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It's my blog. I'm still alive. Probably.

Entries in this blog

It Happened Again...

Alternate Title: Postal Rant the Fifth   I was being very patient last month and into this month, However, yet another problem has occurred with my Brickmaster. Last month I didn't get my set. You may remember from previous posts I've had trouble before. Which is why this has gotten past the point of no return per se. When you've had problems like this you can get ticked off, I'm obviously kinda ticked off by this whole thing. Either someone at Lego or someone at the post office keeps screwing




Yesterday, I was in foods, which sucked more than usual. Why? Stuff had to be moved or taken off the sales floor for new Hannah Montana stuff. Including a ton of soda. Yeah the pallet wasn't the best for it... when lifted the soda wanted fall to the left or right. The pallet they were on was plastic and relatively weak. However we got it to the back room. I never want to move a pallet of soda again... Curse you Pepsi!   Then I got to zone foods. How fun.   Then my night was over... or so I th



Fix It Already!

You know whats funny, when there is a road sign that says dip or bump. So instead of fixing the dip or bump they put a sign up.   My mom laughed when I pointed that out, she never thought of it that way.   Kohaku



Smash Factor: Geno

There a plenty of things I'd like in Smash Bros. Brawl. However, there is only one thing, I want in more than anything else. If only that one character was in, it would make me happy. His name is Geno.   Now Geno is a character from the most memorable RPG of all time to me, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Geno was sent to Mario's world by a higher authority, and Geno's true name is this: "♥♪!?". Geno took the name of the doll he possessed, mainly because that name is actually pr



Smash Factor: Kingdoms And Masterpieces! Oh My!

When it came to updating this week, Sakurai delivered. Where to start though? With all the Brawl stuff this week on the Smash Bros. Dojo there are plenty of good topics.   From Manaphy to the Mushroomy Kingdom to Iwata Asks to the Masterpieces. Where to start?   I'll start with the huge ones, namely the Mushroomy Kingdom and it's music. The Mushroomy Kingdom is the very first level of Super Mario Bros. And it's BACK! This time for Brawl, however something has changed... Welcome to World 1-1




Kohaku, who used this with permission from Kinali



A Fun Little Quiz

So, recently a friend sent me this small little quiz. I found that it was quite fun, and so I'll share it with all of you.   Linketh - (Link seems to work best in Internet Explorer. At least for me.)   I scored a 20. Try it and then discuss! Don't give away answers or questions though.   Kohaku



Preparing For Snow

Ok. Last night it snowed, a lot. It started well before I went to work at 4:30 PM, yet when I was done at 10:00 PM, there were still NO plows out and no salters. Let's just say the roads were dangerous, and not a thing was done to prepare. There were plenty of accidents due to the dangerous conditions. (I wasn't a part of any, but I did see a few.)   We had at least 10" of snow near me. Where were the plows? Why was no one ready? Know not, do I.   And if you think they don't usually prepare,



Memory Card Data Corrupted

Last night... it happened. One of the tings a gamer fears most. Memory Card Corrupted. It was my GameCube memory card. My main one. The one that I had -EVERYTHING- on. Upwards to at least 20 games. I had a few on backup memory cards... only two. Super Smash Bros. Melee and Mario Kart: Double Dash.   I'm glad to still have my Melee Data, although I lost my awesome record though. It was actually going to be a part of my Smash Factor series. I'll say what it is here.   Event Match #4: Dino-wrang



Ice Bowl Ii

This playoff game... has been deemed The Ice Bowl II, that is how cold it is. Kopaka would be shivering in his boots... if he wore boots.   Go PACKERS!   Kohaku



The Smash Factor

This is a new feature I'll be starting in my blog, with at least one update weekly. This is the first. And I suppose I should tell you about the banner. The banner was made by a friend, Kinali is his name, Brawling is his game. Of course we discuss the updates, but then who doesn't? Either way the banner is win, thanks Kinali!   Now the main focus of The Smash Factor is to discuss new updates and some things that I would like to see in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Of course there is more to it than



I'm Alive

The past week I had trouble with internet. So I vanished off the face of the Earth... or Bionicle Planet... or wherever we are now. Either way I am here once again, and so I have to catch up on blog work. Cuz it's hard to work without internet.   However, I have a special entry I'll put up tonight, and it will relate to an ongoing series of Blog Entries I will have in the future. It starts tonight at... whenever I get it posted.   This message brought to you by the Space Pirate Lottery, "We s



Your Winning Lotto Numbers

That's right members of BZPower, pull out your lottery tickets! We here at Megaframe are ready to announce the winning numbers!   Drumroll please!   *Drumroll*     Did you win? Were you one number off? Discuss the winning numbers!   Kohaku



Basch Fon Ronsenberg

Is my new avatar.   This is the first time since forever where my avatar isn't Kohaku.   In unrelated news, Phantoka Get!   Kohaku



New Stuff

With Christmas being over and my having time, I figured I would post about some of the stuff I got. (Whether as gifts or via money.)   I'll start with the LEGO.   Bionicle: -Karzahni -Kirop -Solek -Tanma -Barraki Deepsea Patrol -Toa Undersea Attack -Toa Terrain Crawler -More Squid Ammo than you can shake a Toa Nuva at...   Wii Stuff: -Wii remote -Nunchuck -Wii Zapper -Classic Controller -Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles   Plus, my favorite, my new cell phone. An LG UX380 thro



Joke Gifts

With Christmas now done and now that I can actually get on here, I will soon post a list of things I got and or bought with Christmas money. But first an intermission.   I got a joke gift this year, The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 The Complete Series, it is quite funny.   Plus I gave my own joke gift this year. You see, I'm trying to get my dad into the DS so I got him a game, True Swing Golf, that isn't the joke. I put it in an old Bionicle box, and sealed it... with duct tape. I even a



Nintendo Swag

Working at Wal-Mart I am able to get my hands on some goodies.   Here is the group collection, some DS Lanyards and badges...   ...badges of The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Mario Party DS, ans Super Mario Galaxy.   This is an Elite Beat Agent card on a DS lanyard, my Department manager gave this one to me. The text on the card says: Elite Beat Agents E.B.A. Elite Beat Agents Headquarters   BEAT AGENT codename   BA2 0687A-9877-PDT23 This is to certify that the wearer of



Give Me Heat!

Our furnace went out. I am freaking cold right now. It is now 16°F or -8°C for you other people that is outside. It is much warmer inside, but I'd like some heat tomorrow, otherwise I'll go insane. Anyway, I must go fetch blankets.   So yeah... Gimme your fire!   Kohaku



No Rest I Say!

Let's see... important things right now are all work in some way, shape, or form. Even BZP, and well, tomorrow I'm off, so I can actually catch up on a few BZP related activities.   I was planning to get a few things done today and tonight, luckily for me I had places to be in the morning and I had to stay two hours more than I was scheduled today. So, tomorrow is being devoted to my time off. So I'll be here tomorrow to answer some PMs and all that jazz. Of course some of my time will be devo



Let Us Not Forget...

Let us not forget about those who are not as fortunate this holiday season.   Recently, another associate at the Wal-Mart that I work at had his house burn down. And to help him out we had a small bake sale in which the funds will go to him. It is sad when something like this happens, and with this time of the year it is even sadder.   I of course donated and bought a few treats, it may not be much but every little bit counts.   Still, never forget those who are less fortunate, not only at




This was funny... yet sad, cuz seeing Yoshi die by falling into the abyss is always sad. And lava. Let us never forget the lava. Remember, Lava is dangerous for your pets.     Also, I own no part of this image. I just wanted to share it with you all.   Kohaku




Wheee! 20% Discount!   We used my 20% Discount on one item at Wal-Mart. So, my family finally got an HDTV, it has yet to be installed. Putting it up will happen tomorrow or Tuesday. It is a 32" Samsung LCD HDTV. That is the big news.   I finished the Christmas shopping for my mom today, she will love her gift. I won't say what it is cuz she may or may not read my blog. I also picked up My French Coach for the DS, I'll be getting that one on Christmas, but it'll be fun to learn another languag



Smash Bros. Rant

I'll be killed by people on the internet for this...   There are a few things about some Smash Bros. fans that really get on my nerves. (I'm talking about all around the internet not just here.)   First is about people who complain about the Smash Bros. Dojo, I'll use a few examples. People complained about the widescreen support and the Donkey Kong. People said it was one of the worst updates ever, yet I think it is important to know that there is widescreen support, vsure not everyone has an



The Packers At The Cowboys

In about five minutes the biggest NFL game of the year will start. And many people won't see it. I however will, for free. The Green Bay station AND Milwaukee station both cover it. The rest of Wisconsin wont see it. Nay, most of the nation won't. Many people, will be angered.   Anyway, I may give a few updates in the entry, if I have the time.   Anyway, GO PACKERS!   Update Area: 3-0, Pack scored with a 47 Yard FG. There should have been interference on the Defense though.   Kohaku




Title is German, it means Button Allocation. I wonder how many of you clicked it though?   Anyway... I recently got some more Nintendo goodies. Including another DS lanyard. I'll be posting pics later tonight hopefully. Or tomorrow.   I picked up Futurama: Bender's Big Score today. A funny movie which closes up many loose ends... while continuing the series. More movies next year for it, which I now want more.   Been busy these last few days. Black Friday sucked... so did the day after. Also



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