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But now is not the time

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Contest 58

Optimus isn't going to make it. There's just not enough time in my life.   However, what this means is I get to build the MOC without worrying about the should-be-defunct 75/25 parts ratio rule.   Which means a better MOC for you (and Brickfair!) to enjoy.   EDIT: I forgot to put this here.   Early WIP photo. The MOC doesn't look like this anymore, and he has a different head IRL.  



Something New.

I have entirely re-vamped my blog.   You'll notice there's not a list of blogs I approve of in the sidebar anymore. I have conveniently moved said list to an older entry, and linked to it in the 'Atlas' section instead.   And instead of "Musical Stylings" (which had existed from the very beginning, with albums not so consistently switched out to match current tastes), I have opted for a small photography sampling. Each image links to a larger, full-frame version of said image. I plan on consta




Making song lyric entries that have just a line and encourage others to post the next line is considered a comment drive. Which is against the rules.   Just so you guys, you know, know.




We have a blog contest going on right now. In case you guys forgot.



I Heart The Zoo.

(Yes, I do!)   At the Tulsa Zoo and Living Museum:   (Pictures link to larger versions)               There are a few more in my Flickr gallery.




Fringe was renewed for a third season!   This brings me joy.



This Is True.

Georgia Tech is full of evil. And then full of more evil.   Wrapped in a shell of evil.



Internet Rebellion

Today I was told that Internet Rebellion wasn't dumb, it was just radical.   Radical? Really?   Radical is sitting at a counter where you are prohibited to sit because of centuries of discrimination built into the very legal code, and not getting up or retaliating no matter how intensely you are ridiculed or beaten.   Radical is refusing to eat until the illegitimate authority that has ruled your land through fear and intimidation, along with outright terror, leaves. And not only that, but s




Why do you all keep writing about 'all this drama going on with BZP' in your blogs?   Where is this drama everyone keeps talking about??



This Hill Is Going To Kill Us.

Denizens, today I relate to you a story, a story borne of trials, tribulations, and yes, dear readers, of joy, truth, and awesomitude.   It is a story I like to call "Trying to get to Austin."   So, I had Monday through Thursday off from work this past week. My friend Mike and I decide, hey, why not, let's take a trip down to Austin, Texas. I've never been, and he has some friends he hasn't seen in years down there. So, we do what spontaneous people do best, and we made plans a few days in adv



The Feast Of St. Valentine.

Hey, did you guys know that Valentine's Day is properly referred to as the Feast of St. Valentine, and commemorates a Catholic Saint who, legend says, was executed by Claudius II?   So, say something kind to someone you care about today. They could be gone tomorrow.



Life, Or Something Like It.

I've been meaning to do this for awhile, but I keep forgetting. Anyway, this is a very different semester for me, so I thought it was time to update on my life a little bit.   So, for the past four and a half years, I've been a college student living in a college town, away from home, and sometimes not sucking at the whole college experience. Last semester, I even became the head of a House Church on campus with twenty or so members. Being a college student has been one of my defining character




If any town needed to win a championship right now, it was New Orleans.   Saints!



Something I Missed.

Somewhere in the crazy hubbub that is my life currently, I didn't notice that my anniversary had passed.   I have been a member of BZPower for eight years.   EIGHT.   (And as an aside, there are now eight blog staffies. Boom.)




Building the alternate Teridax seems kind of silly.   Also, why do all of these kind of contests have to be canon?



I'ma Just Say It.

Kirsten Dunst was a terrible Mary Jane. Tobey Maguire was a terrible Spider-Man. James Franco was a passable Harry.   A reboot is in the best interest of everyone. Let's get a sarcastic smart aleck for Spidey this time, and not only a natural redhead for Mary Jane, but a natural redhead with actual acting skills.



Confessions, Not Resolutions.

So today began the year of oh-ten. Instead of writing up some goofy resolutions, or a retrospective, I'm going to write some random thoughts and confessions from 2009.   - I don't miss the once-close friend who dropped me from her life back in January. - I still don't think there is anything good inside the 'country' genre of music. - I secretly enjoyed watching Kanye interrupt Taylor Swift. - I think she's a terrible musician. - But I don't think Beyonce had a great video, either. - I lov



Jet Ray

And most importantly:     I'm going to do this like Primus did.   Pros: BIONICLE compatible pieces Better torso than the Inika/Piraka torsos New pieces in old colours New pieces! More cohesive aesthetically than BIONICLE Cons:Expensive Expensive Expensive Consist solely of chunky pieces No pins or axles Tiny feet Feet have the socket facing the wrong way for maximum posability Head is goofy Claws can't hold things Did I mention these sets are expensive?? I want to get a few more for specific



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