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It's my blog. I'm still alive. Probably.

Entries in this blog

Riddle-de-dum #2

First off, I hope all of you that can vote, actually went out and did. I myself can't but I would have if I was 18, I am not though.   Second off, Congratulations to Makaru for getting last weeks riddles, correct. Also, I must say a word about Alku Toa of Rahi, he knew where I got the title. Congrats to both of you.   Riddle-De-Dum I'll post some riddles every week. You try to answer them in the comments, it is that simple. And I will start with easy and more well known riddles. Then progress



Return Of Mustard

Well, I've gone with a classic blog revamp, Mustard of Your Doom. Yay evil mustard!   Really though... there is a reason for this. At New York Comic Con... things happened. There was a horrible mutation involving beans and I was transformed into this:     I am become Fawful, master of the fury!   Anyway, I was working on a NYCC entry for today when the program I was using crashed and everything I wrote up was deleted. So, I will write it up again tomorrow after work.   After all the fun covere



Restoring Our Computer

Our computer died a few days ago. Such as internet, so I haven't been on in a while. We got internet back after restoring our computer. We still have a lot of programs that must be added, such as my Nintendo Wifi USB Connector. I am back with my ZOMBIE computer though! Muahahahahaha!   Kohaku



Reminiscence Of A Kohaku

Today marks a very important day for me. Today I got my four year spinny:   I can honestly say, its hard to believe I've stayed here so long. But, I think I'll invite you all with me to the past, when I was a newb with a short story of when I joined.   When I first found BZPower, I honestly didn't know what to think of it, although I was surprised that there was such a large Bionicle site. The first thing I remember thinking is what is a forum? I was utterly clueless when I joined. Althoug




...From being sick.   The monday I got home from Brickfair, I got sick. I thought it was allergies at the time... but I wasn't that lucky. So the past week I was sick, called in two days at work, which was bad because I have had 4 unexcused absences or events (the two days I called in counted as one incident) in a six month period, the good news is the first one drops off on the 10th of September. So I worked and felt horrible this week, today I felt much better... but I was so tired that I di



Recommendations Needed

So, I have Netflix now. Had it since the end of last month.   I want some recommendations of stuff I should watch, mainly anime. But other stuff is fine too.   Here is what is in my queue so far: Gurren Lagann: Vol. 1 Dead Space: Downfall Beast Wars Transformers Seasons 1-3 Homestarrunner: Everything Else Strong Bad Emails (Hey at least I'll finally get around to watching them. ) Gravitation Interstella 5555 (Daft Punk) With all the discs I have like 30 in my queue, but I want to know what el




First off, I recommend Bionicle Legends #11. It is epic.   Second, I picked up Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood for the DS on a recommendation.   I myself also recommend Kirby Superstar Ultra for the DS.   And... my niece is over for the weekend... joy!   Be sure to ask more questions too, in the previous entry!   Kohaku



Recent Stuff

Recently I got a ton of awesome stuff. Not only from ACen but from some rummage sales.   I'll start with the long overdue ACen stuff.   First some awesome Zelda related drawings. And a Zelda comic. Zant.   Mario and Yoshi. Coin Block, which when hit makes the coin sound.   Sword Kirby!   PINS! Reboot, Umbrella Corperation, Link, Toshiro, Death Note, Geno, And two The World Ends With You pins (Player Pin and O-Pin).   Companion Cube... in an envelope.... more than meets the eye... Compani



Recent Lego Sets

So, recently I got the Lego January 2012 Catalog. I was overall not really impressed by the new selection, except for a few things.   Thus, I will now playfully mock the Lego sets from their pictures. I’ll start with the themes in the order that they appear. I will discuss the themes in general but I might point out specific sets. I'm not doing all of them, and I'm going to be fully detailed on all themes. These are just my first thoughts.   All of this is done in fun. :3   Lego Ninjago So appar



Reboot And Smrpg

First order of business Reboot is back. Kohaku is happy.   Second, SMRPG is going to be on Japan's Virtual Console giving us in America hope that we will get it.   Third, Mario Kart Wii hates me. When I am losing I get the worst freaking items. Even in battle I get horrible items.   Kohaku



Really Awesome News

My aunt went home today!   This is after she has been in the hospital since December 30th, 2006. This news is a relief to me and the rest of the family.   Now all that is needed is for my grandfather to get out of the hospital. He is doing good right now as he is in rehabilitation.   Kohaku



Ready! Go!

It is almost time... hours from now the North American version os Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be upon us. And don't think for a second I haven't forgot about the Smash Factor, it won't be ending now that the game is out. I have a few fun Smash Factor entries planned for when it does come out. I'm sure a lot of people, even those who don't have the game will have fun with it.   Shortly, I'll be leaving with a friend, we'll be doing some errands and then waiting... watching... Brawling.   Whe



Random Stuff...

Well, I was going to post who the new Klement's Racing Sausage was going to be... however due to the fact that my source never gave the information it is rather difficult to do that.   Now then some signs that have been seen in the past:   -Bargain Basement Upstairs -Would the person who took the step ladder yesterday please bring it back or further steps will be taken. -The town hall is closed until opening. It will remain closed after being opened. Open tomorrow.   Also a quote on creativ



Random Stuff - Blog Stuff - Crazy Stuff

Let's see... I'm going crazy, but you knew that already.   I need to get my Blog Pimp'd, it would look so much better. But who will get to help me... I still am not in the knowing of that yet.   Fawful: Kohaku, please give me a chance to do it.   No, all you will do is make 50 content blocks all saying, "I Have Fury!" (Can you even have that many?)   Fawful: So, what? Fury is awesome!   Indeed it is. But you already changed my subtitle on my blog.   Anywho, I've been working on my epic




I just ordered some RAM for my laptop which seriously needs it. Yay for RAM!   Kohaku



Psp Game Ideas?

So, I'm getting a PSP this week, and I need some game ideas from those of you who have a PSP.   I'd like to at least get a few ideas before this is lost in the sea of blogs...   Kohaku



Psp And Dissidia

So, I finally got a new PSP for $130, it was the Ratchet and Clank bundle at my Walmart. It went onto rollback late last week so I picked it up then. As of right now I am borrowing Dissidia, until I can purchase it.   Dissidia is a ton of fun, definitely an enjoyable game especially seeing as how it is almost impossible to put down. Even to post this blog entry... anyway I'm going to go kill Kefka now. He is not serious enough.   Kohaku



PSA: Miiverse for 3DS is now live!

For those of you who don't have a Wii U but do have 3DS, you can now get in on the Miiverse fun! The major 3DS update that includes Miiverse just went live!   If you want to follow me my handle on Miiverse is Kohakuchan.   You can also find it here on the website: https://miiverse.nintendo.net/users/Kohakuchan   Miiverse is pretty awesome and I recommend that everyone checks it out.   UPDATE: There is also an update for streetpass.   You can also post screenshots to Miiverse with the 3DS. To do



Profile Update

So, I finally updated my profile. Check it out. You might learn a bit about me. :3   Also... this is the first I noticed we can put pictures into our profile pages.



Preparing For Snow

Ok. Last night it snowed, a lot. It started well before I went to work at 4:30 PM, yet when I was done at 10:00 PM, there were still NO plows out and no salters. Let's just say the roads were dangerous, and not a thing was done to prepare. There were plenty of accidents due to the dangerous conditions. (I wasn't a part of any, but I did see a few.)   We had at least 10" of snow near me. Where were the plows? Why was no one ready? Know not, do I.   And if you think they don't usually prepare,



Power Go Boom And Fire

Yeah, our power went out for a second.   Also a garage near our house burnt down earlier. At least it wan't their house, it's still sad though.   I feel I forgot to say something...   Kohaku



Postal Woes...

After I got yesterday's mail I saw that I got my subscription to Electronic Gaming Monthly. The bad news is that it was in a thin clear bag which said that, "We sincerely regret the damage to your mail during handling by the Postal Service."   Now this has happened to me before but the reason I'm more upset than normal is it has happened more than once in the past two months. In order they are my Nintendo Power magazine, my Lego BrickMaster magazine, and now my EGM magazine.   This is disappo



Postal Rant #3

It happened AGAIN!   *Goes insane*   Two months ago my Brickmaster magazine arrived in shreds. This month it arrived WITHOUT the Bionicle Comic. This really getting on my nerves, I pay for Brickmaster, so I shouldn't have to have them resend two issues two months in a row. I've noticed that the problem starts with the fact that Lego no longer sends the magazine in the plastic slip it used to come in. Which I think it is kind of stupid. I know it costs money to package them like that, but I th



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