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Bio Not Mech

Exo enjoys many hobbies, such as soup licking, and being awesome while hosting spam on blog which is on fire and should be extinguished with toxic methane gas. Exo wubs Biomech eternally. Which was fruit cakes. I am Bagel Man. Exo eats many squirrels without their own acorns in his magic hut while wearing thick socks on some Goodyear tires. He also eats people who are all fat with salt and ketchup while dancing around town and riding park rides while ignoring cheating Miobech who nobody really l



Oops - Zap

I went to plug in a radio, but I had left one of my guitar strings by the power cord, and it had gotten almost intertwined with the plug...and I didn't notice. So yeah, when I plugged it in, sparks flew everywhere for a second or two. It was awesome.   Oh, and now the power outlet is burned. Like, black.   But I'm okay. Not that you care.   Similar thing happened a few days ago, I was setting up my new computer speakers (SUBWOOFER YAY LOL) and I had to hold the end of the cord in my mouth



Just A Head's Up - Yes, A Posessive Head Thar Lawl

I'm entering BBC 40, but all I've got done so far is the weapon and maybe the head. Not sure about the design yet, and I can't decide between a black and red design.   Jungle Protector failed to get past the first round last time, but I'm not giving up on humongousnormous MOCs. The weapon (undisclosed so no one gets ideas - so sportsmanlike ^_~) is about a foot or two tall, and the rest of the MOC is going to have to be that large too so he can wield it.   So yeah. Since I didn't enter the las



This Is The First Blog Entry

ever posted on Monday, January 1, 2007, 4:56 PM, US Eastern Standard Time   Bet you're jealous.   Happy New Year's! What did you do?   I fell asleep eventually.



All The Rage Episode 1

Link: Right click, Save As, or just click on it Time: Just under 7 minutes Size: 6.7 MB Stupid: Yes   El oh el   Get that fanmail in, that's the most fun part of the show And the microphone sucks, so the voices sound weird. But it works.   And it's .wma, but I'll try to get a mp3 or RealPlayer type up tomorrow, and I'll offer both mp3 and wma formats for the next episodes.



Thee Yea Annivesay

No R's? Gah!   I was going to make some joke about the R's, but I forget it. So yeah, at 11:03 tonight, it is my third year on BZP. Awesome.   (Never mind, I got it already. Awesomer.   I was in the "beauty" aisle in the grocery today, and I noticed this face wash with green tea and peppermint in it. But I think there's something wrong with your cleaning formula if I'd rather eat it then put it on my face.



Date Announced!

You're going to be getting a fistful of Black Light on January 12, '07, and then one chapter each Friday after that until the middle of May, where the story leaves off for the sequel to arrive sometime far later next year. Celebrate, I'm not procrastinating!



My New Year's Resolution.

1024x768.   o u c wut i did there lol.   Seriously, how 'bout your New Year's resolution, or just your resolution?   UPDATE ON EXO'S LIFE LAWL   I saw MST3K's dubbing of Manos: The Hand of Fate today. Wow. Let me give you the typical movie scale...   Very Good - A well-done movie that you'd love to see again. Good - A movie that you enjoyed. Okay - It was alright, but you don't wanna see it again. Less Okay - You put up with it. Bad - Wasted two hours of your life. So Bad It's Funny -



Comedies Aren't Funny

Don't work towards 300 words. Let your creative juices flow as they please. If you have to add filler in it to make it larger, writing comedies may not be your thing.   Any comedy with "Ask" in the title has been done before. Don't think it's original just because the character hasn't been used before.   If emoticons aren't necessary to your story, don't use them.   And just a personal rule/suggestion/tip of mine: If there is any sort of joke, and I mean any, that mentions, alludes, talks abo



Augh, My Dad Broke The House

Yeah, an old TV just went through the floor of the attic, ceiling of the garage, and landed on the concrete ground of the garage.   >_>



You Suck.

This entry is a tribute to the wonderful vacuum cleaner that resides in the closet. Scares cats. Picks up stuff off the floor. Picks up cats. Scares stuff off the floor.   But nah, really. I'm thinking more along the lines of this blog.   You get over 100 entries, you start getting low on ideas. That's why I'm -       SECRET TITLE AWARD!     The Title Award for today is "Coolest Thing I Want To See On BZP". This topic got me thinking. What would a Tohu comic be like? Well, one, he doesn't



All The Rage

Podcast! FROM MINUS FOUR STUDIOS. OH YEAH.   Coming soon. Workin' on it with Mog. Ta-daaaa. Expect...stuff.   Woo.   I'm making good progress on the epic, Black Light. Got the story mapped out. It should be finished in February, but the first chapters will be posted starting in January.



The Bzp Blog Yellow Pages

This is your Who's Who list for blogs. My personally recommended ones, which I will add a few more to every so often - if you don't see yours on here, don't worry, I either haven't gotten to it yet or I don't like you. Nah, kidding, but I'll be adding the more-updated ones first.   Llama Llama Blog - Dokuma - Link Star Rating: 4.1 Added: 1/8/2007 Dokuma has the occasional good idea around all the pictures of his crazy uncle and random "wat?"ness.   The Life Of Lady K - Lady Kopaka - Link



Lol Lol Lol Lol

Eek, BZP just had an inappropriate Google ad. o_o   But anyway, my semester ended Wednesday! What now, punks!!?!!?!!?!!?!?!   I've become prone to grammatical overusage, too.   And random awesomely good pictures through Photobucket scouting.   lol lol tremendous lol



You Won The Prize!

I hid an image somewhere in my blog.   Go find it, and keep yourself occupied for five minutes.   First person to find it gets a statue in his/her honor.   Well, not really.   But anyway.   Yeah.




I'm going to find a way to change my cell phone number to "E-X-O-1-3-3-7".




I estimate I've gotten roughly 5 hours of sleep out of the past 80 hours. Too awake last night, then had to study for a biology thing, and an English paper...   But! In the past 45 minutes, I have wasted 4 dollars on four bottles of Vault at the vending machine, and drank them all. I do believe I am now awake.



Ba Ba Buh Buh Bum

I got a bunch of used CDs today for no real reason, except that they were dirt cheap, and I like one or two of the songs on them. Two early Soundgarden CDs (for Flower and Fopp), Lostprophets (Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja, the ba ba buh buh bum thing, y'know), three old Cure CDs...and like, five or six more. So I added 78 more songs to my library today, bringing the total up to around 1200 something.   But you don't care. You want a rant, don't you? El oh el.   First, though, I have to tell you t



It's Thanksgiving!

So give thanks to the people who had to endure so much to give us our cool country while we get drunk, eat turkey, and watch football while yelling at the TV screen with family members who are also drunk.   Because it doesn't matter whether you're 5 or 105, you will get drunk on at least one family holiday per year.   If that's not the true spirit of America, I don't know what is.  




I think I edited it about 5 more times after uploading, but eh.     Tuesday gave me a bunch of free time.   I get to do a presentation in biology! Woo! Since my fellow classmates have to rank my presentation on a scale of 1-10, I'm planning to pass out candy to everyone at the beginning. Who here thinks I'd make a great public relations expert? *raises hand*   "So, could you explain the presidential scandal that is sweeping the nation?" "We have no comment at the time, but who wants some S




It's the theme of today.   For instance, this blog entry is lacking in content.   *shrugs* I'm tired. Lacking in sleep.   Go ahead and make comments that lack in things. I don't really care. You could do something like lackey or lactation or lacerated or some word that sounds like it.   *thinks about shrugging again, but decides it'd take too much work, and would make this no longer be lacking in shrugs*



Uuughh, Wow, It's Early

I have a test. Testy test test. So I got up really early, studied, and am almost ready to go take it. Well, and do the rest of school too.   It's about Egypt



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