I don't mind it that much, but right now I'm not very fond of it. My assignment for this week is writing a shot story. I am a half-decent author (don't mean to be cocky), but short stories are not my thing. It's easy to drag on and on, going over every last detail, writing 2000 words, but it is very hard to make a meaningful story out of 500 words or less.   ~Wisey



A New Wisey Comedy!

Guess what, peeps? Wisey comedy is returning in a new way! As you know, I don't have time to run comics anymore, so I am going to go with a less time consuming form of comedy; writing. The comedy will be called Living Life with Doovin, and it will be launched some time this week, quite likely tomorrow! It will star all the original Wisey's comics characters, and maybe one or two more. The story line will be centered around myself and Doovin (anyone who knows Wisey's comics knows this guy),



Cookie Contest!

How goes it, peeps?   I've got a sweet contest for you. If you find a really wierd, bright colored thing in my blog, post a comment on this entry and tell me what it is, I will give you a cookie. And, if you PM Vahki Commander and tell him my blogilaritrophigolagy owns his plain, simple little blog, I'll give you a giant cookie. Okay? Thanks...   ~Wisey



School Week's Over

Well, I got through the school week in one piece. Yay! This week was actually pretty good. I did well on all my assignments, and I got most of my word done fairly quickly. But I am glad it's over, and even more glad that I get a long weekend this week.   In other life's news, I was out at Laser Quest today for my cousin's birthday party. For those of you who don't know what Laser Quest is:   1) You go to the front desk and get your nickname. 2) When the game starts, you go in a very la



Comics Permanently Closed

It's been a tough decision, but I am permanently closing me comics. To everyone who has supported me over the years, thank you. I may bring them back some time, but don't expect it.



Hockey's Almost Back!

Two days from now the NHL regular season is going to be underway! I couldn't be more excited if I was going to Mexico tomorrow. Hopefully my Maple Leafs will do a tad better than they did last season. Missing the playoffs is a real bummer.   Go Leafs Go!   ~Wisey




The most eventful thing that happened today was getting a bone-deep cut when trying to cut a pineapple, unfortunately. My cousin was here longer than expected, so again, no comics done. Man I wish summer holidays started tomorrow...



Blog Updates

If you didn't notice, I've made an update to my blog. I've added... *drumroll*... categories! This here, folks, is a breakthrough in blogilaritrophigolagy! Ha, try saying that word five times fast. Go ahead, give it a try. If you do it successfully, you can brag that you can say a word better than it's creator.   ~Wisey




I'm going on a four day mini vacation. I'll hear from you people soon.



Weekend's Over Already...

Wow that weekend went fast! Two measly days off and then we're all back at it. Well, let's hope and pray we all have a good school week. B) In other news, my sister was at the Provincial Pony Club Championships last weekend, and she proved herself to be the third-best show jumper in the province of Alberta. Congrats, Laura!   ~Wisey



Progess Stalled

Today was busier than expected, so no comic work done today. Hopefully I'll get something done tomorrow.



Comedy Won't Start Today

Today was a busy day, as Mondays always are, therefore I will not be able to start my comedy today. Though I have made good progress, so I will very likely have the first chapter up tomorrow. I am not going to make any promises, but as I said, it is very likely that I'll get the comedy started tomorrow.



None More Today

I'm going to the WeM (West Edmonton Mall) waterpark all day (yeah I've got no school today), so I won't be able to do any more comic work till tomorrow, unfortunately. But I can promise you, these are gonna be better than ever when Wise One's comics: The third era are launched. B)



Wednesday Madness...

Yes, today is "runday". As you probably guessed, that means this is the busiest day of the week. I go through the same process every Wednesday: Wake up as early as my eyes allow me to, do school work, take care of my little siblings while my sis goes to her piano lesson, then the second she gets back I go to my guitar lesson, and the moment I get back from that she goes to her pony club lesson and I take care of my siblings again. Then when she gets back, I go to bed. This day is a little to



New Comedy Chapter Up

I added a new comedy chapter today. Check it out! It is kind of like a second intro, except this one is for the other two main characters.   ~Wisey



School's Done

I worked hard and got my school done one day before I thought I would. Yay for me! I'm going to resume comic work once again this Monday. B)




Nothing done today, but that's not because of business. I would like to get a good animation program before I continue. Microsoft GIF is adaquate, but not very good. I PMed Dark asking him what program he uses, and depending on the cost (if there is one), I might spend some money to buy that program.



Living Life With Doovin Launched!

My new comedy, Living Life with Doovin, has launched! Check it out here. The first chapter is just an intro, therefore it is not that great, but check back often! It will get better. B)



Siblings In A Movie...

Yesterday my little siblings got their parts shot in a movie! It's not a huge thing, it's just a low budget, yet funny comedy called Little Darlins. I have no idea when it will be coming out. For those of you that don't know this already, I got a little part in a movie not all that long ago as well. It's a huge, multi-million dollar movie called The Assassination of Jesse James. I met Brad Pitt, and in fact, he had to talk to me for my part. The movie will be coming out some times around



First School Day Of The Week

So, peeps, how'd school go today? My day wasn't too bad. It was probably the worst school day of the year so far for me, but still, not bad. Ze Visey shalt explaineth to thy... I'm doing a different program for school this year. It's called Saint Paul's Academy, or Center for Learning at Home, whatever you prefer to call it. Everything is done over the Internet. It is very much like a public school, except more flexible, and you don't have to get up and go on the bus every morning. Here



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