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Major Final Fantasy Lego Updates

I have some finished minifigs that haven't been seen yet here:   - Bartz (FF5) - Lenna (FF5) - Opera Celes (FF6) - Cloud (Advent Children) - Genesis (Crisis Core) - Amano Ballroom Rinoa (FF8) - Amano Ballroom Squall) - Garnet (FF9) - Cid (FF9) - Garland (FF9) - Tidus (FF10) - Balthier (FF12) - Balthier (FFTactics) - Tonberry   And I also finished my second airship, the Enterprise from FF3. It will eventually have Luneth, Arc, Refia, and Ingus minifigs.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


So I picked up Phantom Hourglass today (along with that uber nice guidebook with the golden edges on the pages).   I really don't use the stylus on my DS games, so this game really was a change for me that I have to get used to.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy Xii

I pre-ordered it. I waited in line hours ago. And now, I am one of the first people to own it on the eastern seaboard.   Behold FF12!!!!!     Since I am a busy college student, I will be playing it off and on throughout the rest of the semester. I'll write up some review for it.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


So I bought Final Fantasy Tactics A2, and have been playing it since yesterday. Funny thing is, I been playing it more than FF Tactics, which I don't understand why until now.   Tactics may have a great story and such, but Tactics A2 (and Advance) seem to interest me more. Probably because it is the Ivalice I know, or the better jobs, or maybe its cuz of the Law system. And maybe Judges?

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Garland & Lego Matoya

Garland is the first boss in the original Final Fantasy. Once the greatest knight in the kingdom of Coneria, he is corrupted by evil, and kidnaps Princess Sara. He is defeated by the four Warriors of Light. However, he is also part of a time loop created by himself and the four fiends. When the Warriors of Light travel to the past, they find him again, and he transforms into Chaos to do battle with the heroes. As part of my Lego Final Fantasy Project, I have made Garland from Final Fantasy I.

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

For Those Who Hate Board Messages

Yeah for all those members who hate seeing board messages, well I have something to say to you: Stop Refreshing The Page When You See A Board Message   I been reading that "What Do You Do During Board Messages" Topic in General Discussion, and 3/4 of that topic were replies of "I hit refresh many times". Well I got news for you, you are just making it worse. If anything, you are the cause of the board message.   Just simply wait five-ten minutes. Patience. Please.

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Rude People

So I am driving to school today. Just a regular drive.   Hunting for a parking spot at school. Sometimes a regular thing.   Find my spot. Listen to the last bit of news on the radio. Regular thing.   Guy next to me, opens his door and hits my car. He didn't open it slowly and try not to hit it and accidentally hit it. He literally opened it quickly a minute after I pulled in and hit my car and just mumbled.   I was awestruck by the fact he did this in my presence. I wouldn't be as offended i

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

This Is Gonna Be Fun Part 2

Well as I said before, we are gonna be ghost huntin. This ain't no walk in the park for that matter. We are actually doing this seriously, walkie talkies, mag lights, gear, stuff like that, cuz there is 4 of us and we are splitting up and being by ourselves. I am the cameraman of the group, so I shall be logging everything.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Zidane Tribal

Zidane Tribal is the protagonist of the game Final Fantasy IX. He is a thief who works for the Tantalus Theatre Troupe. Zidane's class is that of the Thief, though his personality says otherwise. He is very mature for his age, though he rarely shows it, as he's usually too busy showing off or flirting. One main thing about Zidane that differs from the regular thief (besides the tail and personality, that is) is his choice of weaponry. He wields two daggers or short swords at once (but it doesn't

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Omi Club Contest #1

Yes.   The point of this contest is to design the very banner/logo of this club. The winner's banner/logo will be the official one of the Omi Club, and shall be highly recognized and praised by Omi himself.   The loser shall be sent to a dark hole and sentenced a life of imprisonment without the Omi necessities: Coca Cola, Doritos, FF, Sony products and Lego.   Anyone can participate. And by that, I mean it is mandatory participation.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Soundtrack To Omi's Life - Final Fantasy Inspired

* Opening Credits: Prelude - Risa Ohki (Final Fantasy Pray album) * Waking Up: Welcome to our Town! - Final Fantasy IV (FFIV album) * An Ordinary Day: Besaid Island - Final Fantasy X (FFX album) * The First Date: Oppressed People - Final Fantasy VII (FFVII album) * Falling in Love: Theme of Love - Final Fantasy IV (FFIV album) * The Rumble: Last Battle - Final Fantasy III; Black Mages variant (FFIII DS album) * The Break-up: Victory Fanfare - (Any FF album) * G

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


For anyone who shops at Wal-Mart, sometimes you notice those 100% pins on an associates badge. They are given out by a supervisor or manager when an associate does something amazing, usually helping out more or some selfless act or anything that is worth merit.   Well after working for 2 1/3 months at Wal-Mart, I finally recieve my first pin for doing such an excellent job with the freezer and managing to keep up with the Grocery Supervisor (Mike), since many can't. What makes it so cooler, is

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


No more headaches, for now.   And I would like to say thanks to certain people (you know who you are ) for helping me out with BF.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

The Beetlejuice - The Ultimate Gun Of Doom

I present you the Beetlejuice, which is made in opposition of the Betelgeuse (another gun). Though they share similar fancy designs and stuff, they are not the same gun and can be awesomely mistaken.   Unlike the Betelgeuse, the Beetlejuice can break the 9999 damage and when equipped, beautiful women will flock to your very presence.   And I know the gun isn't impressive. I made it to be a joke.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Crisis Core

Found some amazing pics from the end of FFVII: Crisis Core.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « For those who have played FFVII, you will recognize this scene. It was a flashback which showed the fate of Zack.   I love the detail of these graphics (these are PSP graphics), and from what I am hearing, Crisis Core is a great game.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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