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It's my blog. I'm still alive. Probably.

Entries in this blog

Party! Woot!

Woot!   Gotta party today. This explains everything. I'll make a post in it after my party.   Anyway the Brewers beat the Pirates 10-0 last night. Woot!   Current Brewer record for games I've been at this season: 1-2   Kohaku



Paper Mario: Sticker Star

As I don't have anything new to report on the Permit situation, I'm going to post something a bit different today. After all, this isn't the doom and gloom blog.   I downloaded Paper Mario: Sticker Star a while ago and I've been pondering how I've felt about it ever since I beat it. This is kind of a spoiler free minireview.   Sticker Star isn't a bad game... but it isn't a great game compared to the other games in the series. I like Paper Mario: Sticker Star, but it could be so much better.   T



P S 3

I finally played one today. I'll admit it was fun playing Resistance Fall of Man and Virtua Fighter 5 (I think that was the title) but I wasn't really impressed. Sure the graphics are great but it was no where near as fun as playing the Wii.   Anyway, I prefer the Wii over the PS3. The Wii is more fun and that is more important to me than the fun which can come from the current PS3 games.   Kohaku




Well, it has been a good run on BZP, but sadly I feel that I can no longer perform my staff duties. Ever since Sandy hit I've tried to keep focused on my life and getting that back together. And real life always comes first.   This isn't a decision I've made lightly, I've thought about this for a long time. The BZPower staff has always needed a certain level of fabulous.   I've had a lot of great experiences and I've made a lot of friends through this website, and I'm not planning on leaving any



Orange Range - *~asterisk~

Everyone posts lyrics. Well, I'm posting Translated lyrics(from Japan). Beat that. ORANGE RANGE - *~Asterisk~ The light of the stars in the night sky when gazing up The ancient feelings, wishes pass the ages, it reaches without fading color Someone's cries that is reflected in the sparkling eyes Emotions on the wind, wishes on the moon, we continue to live as long as we have power, even today Even our feelings will some day continue to light in someone's heart like that star 1, 2



One Year Of Wii

Today, marks the first anniversary of the domination of the Wii.   Therefore in a week of game related entries... I present the Wii-O-Rama. And by that I mean a list of my Wii Games.   The list, in order of purchase: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii Sports Super Paper Mario Bionicle Heroes Mario Party 8 Wii Play with Wii Remote Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Mario Strikers Charged Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Bleach Shattered Blade Super Mario Galaxy   Wii Channels: Disk



Old Yet New School Mocs...

You may be wondering what in the world is Kohaku thinking with that title. Well I'm making a few level mocs based on New Super Mario Bros.   I have an idea for one of them and it will be the classic flagpole ending of level 1. I do plan to make a few characters from the game. Think boxing ghosts. I also plan to do a few other levels, I still have not decieded which ones.   Therefore I'd like to know what levels and characters should I make. Old school Lego Bricks or technic type? It is a lar



Old School Gaming

I got 2,000 Wii Points today. Needless to say, I was thrilled.   The first and only game I got today was Mario Kart 64. This leaves me with 1,200 Wii Points. (The 200 is left over from when I got The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.)   What am I to get? Ideas? Or should I wait for other games to be released?   For a list of current and upcoming Virtual Console games: Click here.   Kohaku



Oh Yes!

Today I found out I won a three-day two-night vacation! Details to come when I can actually calm down enough to post them.   And yes it is an actual prize not some timeshare.   WHEE!   Kohaku, who is freaking out a bit!



Oh Ridley?

There comes a time when words cannot describe things. At other times words can. This is one which can't.   First we have some words from Old Bird:   Now we have a game that should be made. It would be the greatest game in the history of games(Idea by Kohaku, image by Kinali):   And just where does Nintendo get ideas? From a road trip! Take a look:   Discuss. Also, bonus points to whoever knows who the old guy is in the last picture.   Kohaku



Of Customers And Dragons

Today I'm doing something different. Fiction! Mostly fiction... the customer was real... and was actually on the phone... and this happened a few days ago.   Sometimes while at Wal-Mart I deal with customers. Shocking, isn't it?   Sometimes these customers need to learn about something called an instruction manual. You booklets that come with electronic devices.   They also need to learn that Wal-Mart isn't the place to go for every single problem about the product they bought. There is so



Of Boxes And Kittens

So yeah, there are a lot of things going on for me right now. One of these things has been long overdue for a blog entry.   I'm moving.   Later this month.   From Wisconsin to New York.   Needless to say this means I shall be busy and probably won't be on BZP that much, I will still be checking PMs though and will still be on IM. If you need anything those are the two ways you should contact me.   So yeah, this is a big change and I'm sure I shall address more details in the future.   In



NYCC 2012 Cosplay

Okay! Thanks to Aleks being fabulous at making some of the images smaller and such, let us get this show on the road with some cosplay!   New York Comic Con was a ton of fun, we hung out with some friends we went with and then I even got to hang out with Disky for a bit. Not to mention all of the free stuff that we got and our cat ears. (OMG I WANT THE TAIL THAT IS COMING OUT TOO) :3   I'll be posting some and linking to the gallery with the rest.   We'll start with some of our own cosplay!    



NYCC - Bill Nye

On Saturday of NYCC I got to meet someone awesome someone who helped make science fun:   Bill Nye The science Guy!     We also got his new book and he signed it. We had to wait three hours in line, but it was worth it. His book is unreleased, as it releases next month. And the book, autograph, and photo were all free! It was very classy and it hit me in the feels. I've been a fan of The Science Guy since well before Bionicle! :3



Now You're Playing With Power

Sadly, today it has been announced that Nintendo Power will be shuttering its doors. It might continue on as a digital magazine, but sadly things look grim.   This is pretty sad to me as I grew up with Nintendo Power and I personally will be sad to see it go. To me, even though we live in the digital age, there is nothing like flipping the pages of a magazine. The feel of the paper is fabulous and fantastic.   Update 11:30 AM EST 8/22/12: A statement provided by Nintendo reads:  



Now Playing

Hey all, sorry for the lack of updates. I can say that there is a fantastic reason for the lack of updates as well as the recent lack of activity. Trust me, he knows who he is. (I asked him to make an account here too, although he hasn't posted at all... yet.)   In other less personal news, I've been playing many games recently.   Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story   Scribblenauts   Fossil Fighters   Metroid Prime Trilogy The surprise hit on the list is Fossil Fighters, I've known



Now I Know How Kex Feels...

Let's see in the past two days I've been mistaken for a girl. (Much like Kex when he was Princess Peach and his current name Gwen Stacy.) Now then for the proof:   First Time - My Reply Second Time (It may be edited by the time it's read.) - My reply (This qoutes it so it doesn't matter, and it continues a couple of posts down, not many though.)   So, let's just say Kohaku = 100% Male.   Kohaku



Not Another Mistika Rant

This really isn't.   This is a rant about those who do rant on about the Mistika.   I'll start slowly. It needs to stop. All of it. So many of you have already decided that you think the sets "suck", and honestly, I've heard this same complaint over the past few years about new sets. Most people complain. All the time. Seriously you guys need to stop with the complaining. There are multiple reasons why, and I'll go into a few of them.   I'll start off by giving my opinions of the sets. I hav



No School

It's too cold outside! The temperature is 1º F. outside. Too make things worse the wind chill is 35º below zero. Near me you'll get frostbite after 10 minutes.   *Kohaku freezes*   It is not good being an Ewok in the middle of winter!   Wicket



No Rest I Say!

Let's see... important things right now are all work in some way, shape, or form. Even BZP, and well, tomorrow I'm off, so I can actually catch up on a few BZP related activities.   I was planning to get a few things done today and tonight, luckily for me I had places to be in the morning and I had to stay two hours more than I was scheduled today. So, tomorrow is being devoted to my time off. So I'll be here tomorrow to answer some PMs and all that jazz. Of course some of my time will be devo



Nintendo Swag

Working at Wal-Mart I am able to get my hands on some goodies.   Here is the group collection, some DS Lanyards and badges...   ...badges of The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Mario Party DS, ans Super Mario Galaxy.   This is an Elite Beat Agent card on a DS lanyard, my Department manager gave this one to me. The text on the card says: Elite Beat Agents E.B.A. Elite Beat Agents Headquarters   BEAT AGENT codename   BA2 0687A-9877-PDT23 This is to certify that the wearer of



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