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I Hate Swords

No, not because of Kraggh. I've hated swords for ages. He just inspired me to actually post this. I don't hate Lightsabers though.     Oh, and on the subject of hate, I don't actually hate my brother. Just the things he does. Then again, since people are defined by what they do, I suppose I do hate him.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


Let's say you have two teleportation machiney thingies. Whatever you put into one of them comes out of the other one. What happens if you put one into the other?   Probably not a new paradox, though.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


I've changed the blog around a bit. I'll update the hall of death later (I think I actually have a good idea for a Sidorak picture).   Now comment on the Magnaguards or I'll shoot you with a Bulldog RLR.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

As Mrs. Who Would Say It

"You don't think anything that Skeeter cow-..." "I have shown you the letters from countless parents who remmeber you from their own days here, telling me in no uncertain terms that if I sacked you, they would have something to say about it-" "...if you are holding for universal popularity,I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time."   Quite an awkward comparison, especially that Rita Skeeter bit, but the message is the same. I wanted to work in the part in there about Aberfo

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


I went to bed early yesterday, hoping for a good night's sleep. Well, I got that, and did better in school today. The weird thing is, I got up at one in the morning thinking that it was almost time for the bus to arrive. I didn't even guess that I was wacko until I went downstairs and packed my backpack, and even then, I wasn't even sure that I was right. But I went back to bed anyway. And my mom caught me going up the stairs and thought that I was just going to bed, not getting up in the midd

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


Hooray for Rocket-Propelled Grenades!   Seriously though, I think there needs to be a seperate forum for COT RPGs. It's kind of annoying to go there looking for anything interesting, and seeing almost nothing but RPGs. :annoyed2: Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them or anything. I'm just not really into them, so they just make it hard to find other stuff.   Oh, and I've finally killed Kopaka!

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Not 941 Anymore

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « He's going to have to do something about his famous "There are a thousand ways I could destroy you right now..." quote.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Can You Hear Me Now? Good

I sure envy that guy. I got the grades for my speech back today. I did well on most of it, but the single part that really dragged me down was the fact that I didn't speak loudly or clearly enough. :annoyed2: I have no idea what that's saying, but I don't think it's anything too good.     Oh, and now to talk about Bionicle, I think I'll get Jetrax just to make the Destral Cycle. The idea of a Makuta as a biker is the craziest, therefore best, idea I've heard yet. I still want Rockoh, thou

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

School Election

There was sort of a small election at school today to see who most people in our school support. Obama won by fifteen votes.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

They're Always One Step Ahead...

I hate how whenever I make a brilliant point (or at least a point I think is brilliant) it's always inevitably countered by a point that's even more brilliant. :annoyed2:   I also notice that I tend to start fights with just about everyone I talk with.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

I'm The Jedi!

I spent most of Chinese School chasing people around with a plastic lightsaber.   Oh, and also, I'm not updating my kill counter because it's 1) broken (not sabotaged; you'll do well to remember that), and 2) I'm undead so you can't kill me anyway. Finally, I noticed that almost everyone on my friends list is someone I've debated or tried to kill.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

*is Feeling Great*

I've done my speech, and finished a math test. Probably didn't do so well, though. Still, knowing that it's all done, for better or worse, feels great (in case you didn't understand the title ). My speech was pretty well recieved, though, despite having a dumb blond joke in it. Actually, probably because of it.   I was going to say something else, but I have no idea what. I think it was something about Batman.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Temporary Lull

I do have a speech to make tomorrow, which is pretty poorly put together by my standards (and that's really bad). But I've prepared all I can for it.   Otherwise, I think I can have a break from homework for now. There's nothing really too pressing, anyway. Besides, I need to go bother some people in S&T again, for the sake of my sanity (which is really in a sorry state right now).

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

O_o Yet Again

Since my massive pile of schoolwork seems to be clearing up (I hate freshman year :annoyed2:), I thought I might come back, but I think I'll postpone it a bit more... Actually, on second thought, it's not clearing up at all.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

*hates Being "out Of The Loop*

I also hate it when the capitalization is all messed up. :annoyed2:   But anyways, can someone fill me in on what I missed? Specifically any nifty stuff in the OGD. I know I could check BS01, but I doubt I'd be able to find everything I've missed, since all the new information is scattered all over the place.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

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