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Supa Supa Theory Challenge

So this is how it's gonna work: Many parts of the movies were poorly explained because they were just stupid that way, sometimes. So all you storyline buffs are going to come up with theories that explain these discrepancies, okay? For the Supa Supa Theory Challenge. The best of these theories I'll ask Greg about (Using my incredible powers of persuasion), and if you're lucky maybe it'll become canon.   The challenge: Compose a theory to explain how Takanuva was revived at the end of MoL.

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X


I've decided to stop talking to myself and instead talk to a bunch of other people. And by "talk" I mean "complain." I went swimming at a public pool for my friend's birthday a couple days ago, and it's had some unexpected consequences... I was under the impression that June 28 was on a Friday, but it wound up being on a Thursday. So I got a call asking if I was coming, which woke me up. Half-awake as I was, I ran to his house without sunscreen. I'm very susceptible to sunburns, but I thought

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Summer 2009

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Interesting... Though I don't think they're quite as great, overall, as the Winter sets, they look pretty nice. Let's see:   Mata Nui: It's a shame that there's no gold, but I'm still liking the look of him. Can anyone tell what color his eyes are?   Ackar: Still not a huge fan of him, but his color scheme is very welcome. I've yet to decide whether I like his Berix-helmet, and I wish the sword-thing wasn't silver. Good flame-piece, though.  

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X


So, I saw two movies yesterday.   First, my friends and I went to the Wolfman, and it was good. It was slightly predictable at times, but overall I enjoyed it a lot. (I'm a sucker for Victorian settings.) The special effects and make-up work were really nice, too. Some good jumpy moments... I've noticed that moments like these make up practically half the running time in modern horror films, but this one handled them pretty well.   (Quick tangent: I remember in "The Hills Have Eyes" they use

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Spherus Magna

You know all the theories going around about Spherus Magna splitting into pieces after the war over Energized Protodermis?   ...   That's exactly what happened to the Slizer Planet, isn't it?

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Someone's Got It In For Me

Cooool guy wind, blowing every time you move your mouth, Blowing down the backroads headin' sooouth. Cooool guy wind, blowing every time you move your teeeeeth, You're an coool guy, babe. It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

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