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Lego Final Fantasy Teaser

Well I guess I could fill you all in with what is in the works.   Right now I am making airships. Not specifying which, and I have no idea which will be in completion first. No teaser pics as well.   I am also making something from Final Fantasy III and V. Hints: One calls a lot, and the other learns.   A class from Final Fantasy I will get their upgrade from the gracious Bahamut.   And Cloud will eventually make his debut.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Red Mage And Lego Black Belt

Red Mage is a special Job class in the Final Fantasy series, and is featured in several installments. Red Mages typically cast both Black and White Magic. They are known for their versatility in abilities, but they suffer in two major ways: Their stats are incredibly low, and a specialist in a particular ability would be more useful later in the game. Their equipment reflects their versatility. Like most mages, they can equip rods and staves, but they can also equip some light daggers and even s

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Slow Drivers - 10mph On The Highway

Article   Look I know highways can be scary with all the faced paced motion, and you have to keep up with it. But seriously, 10mph? I would have understood if she was going 40mph (highways tend to have a 50-65mph speed limit, and the average driver tends to go above it at 70-80mph), but 10mph is asking for trouble.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Report My Signature

Yes. As you can see, my sig has been violated with a horrendous image denouncing something I never claimed.   But that isn't the point.   The point is that the banner is super large. As members of BZPower, you must report my image to a staff member (just not to me).   That is all.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Happy Holidays

I just wanted to wish everyone here a happy holidays. Remember that this time of year is not about getting all the cool stuff, but spending it with the ones you care and love, like the family or the significant other. And since it is that time of giving, take some time to help around the house, whether it is shoveling or helping your parents with cooking and cleaning to prep for tomorrow. For those party goers, please be safe and careful.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Knight

The Fighter is the most versatile member of the Warriors of Light. He is very strong and a master at a broad range of weaponry. After completing the Citadel of Trials, Bahamut the Dragon King upgrades him to the rank of Knight. As a Knight, he is able to cast low-level White Magic spells. After Fighter upgrades to Knight, he is able to equip nearly every weapon and armor in the game; exceptions are the Heal, Mage and Wizard Staffs; Wooden and Iron Nunchaku; Katana;Black Shirt and White Shirt.

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Leaving School

So I have decided to no longer return to college after this semester. I wish to pursue other things in life such as working skills and stuff.   And plus they canceled my registration for next semester because of a late bill that was due next week.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Rydia And Lego Edge

Rydia, sometimes referred to as Rydia of Mist, is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV. She is a Summoner from the village of Mist and is one of the most powerful Summoners in the village. Rydia is a Summoner, and thus her stats are heavily weighted in the Magic department. As a child, she can equip Rods, Staves, and a Bow and Arrow. As an adult, however, she loses the ability to equip Staves and instead equips Whips and Daggers. Her armor is limited to universal equips and mage equips. E

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Zidane Tribal

Zidane Tribal is the protagonist of the game Final Fantasy IX. He is a thief who works for the Tantalus Theatre Troupe. Zidane's class is that of the Thief, though his personality says otherwise. He is very mature for his age, though he rarely shows it, as he's usually too busy showing off or flirting. One main thing about Zidane that differs from the regular thief (besides the tail and personality, that is) is his choice of weaponry. He wields two daggers or short swords at once (but it doesn't

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

The Credit Given When Credit Is Due

As a news reporter for BZP, I get several news reports on several things.   1. There are times when there will be a report from like 2 members and their names are given as the source. Then they get proto, sometimes. The reason for this is because the report is unique and obscure, so only a few sent it.   2. There will be times when several members send in the same report, and the credit is given as BZP Members. No proto is given. The reason for this is because majority knew about it, and the r

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego White Mage

White Mage is a special Job class in the Final Fantasy series, and is featured in several installments. Their equipment includes staves and maces, but in later installments they used magical rods instead. Their armor, like most mages, is limited to lightweight vests and mage robes. Their physical stats are usually higher than those of a Black Mage (because they cannot defend themselves), but are not as high most classes. Their magic stats, of course, are high. The most prominent ability of a

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


So since I didn't feel like waiting for my damage estimate, I decided to go to another place. Recieved my estimate for approx. $3000 (remember, no insurance), and I will be getting it fixed starting this Monday, and will be finished the following Friday.   I know many have told me to junk the car, but since the car is still in decent condition (other than the front), I don't feel like car shopping at this time of year.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Patience Is Not My Virtue

My car is still damaged. I went for an estimate the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. They said they were gonna make a few calls to total the estimate.   It has been a week since then. There is no progress.   I would like my car fixed ASAP, but at this rate it won't be fixed ever.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Weird Coincidence

So my friend Joe has the same car as me. Same model. Same year. Same color. The only difference is that his is standard, and mine is automatic.   But that is old news for us.   The coincidence is that his car broke down yesterday on the Pike. Although I did not get in my car accident on the Pike, but he broke down near a rest stop, most likely being the Framingham Plaza stop, which is not far from where I wrecked.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Revenant Wings

Got my copy of FFXII: Revenant Wings. So far it is a good game. I like how it keeps the original music.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Say Hello To My Grief - Part 2

So I was on my way to see Meaghan. Driving on Rte 128/I 95 going south. Was also in the fast lane. This was during the rush hour time, so everyone was on the move.   I was going around 70ish, ans I was approx a car and 1/2 length away from the lady in front of me. I know it is close, but considering this was during traffic, it is far. Not sure what happened ahead, but she suddenly hit her breaks. I did not catch it quick enough. I slammed my breaks and tried to stop as quickly as possible, but

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

I Hate Everything

Something huge just changed my life and now I am very ###### about it. Don't be expecting me to be nice over the next few weeks.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

I Am Leaving Bzpower

I can almost count the numbers of how many readers clicked that title. After reading Good Bloggers, an entry about me of course, I decided to write another entry about getting that extra piece of stardom.   I mentioned this before in my Pimp Your Blog entry, but I wanted to say it again. A good way to grab a reader is with that grabber. A grabber means to catch the attention of something. When used in writing papers as such, the grabber is the title of the paper and the first paragraph, more sp

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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