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It's my blog. I'm still alive. Probably.

Entries in this blog

I Return

As most or some of you know, I needed some time away from the busy life of being a bloggie. I am back, and have been with a small update about the accident my mom was in which to me makes me doubt the very police. It makes them more incompetent than they all ready are.   The basic thing is the officer who collected the reports is only basing his findings on what the other people said. Findings of which are obviously wrong. He had his report done, BEFORE he collected my moms statement. He added




A lot of things are happening in my life right now, so, I'm taking a few days off of BZP.   Needless to say, I'm a bit depressed by how things are right now.   First, my mother was in a car accident last week, then a couple of days ago my brother was in a bike accident. So he suffered a skull fracture, broken collar bone, and some bruised ribs. The good news is he is currently at his home. It's just so hard when both my mom and brother are in pain... and I can't do a thing... especially for my



Car Accident

My mom was in a car accident today.   She had a compression fracture in her back, but other than that she should be fine. She's had them before so I'm not too worried, I'll be helping her more than usual though.   But I was filled with many emotions earlier when I had no idea what happened.   Please if you can keep her in your thoughts.   Kohaku




You make Bowser cry!     You fiend! What did you do to him?!   Kohaku



Final Fantasy Iv

I just picked it up... so far I'm enjoying it, definitely one of the best looking DS games.   I'm not far enough into Final Fantasy IV to give any huge opinions yet.   Kohaku



Psp Game Ideas?

So, I'm getting a PSP this week, and I need some game ideas from those of you who have a PSP.   I'd like to at least get a few ideas before this is lost in the sea of blogs...   Kohaku




Just got home from seeing The Dark Knight.   Words cannot describe how awesome this movie is. It may have been long, but every single thing was in it for a reason, it worked so well.   Do I really need to say how awesome The Joker is? Every time he was on the screen it was incredible, Heath Ledger, was simply incredible, and he will be missed. He was definitely better than Jack Nicholson's performance.   Go out and see this movie, it is definitely worth it.   Kohaku



A Super Verses

It's been awhile... I'm straying away from normal Verses entries, even if it has been ages since I actually posted one. This one is one that came up during work... at Wal-Mart. Yes, we are insane to think of such a thing.   I understand that it is completely insane for such a thing to ever happen because it is impossible...   Super Saiyan 4.   Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta vs. Super Saiyan 4 Sephiroth vs. Super Saiyan 4 Link   Yes, they are all extremely powerful, Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z, Sephiro



Post E3

So E3 is done, and many things came out of it. Most of which I don't care about right now cuz I only want to talk about two games which will be awesome. Both of which are Wii games.   Animal Crossing: City Folk Now, first there is the WiiSpeak which allows rooms of people to talk to other rooms of people. Which is awesome, and I'll be picking it up. I'm even more excited by this little fact: Katsuya Eguchi announced that not only will players be able to transfer their characters and accumul



Happy Birthday!

Today is a special 25th birthday...   The 25th birthday of the Famicom! Most of us weren't even born when the Famicom was released in Japan in 1983. Granted, it didn't get around to the United States until 1985 under the name of the Nintendo Entertainment System or the NES.   Fun Fact: Nintendo of Japan continued to repair Famicom systems until October 31, 2007, attributing the decision to discontinue support to an increasing shortage of the necessary parts. Amazing!   Expect my thoughts on E



How Mata Nui Was Put To Sleep

I posted this elsewhere on the net, and I figured you guys would like it.   Teridax: Hey Mata Nui. I gots the evil intentions! Mata Nui: lol, what? Teridax: We can like use all this power to own all the Matorans! No everyone in the world! We'd be the best ever! Mata Nui: But It wouldn't be us that is ruling, it would be the power. Teridax: So we get all the power, none Great Beings could stops us!   It was then that I realized Teridax was going to use his shadow powers for evil.   Mata Nu




This song fits perfectly with some stuff going on in my life right now, which I'm not ready to go into on here right now.   Calling Lyrics by: SAWA Vocals by: Leah   Calling, You hear the calling*   Let me go Gravity What's on my shoulder? "Little by little, I feel a bit better" Let me go, Set me free, I feel a bit older Just once more unto the breach "Dear friend, once more"   Wake up, leave your hesitation Wake up, Time for us to realize Wake up, Show appreciation Wake up



But I Don't Wanna Be A Pirate!

I went to another Brewer game. This time the Brewers took on the Pirates, and came away with a sweep winning the game 11-6!   It was an good afternoon, nice weather, nice breeze, and awesome game. I've given up posting the details of the games cuz I know that bores you all to death.   Anyway, it really allowed me to think about something that has been on my mind, which is something I really needed.   Kudos to those who know where this blog entry name is from.   Kohaku



Duro Fabula: Temple Of Fiends

Once again it is time for the next Duro Fabula episode... however... it has been decided to make this even more interesting as not all parts of the stage will be posted within my blog. That's right. More than one blog will have the series. The other blogs are Alku's and Kinali's. Just when and where they will appear? Nobody knows. Not even I know. If you missed the, Intro to Duro Fabula, you might want to read it before finishing this entry. You'll be less confused that way. Duro Fabula:



Fun For The Whole Family!

Coming in 2008! The NEW game from Kinhaku Entertainment Inc., we proudly present, Hungry Hungry Shenani-Hippos! Now with 300% MORE Shenanigans! You can get it for the low price of $99,99,99!



Best Day At Work. Ever.

Seriously.   Yesterday, the best thing happened at Wal-mart.   I got to tear apart a PS3.   You just reread that sentence didn't you? I saw you.   I'm sure you are all wondering what is going on. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading.   I'll start from the beginning. Sometime last year a defective PS3 was returned to my store. This defective PS3 was used as the display model because for the most part it still worked fine and it did what it had to do.   Anyway, a few months ago it died comple



Your Training

TEN HUT!   YOUR TRAINING BEGINS NOW!   THOSE WHO PASS WIN A PRIZE Bench press a tank 1,000 times Move a mountain Lift the island Survive the Acid Obstacle Course USE SPELLCHECK USE GOOGLE TO SPELL SARGENT RIGHT! Read all of Wuthering Heights in one setting! Attend 10 different Vogon Poetry Sessions! Take a special six-week class over summer vacation from drill sergeant Barbie! I WOULD LIKE TO THANK THOSE WHO SUBMITTED IDEAS HERE! YOU ALL GET A SOME ICE CREAM!



New Training Regimen

TEN HUT!   I am currently working on a new training regimen for all of you!   However, I want YOU to help provide ideas to the regimen, the best of which shall be implemented in an entry tomorrow night!   GO AND THINK OF CRUEL AND UNUSUAL WAYS TO TRAIN! AND REPORT THEM HERE OR SEND THEM THROUGH THE MEMO SYSTEM!



A Problem Of Mine

So today was a bad day a horrible, horrible, disaster of a day.   Yes, it is storytime. Gathered friends listen again to our legend of the Bionicle...   Wait... wrong story.   Anyway, there is an associate who works at the Wal-mart I do, and she and I don't get along. At all. And the event started when I was helping a customer. I was explaining the prepaid cell phones to this customer, who was asking me questions. And she asked for the Connection Center keys, but it was the way she asked for



The World Ends With You

REVIEW* Will the game be praised or slaughtered? First, I'm going to start out on a good note. This is FACT. Anyway, recently I picked up a game called TWEWY. Or at least that is what I call it. Normal people call it "The World Ends With You", and crazy(read: awesome) people call it "It's a Wonderful World". Regardless, of what you call it it is a video game for Nintendo's handheld juggernaut the DS. At least that is what the PSP has been crying about. *punches PSP* TWEWY is




ALL YOU SLACKERS ARE NOW REQUIRED TO DO 500 FINGER PUSH UPS!   And that is just for beginners!



Severe Flooding

Some of the people who I've talked to know I've been getting a lot of rain in my area, and I mean that. So much so that a few states are in states of emergency.     The area I'm in is safe right now. However, my county is one of those in the State of Emergency. That doesn't mean that I haven't seen any flooding, I have seen my share of flooding. Some spots usually hold a lot of water when it rains, and right now they look like really small lakes. The bad news is these are the fields of the f



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